The Walking Dead-Season 8, Episodes 1-8

First thing I want to say is some of yall are There is no word. It's a freaking made up TV show about a made up zombie world that could not ever actually happen. Yet some of yall cry week after week after week after week about how unrealistic this is. How dumb that is cause it would never go down like that.

Good Lord. Just stop watching then instead of telling us week after week about how you're so close to never watching again because a make believe show about a make believe zombie world is not being realistic enough for your sensitive nature.

That rant aside....

I actually loved last nights episode for a couple of reasons.

#1: Rick is continuing to be true to his word that he doesn't want to, or see the need to, kill absolutely everyone. Rick wants only one person and he wants these other people to realize that there is a whole other way to live, and survive, where it's not through a dictatorship. One that will cost you the very life your fighting to save if you dare to question the man at the center of it.

I love this because as a fan of the comic (Another point for people to keep in mind who cry about how unrealistic it is, being that it's based off of a graphic comic for goodness sake), I know that it goes hand in hand with where Rick wants to eventually take this world when this war is over. His goal by the end of this war in the comic (And I believe it will be the same here in the show) is to prove that you can rebuild a real civilization and work together, regardless of what anyone had to do in order to get there.

#2: I LOVE Darryl in this episode. I loved that he just calmly, without remorse, killed the two saviors. Including the one he actually knew and was in a camp with at the beginning. He has no issue, at all, with doing what needs to be done in order to accomplish the goal they've set out to accomplish. "I know who it was. Doesn't matter." I loved it. It's clear from this episode that when it's all said and done he will be the person who has the biggest problem with what Jesus did. Far more so than what Rick will have with what Jesus did.

That however does lead me to the one thing I really don't get at all about this episode. The one thing I for sure would have changed. I don't like how easily Maggie went along with what Jesus did and appears to have backed him on it. If there is anyone in this group who you'd think would not follow that idea, at all, it would be her. I don't like that but I understand that the message here is that the leaders (Rick, Maggie, Jesus to some extent) all believe in a better world. And to get there they believe in showing that they don't have to kill every one in order to make that world a reality.

I know that for me, personally, I would be more like Darryl on this issue. We set out to end this rule, and end this BS, and I'd be all about killing them all. I also agree with an aspect of the writing complaint here. It's not because it's not realistic but because it simply makes no sense.

What I don't get about what Jesus did is this. Why was it okay to spare these people when they 'gave up' but he was fine with killing the other people without even giving them a chance to surrender? They snuck in and killed people quite a bit during this, took people completely by surprise, and he was just fine with doing that but he's not okay with killing the others because they 'gave up' in an unwinnable situation?

I don't like that particular part of the writing because it's lazy and makes no sense. At least not to me anyway.

Also I want to say on a personal note I get not liking the decision to let anyone live, or to not kill Negan the moment it presented itself from a real life standpoint. Of course in real life if he was stupid enough to walk out there like that you'd have killed him then and there and killed all the others and been done with it. We all get that. I would like to think no one would be stupid enough, in a real situation, to believe that if you let people like the Saviors live that they'd simply change because you chose to only kill their leader. That's just dumb from a real world standpoint. I get that.

But that's why this is a TV show about things that are not ever going to happen. If you kill Negan there it's a waste and the storyline is instantly over which, for a TV show, is a dumb as hell move. Now I do agree that I don't understand why part of the plan was shooting out all the windows. I still don't understand what the point of that was. They're not going to be dropping Walkers in from the windows so it just seemed like another bit of lazy writing.

I will say the attack on the Sanctuary was done a whole lot better in the comic book. At least IMO it was.

I think the glass thing was to disrespect their sanctuary, make it less livable, but not in a lethal way. A shot across the bow, a show of strength with restraint.
I think the glass thing was to disrespect their sanctuary, make it less livable, but not in a lethal way. A shot across the bow, a show of strength with restraint.

Yeah, thinking about it for a bit... I believe your interpretation is correct. Another reason why I think Rick is going to have a "Come to Jesus" moment with Daryl as far as unnecessary killing.
In the after show, Reedus did say that he and someone would come to blows, but not with who you think, which obviously everyone would think Rick.
Maybe I need to re watch these episodes when I'm not buzzed after a day of football, trying to keep with what outposts people are at? I thought they were at the one they already took out, but it doesn't look the same inside
First thing I want to say is some of yall are There is no word. It's a freaking made up TV show about a made up zombie world that could not ever actually happen. Yet some of yall cry week after week after week after week about how unrealistic this is. How dumb that is cause it would never go down like that.

