The Walking Dead-Season 8, Episodes 1-8

Jumping the shark is subjective, so it's opinion based, not fact based.

Having a bunch of episodes after a jump is not really relevant. Nor are good ratings. It's about the quality of the show, not the popularity.

It caught on from a talking head. No big deal.

In a 2010 Los Angeles Times article, former Happy Days writer Fred Fox, Jr., who wrote the episode that later spawned the phrase, said, "Was the [shark jump] episode of Happy Days deserving of its fate? No, it wasn't. All successful shows eventually start to decline, but this was not Happy Days' time." Fox also points not only to the success of that episode ("a huge hit" with over 30 million viewers), but also to the continued popularity of the series.[5]

Reminds me of the “me too” crowd. Oh, that sounds cool.... “my thoughts too”

Evel Knievel says, “Hi, again!”

I get it... we all believe and follow who, what we want.
Not trying to change anyone’s mind.
All good.
You are on an island on this one......possibly Fantasy Plane de Plane boss

Jumping the Shark was one of the most aptly named theories in entertainment......right there with 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon

When did that show... wait for it..... “jump the shark”? Lol
When did that show... wait for it..... “jump the shark”? Lol

Then again

Excellent points.

Glenn I loved because they kept it with the comic. The first time they've kept the same character, dying the same way. I liked that.

Abraham I was initially very displeased with his death in the show. The reason being I felt they killed him off far too soon in the comic. And Kirkman had said many times that he regretted doing that in the comic. That he too felt he killed him off way to soon. So when he didn't die in the show, the way he died in the comic (Denise took that honor) I thought that the show was going to do the character justice and keep him around a long time. I was looking forward to his part in the war with the Saviors....only for them to basically just kill him 2 episodes later. UGH!!!

But afterwards, after seeing how he went out like a badass (IMO opinion at least) I was totally okay with it because I felt it was true to the kind of person Abraham was.

Eric's death in the show was just...nothing. Didn't really care much about the character (Which is understandable they just don't have the time to make you feel something for every single character, nor should they try as I've said before) but it just seemed very thrown in there as an after thought.

Plus it's kind of weird the way that you don't really see him, up close, dead as a zombie the way you normally do with this show. It was obvious it was supposed to be Eric walking off as a zombie but at the same time it was just like...why leave it with such a weird shot? I don't know. Probably nitpicking on my part at that point.
Glenn was always the Get-away Kid...... that is why I could even buy the dumpster stuff

Having Neegan get him ruined all the close calls and brave solo missions he went to me

I kept waiting for him to be saved and it never came and it didn't make the show was the moment the show died....... there is no revenge that can bring Glenn back to a pregnant Maggie..... there is no father to raise his child in this new world with hope..... a real nuclear family

I don't have the same emotional bonds with any of them anymore after that..... it was too brutal....especially for a 1 1/2 season arc
Glenn was always the Get-away Kid...... that is why I could even buy the dumpster stuff

Having Neegan get him ruined all the close calls and brave solo missions he went to me

I kept waiting for him to be saved and it never came and it didn't make the show was the moment the show died....... there is no revenge that can bring Glenn back to a pregnant Maggie..... there is no father to raise his child in this new world with hope..... a real nuclear family

I don't have the same emotional bonds with any of them anymore after that..... it was too brutal....especially for a 1 1/2 season arc

Fair enough. I can understand that.

From my perspective I felt they kept it the same way, as the comic, because it's probably the most iconic scene in the entire comic to this point. Glenn is very much the same type of person in the comic but I'd say in the written version, at that point, Glenn was really more of Rick's right hand guy. He's the guy Rick leaned on and was important to Rick.

There is no Darryl in the comic for that roll, and Abraham wasn't in it long enough to be that roll. So for the comic Glenn (Who is also married to Maggie and she's pregnant with his child) is the biggest death that Negan can get to shock the group, rock them, and rock the readers.

I feel like the show wanted to keep that moment, that way, because it was iconic but went with the two deaths simply to keep it from being 100% exactly how it was written.

