I enjoyed the episode and I am expecting, and honestly hoping for, the death of Andrea before the season is finished. I've grown more than tired of her.
Theo makes an interesting observation there that maybe Milton kills the Gov. That's something I never thought of and would find very interesting if it happened. I'm hoping that along these final three episodes that Rick's group is able to aquire the black guy and woman (I can't remember their names now) from the the Gov. group. The two who were at the prison before when Rick was crazy. I hope they kill the other two though. Those two are losers.
I also think that Daryl is going to kill Martinez. I just think it's going to come down to those two during the fight and I think Daryl kills him.
I still think at some point that Merle dies. I've thought that for the last few episodes and I really don't see how it's going to go any other way.