This is literally, the worst argument in defense of poor storytelling. It's constantly used, and I hate it. It's not based on logic.

Having zombies does not give a show carte blanche to do any stupid thing they want. They still have to follow the rules of the world the show is in. The show is basically the real world, but with zombies. People are still people that use logic and reason and emotion to make decisions. Physics still apply. And so on and so forth. The show can't just all the sudden have people jump 30 feet high or punch through concrete walls because it has zombies.
In the after show, Reedus did say that he and someone would come to blows, but not with who you think, which obviously everyone would think Rick.

No, I think the most obvious person Daryl would come to blows with would be Dwight.
When did this happen? I must have missed that.

It didn't. I was just saying that just because one thing in a story requires an acknowledgement of some things that aren't realistic, doesn't mean that anything goes.
This is literally, the worst argument in defense of poor storytelling. It's constantly used, and I hate it. It's not based on logic.

Having zombies does not give a show carte blanche to do any stupid thing they want. They still have to follow the rules of the world the show is in. The show is basically the real world, but with zombies. People are still people that use logic and reason and emotion to make decisions. Physics still apply. And so on and so forth. The show can't just all the sudden have people jump 30 feet high or punch through concrete walls because it has zombies.

Oh boo hoo.

If you see something with zombies in it, in anyway, and think there is some how going to be a cuffing to 'reality' then you're delusional.

The only reason people don't like those remarks is because it simply states the truth. People pounding their chest about realism in this type of setting is idiotic at the very best.

Oh but it's the real world it just has zombies in it!!!! Has to be realistic otherwise despite the entire premise of it being completely unrealistic.

You do realize if they wrote this show in the 'real world' that this out break would never happen, right? In the real world where ever the outbreak of zombies began they'd shut that area off and then nuke it.

Unless you're saying that's its incredibly realistic writing to believe that some how, some way, a zombie outbreak could literally happen in every single place in the entire world, all at the same time, without any actual reason.

It didn't. I was just saying that just because one thing in a story requires an acknowledgement of some things that aren't realistic, doesn't mean that anything goes.
I get that. I was just wondering what has happened on the show that would be comparable to your examples in the suspension of reality. Besides the fact there are zombies running around, of course.
Oh boo hoo.

If you see something with zombies in it, in anyway, and think there is some how going to be a cuffing to 'reality' then you're delusional.

The only reason people don't like those remarks is because it simply states the truth. People pounding their chest about realism in this type of setting is idiotic at the very best.

Oh but it's the real world it just has zombies in it!!!! Has to be realistic otherwise despite the entire premise of it being completely unrealistic.

You do realize if they wrote this show in the 'real world' that this out break would never happen, right? In the real world where ever the outbreak of zombies began they'd shut that area off and then nuke it.

Unless you're saying that's its incredibly realistic writing to believe that some how, some way, a zombie outbreak could literally happen in every single place in the entire world, all at the same time, without any actual reason.


Your response to my criticism of your argument was just to repeat the argument? Okay. Enjoy your poorly written stories.
I get that. I was just wondering what has happened on the show that would be comparable to your examples in the suspension of reality. Besides the fact there are zombies running around, of course.

The stupidity of characters is constantly off the charts. If you want an example involving physics, the van flip several seasons ago. The ridiculousness of the zombies and what little threat they really are until it becomes convenient, etc. There are absurd happenings constantly on the show. The example was hyperbolic to drive the point home.
I think the glass thing was to disrespect their sanctuary, make it less livable, but not in a lethal way. A shot across the bow, a show of strength with restraint.
Watching it made me think of Die Hard ha

As far as plot holes, yes there's a million of them, big deal..suspension of disbelief. My only pet peeve ones are the lack of guns, and decent cars to drive. I could probably round up a couple hundred guns in my neighborhood alone
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The stupidity of characters is constantly off the charts. If you want an example involving physics, the van flip several seasons ago. The ridiculousness of the zombies and what little threat they really are until it becomes convenient, etc. There are absurd happenings constantly on the show. The example was hyperbolic to drive the point home.
If this show bothers you so much, why waste your time watching it? Why waste your time commenting on it?

I used to love watching Dexter. When the show became stupid to me, I quit watching it.
If this show bothers you so much, why waste your time watching it? Why waste your time commenting on it?

I used to love watching Dexter. When the show became stupid to me, I quit watching it.

Not everything about it is bad. But it is getting closer to that point.

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