I do understand how some, maybe even many, did not like it in the show due to it's brutality but honestly that's how it had to be in order to be true to the Negan character and to the extreme lengths he's willing to go to make his point and try and force people to realize that he shouldn't be messed with.

Now, on a personal note, where I feel the show messed up and where the comic did it better was Rick's reaction to it. I'm not talking about the immediate one where he tells him he's going to kill him (As that's straight out of the comic actually) but I'm talking about the broken, beaten, Rick afterwards. In the comic Rick was planning, right from the start, to get revenge and to end Negan. They did a great job of showing how Rick immediately was setting plans in motion to go after him, even while playing the part of doing what he was told for Negan and the people at the Alexandria.

It was a great bit of writing for Rick because it showed how smart he was and how good he was at planning things out even when others didn't realize what he was doing.

In the show they made him weak, IMO. They broke him to begin with and it took other junk to get him to be where he should have all along. In my humble opinion that devalued Glenn's loss when Rick reacted that way. Maybe that was just me but I felt like they took the impact of his death and ruined it with the way Rick reacted and then pretty much everyone fell in line. At least the characters who mattered. Beyond just making him look weak when he finally does decide they have to fight they also made him look completely stupid with the dumb deal with the trash can bunch.

No one really cared that Sasha, Rosita, or Spencer didn't necessarily want to go along. They're bit characters, IMO, and their reaction isn't important. The main characters reactions are important.

I get what I believe they were trying to do which was shock the group in such a way that they simply broke. To show the power that Negan's way of doing things can have over people. But I wasn't a fan of that. Rick is supposed to be your #1 good guy. This is your battle of a true #1 good guy against the true #1 bad guy. The first since the Governor. Rick should have been written in the show to be a lot stronger.

Again that's just my personal opinion. I have had some issues with how they do Rick in the show to be honest. Anyone whose read my stuff from way back knows that I also was not a fan of the 'fight' with the Governor the way it was done. I didn't mind that Rick ultimately lost the physical fight but the way it was done where he just basically has his *** handed to him was stupid. That was the first true big time bad guy against your main good guy and it should have been a lot more even. It would have just been better, IMO, instead of making Rick look completely weak.

My other issue with making him look weak to begin with here with Negan is that it's going to make it not as much of an impact if they go with the Negan story even close to how they do in the comic. It will weaken the message that is being sent, IMO. I don't know. I'm a bit bias there because the All Out War in the comic book was some of the best writing I've ever read. It was so perfectly done on all fronts and so I'm a lot more nitpicky with it when it comes to how the show goes about it.
Fair enough. I can understand that.

From my perspective I felt they kept it the same way, as the comic, because it's probably the most iconic scene in the entire comic to this point. Glenn is very much the same type of person in the comic but I'd say in the written version, at that point, Glenn was really more of Rick's right hand guy. He's the guy Rick leaned on and was important to Rick.

There is no Darryl in the comic for that roll, and Abraham wasn't in it long enough to be that roll. So for the comic Glenn (Who is also married to Maggie and she's pregnant with his child) is the biggest death that Negan can get to shock the group, rock them, and rock the readers.

I feel like the show wanted to keep that moment, that way, because it was iconic but went with the two deaths simply to keep it from being 100% exactly how it was written.

I do understand how some, maybe even many, did not like it in the show due to it's brutality but honestly that's how it had to be in order to be true to the Negan character and to the extreme lengths he's willing to go to make his point and try and force people to realize that he shouldn't be messed with.

Now, on a personal note, where I feel the show messed up and where the comic did it better was Rick's reaction to it. I'm not talking about the immediate one where he tells him he's going to kill him (As that's straight out of the comic actually) but I'm talking about the broken, beaten, Rick afterwards. In the comic Rick was planning, right from the start, to get revenge and to end Negan. They did a great job of showing how Rick immediately was setting plans in motion to go after him, even while playing the part of doing what he was told for Negan and the people at the Alexandria.

It was a great bit of writing for Rick because it showed how smart he was and how good he was at planning things out even when others didn't realize what he was doing.

