He went from...Not a single of our Ranks killed to him being the only one to survive among his ranks in the yard.
After saying it a couple of times you knew it was going to change.
The whole chain not breaking at the gate was a bit much to take with a man swinging a huge axe that just split a man in half.
Also I liked how it was such a struggle for the guys carrying crates in the hall way but when they get out side those crates seemed a lot lighter as they
were carrying them without a problem.
The zombies in the chemical creek (sp?) thing was a drag as to what happened....trying to mention it without spoilers
Carol had free shot at those guys when they were ALL loading the gun crates in the hummer...but she instead waited giving the other guys a chance to take cover and prepare for her?
This was after Carol quietly ascended from the floor up into the ceiling and closed the titles before anyone seen or heard her.
So she goes from super stealthy smart ninja to dumb dumb in a matter of minutes.
All the driver has to do is keep his eyes on the road while the guy behind him is shooting the big guns and holding those back that are chasing them...however he gets too busy looking around
and just happens to miss a number of zombies in the middle of the road...yeah that works lol.