In the show they made him weak, IMO. They broke him to begin with and it took other junk to get him to be where he should have all along. In my humble opinion that devalued Glenn's loss when Rick reacted that way. Maybe that was just me but I felt like they took the impact of his death and ruined it with the way Rick reacted and then pretty much everyone fell in line. At least the characters who mattered. Beyond just making him look weak when he finally does decide they have to fight they also made him look completely stupid with the dumb deal with the trash can bunch.

No one really cared that Sasha, Rosita, or Spencer didn't necessarily want to go along. They're bit characters, IMO, and their reaction isn't important. The main characters reactions are important.

I get what I believe they were trying to do which was shock the group in such a way that they simply broke. To show the power that Negan's way of doing things can have over people. But I wasn't a fan of that. Rick is supposed to be your #1 good guy. This is your battle of a true #1 good guy against the true #1 bad guy. The first since the Governor. Rick should have been written in the show to be a lot stronger.

Again that's just my personal opinion. I have had some issues with how they do Rick in the show to be honest. Anyone whose read my stuff from way back knows that I also was not a fan of the 'fight' with the Governor the way it was done. I didn't mind that Rick ultimately lost the physical fight but the way it was done where he just basically has his *** handed to him was stupid. That was the first true big time bad guy against your main good guy and it should have been a lot more even. It would have just been better, IMO, instead of making Rick look completely weak.

My other issue with making him look weak to begin with here with Negan is that it's going to make it not as much of an impact if they go with the Negan story even close to how they do in the comic. It will weaken the message that is being sent, IMO. I don't know. I'm a bit bias there because the All Out War in the comic book was some of the best writing I've ever read. It was so perfectly done on all fronts and so I'm a lot more nitpicky with it when it comes to how the show goes about it.

I remember Kirkman (the guy behind the graphic novel) saying that "It had to be Glenn" if only because of the transformation Maggie had to go through (becoming a true leader).
Fair enough. I can understand that.

From my perspective I felt they kept it the same way, as the comic, because it's probably the most iconic scene in the entire comic to this point. Glenn is very much the same type of person in the comic but I'd say in the written version, at that point, Glenn was really more of Rick's right hand guy. He's the guy Rick leaned on and was important to Rick.

There is no Darryl in the comic for that roll, and Abraham wasn't in it long enough to be that roll. So for the comic Glenn (Who is also married to Maggie and she's pregnant with his child) is the biggest death that Negan can get to shock the group, rock them, and rock the readers.

I feel like the show wanted to keep that moment, that way, because it was iconic but went with the two deaths simply to keep it from being 100% exactly how it was written.

I do understand how some, maybe even many, did not like it in the show due to it's brutality but honestly that's how it had to be in order to be true to the Negan character and to the extreme lengths he's willing to go to make his point and try and force people to realize that he shouldn't be messed with.

Now, on a personal note, where I feel the show messed up and where the comic did it better was Rick's reaction to it. I'm not talking about the immediate one where he tells him he's going to kill him (As that's straight out of the comic actually) but I'm talking about the broken, beaten, Rick afterwards. In the comic Rick was planning, right from the start, to get revenge and to end Negan. They did a great job of showing how Rick immediately was setting plans in motion to go after him, even while playing the part of doing what he was told for Negan and the people at the Alexandria.

It was a great bit of writing for Rick because it showed how smart he was and how good he was at planning things out even when others didn't realize what he was doing.

In the show they made him weak, IMO. They broke him to begin with and it took other junk to get him to be where he should have all along. In my humble opinion that devalued Glenn's loss when Rick reacted that way. Maybe that was just me but I felt like they took the impact of his death and ruined it with the way Rick reacted and then pretty much everyone fell in line. At least the characters who mattered. Beyond just making him look weak when he finally does decide they have to fight they also made him look completely stupid with the dumb deal with the trash can bunch.

No one really cared that Sasha, Rosita, or Spencer didn't necessarily want to go along. They're bit characters, IMO, and their reaction isn't important. The main characters reactions are important.

I get what I believe they were trying to do which was shock the group in such a way that they simply broke. To show the power that Negan's way of doing things can have over people. But I wasn't a fan of that. Rick is supposed to be your #1 good guy. This is your battle of a true #1 good guy against the true #1 bad guy. The first since the Governor. Rick should have been written in the show to be a lot stronger.

Again that's just my personal opinion. I have had some issues with how they do Rick in the show to be honest. Anyone whose read my stuff from way back knows that I also was not a fan of the 'fight' with the Governor the way it was done. I didn't mind that Rick ultimately lost the physical fight but the way it was done where he just basically has his *** handed to him was stupid. That was the first true big time bad guy against your main good guy and it should have been a lot more even. It would have just been better, IMO, instead of making Rick look completely weak.

My other issue with making him look weak to begin with here with Negan is that it's going to make it not as much of an impact if they go with the Negan story even close to how they do in the comic. It will weaken the message that is being sent, IMO. I don't know. I'm a bit bias there because the All Out War in the comic book was some of the best writing I've ever read. It was so perfectly done on all fronts and so I'm a lot more nitpicky with it when it comes to how the show goes about it.
I wish the writers made as much sense as you do

It wasn't the brutality of Glenn's death, it was the finality of it......... no matter what they did to Neegan and his group they would never get even for Glenn and Maggie......the revenge became pointless..... it was just we kill some of yours and you kill some of ours...... I have nothing left invested in the group

Too many battles with too many maniacs..... the zombie problem is far from over but the biggest threats are still other humans...... it just beats you down after awhile...... what are they even fighting to save?
I wish the writers made as much sense as you do

It wasn't the brutality of Glenn's death, it was the finality of it......... no matter what they did to Neegan and his group they would never get even for Glenn and Maggie......the revenge became pointless..... it was just we kill some of yours and you kill some of ours...... I have nothing left invested in the group

Too many battles with too many maniacs..... the zombie problem is far from over but the biggest threats are still other humans...... it just beats you down after awhile...... what are they even fighting to save?

If they follow the comic you shall see. And it's worth it, if done right. IMO.
Better episode than last week.

Glad to get a little of Negan's back-story.

Kept waiting for Rick and Daryl to start slap-fighting like Deion and Andre Rison.

You watched it instead of the game? its turning ugly now but the we actually led at half lol
I liked last nights episode. It was better than last weeks and I knew they'd do a little Negan backstory, which I'm assuming they'll do a full on flash back episode at some point later on, but I kind of wish they'd waited longer to do it.

I know some people wanted to know more about him but to me it's important to get to where they're going first before you get his backstory. I just feel like it adds more to what I believe is coming then to do it the other way around.

But it was fine. They had him talk a little about it but you don't really get the full effect feel that I believe a flash back episode will give you with it.

Every time they show Eugene the more I want him to die. He's absolutely one of the most spineless and cowardly people....ugh. Can't stand him. It's pretty obvious he's clearly figured out that Dwight is the rat in the group. My question is will he keep that to himself or will his typical cowardice get the best of him at some point?

You knew Rick and Darryl had to get into it at some point over their differing opinions on what to do. I actually am fully behind Darryl that they should just kill them all. Forget the rest of it. They made their choices, maybe under bad circumstances, but no one forced them to stay and be slaves and what not. I get where Darryl is coming from here.

I sympathize with where Rick is at on the situation, as he wants to show people that Negan isn't the only way but I just don't like letting people with the mind set of these people continue to live.

My one huge complaint isn't about last nights's the preview to next week. I am tired as hell of them having Rick deal with these trash people. He was made to look stupid enough last season with them double crossing him I'm tired as hell of him dealing with them. I want him to want to wipe them out.

Rick blowing up the weapons is what was stupid. That should cost them a lot of lives on their side in the end.
Every time they show Eugene the more I want him to die. He's absolutely one of the most spineless and cowardly people....ugh. Can't stand him. It's pretty obvious he's clearly figured out that Dwight is the rat in the group. My question is will he keep that to himself or will his typical cowardice get the best of him at some point?
I hope Dwight kills Eugene first if Eugene outs Dwight in order to save his own skin--by scorching hot oven iron if possible. THAT would be ironically sweet.

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