The Walking Dead...

Joe Rod;4417460 said:
I just noticed your "Z" term in another post. Coined from World War Z?

Oh yeah.

I mean the term "zombie" is kinda passé.

I remember someone used the term "Bags of puss" in the "Day of the Dead", while being cool and all is way too long for me to type out each time. :D
Tonight's episode was pretty great. Good zombie kills, good story telling.

The whole Rick/Lori/Shane angle needs to hurry and playout though..
So did anybody get bored during that episode??

You really do have to admire the way that zombie kept coming through the windshield even with the glass peeling back the skin on his face. That's commitment. Garrett should show that clip next time he gives an "expectations" speech.

Anybody else find it strange than an alpha-male like Shane wouldn't have turned his attention to the farmer's daughter by now? I think he would have forgotten about ol' what's-her-name at the first sight of her. "Oh yeah, you're right, honey. It was Rick's baby. Later."

I'm thinking it might be time for Dale to go bye-bye. At this point, his only contribution is whining about Shane. Why didn't he get in the car to help look for Rick's wife? Somebody from the main group will have to get eaten or shot eventually, and he's looking like a prime candidate.

In real life, I would expect Daryl to interject between the two lovebirds and tell them to shut the bleep up already. I'm ready for that to end as well.
Dale has kinda become the Debbie Downer of the group. I doubt he makes it to Season 3... Which sucks because I liked him in Season 1.

The glass peeling the zombie's face was epic. I think that was Lori's first official zombie kill, so she did pretty well for herself.

The thing about the love triangle we've got going on is that I think Lori just convinced Rick that Shane is infact dangerous and will not be just willing to live and let live. I hate it because I see Shane dead before the end of the season, and he's the strongest male character. I like Rick but Shane's craziness adds a lot to the dynamics of the show.

I think we may start to see some more living characters with the whole Randall arc. Will be interesting to see if he becomes a character or if he dies off fairly quickly.
I liked tonight's episode...

I was listening to Opie & Anthony this week and they had Andrew Lincoln (Rick) on as a guest as they are big fans of the show...

First of all, he has a very profound English accent so it was quite surprising to hear him talk.

He said that fans are going to be quite surprised by the last half of this season. He said there will be all kinds of twists and turns and that he is sworn to secrecy and he hasn't even shared them with his wife.

His only hint was that they realize the farm isn't quite as safe as they thought it was, and to hold on because the series is going to take some turns that you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams...

Hope he is right...
I thought the episode was very good.

I think the problem with predicting Shane's demise, and it's easy to do at this point– almost too easy.

So far the show has been good at throwing curves at us with characters and what's going to happen.

Seeing the previews of next week's show, with the Rick/Shane altercation, and Rick standing there with blood all over him seems like a setup to me.

The Shane/Lori/Rick triangle seems to be progressing way too quickly.

I think the show is going to weave characters in & out and that's what's happening with Dale's character at the moment. Glenn's getting a little more character development and that's OK too.

I still think the farm is going to get over-run. It will be interesting to see if any of the farm-based characters survive and continue on with the group.
For a moment there I thought Glenn was a gonner. Darn, there's always next week...
Rick also said in that interview that what the scientist told him last year before he died in the season finale, has a lot to do with the direction of the show and how he operates as leader of the group...

He said no one in the cast knows what was said except for him, the writers and the actor that played the part of the scientist...
I can't stand this season. It's like every episode is bad and very little happens...and I'm still completely hooked :laugh2:
trickblue;4422863 said:
I liked tonight's episode...

I was listening to Opie & Anthony this week and they had Andrew Lincoln (Rick) on as a guest as they are big fans of the show...

First of all, he has a very profound English accent so it was quite surprising to hear him talk.

He said that fans are going to be quite surprised by the last half of this season. He said there will be all kinds of twists and turns and that he is sworn to secrecy and he hasn't even shared them with his wife.

His only hint was that they realize the farm isn't quite as safe as they thought it was, and to hold on because the series is going to take some turns that you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams...

Hope he is right...

Maybe Herschel's sick daughter has the virus? Got it from something other than a bite? That could tie in with the scientist's whisper.
punchnjudy;4424062 said:
Maybe Herschel's sick daughter has the virus? Got it from something other than a bite? That could tie in with the scientist's whisper.

that's what they want you to think.

not what is happening.
punchnjudy;4424062 said:
Maybe Herschel's sick daughter has the virus? Got it from something other than a bite? That could tie in with the scientist's whisper.

Who knows... I think the farm will be rushed by zombies...

I think the whisper will be more towards the season finale... if even then...
trickblue;4424139 said:
Who knows... I think the farm will be rushed by zombies...

I think the whisper will be more towards the season finale... if even then...

that part is setup. the town is overrun, philly jerks are whizzing in the corner...

it is time to change and oddly enough, the old man is about to define more and change more than anyone.

i see that coming.
trickblue;4424139 said:
Who knows... I think the farm will be rushed by zombies...

I think the whisper will be more towards the season finale... if even then...

They did say the whisper would be revealed this season. Read that in an article last year.

In the sneak preview, Rick and Shane are fighting at some facility before Shane gets rushed by zombies and flees while Rick hides under a dead zombie in a dumpster (was probably thrown in the dumpster by Shane). If the area is that infested with zombies, then an attack on the farm is overdue.

Has anyone ever died on that show without being bitten or getting a head shot (or incinerated)?
trickblue;4424148 said:
Add this to the death and taxes thing...

i love this series. the problem is that it is becoming a series you have to think to get.

we live in a headline generation.

BOSS is the best TV series i've ever seen but it loses people cause they have to "get it" and the walking dead is walking that line.

they will lose people the better they get.
xout;4422860 said:
Dale has kinda become the Debbie Downer of the group. I doubt he makes it to Season 3... Which sucks because I liked him in Season 1.

The glass peeling the zombie's face was epic. I think that was Lori's first official zombie kill, so she did pretty well for herself.

The thing about the love triangle we've got going on is that I think Lori just convinced Rick that Shane is infact dangerous and will not be just willing to live and let live. I hate it because I see Shane dead before the end of the season, and he's the strongest male character. I like Rick but Shane's craziness adds a lot to the dynamics of the show.

I think we may start to see some more living characters with the whole Randall arc. Will be interesting to see if he becomes a character or if he dies off fairly quickly.

If Shane dies, I think they'll fill that role with the return of Merle.
iceberg;4424159 said:
he's been MIA too long.

I don't they would have inferred that he stole their vehicle unless they were going to bring him back at some point, or were at least open to that possibility.
Well I have had to avoid the this thread as I did not get to watch the show until yesterday evening.

So off to some of my thoughts.

I agree with others, the zombie through the windshield was pretty wicked.

Shane is kind of interesting. The blonde girl hit it when she said that he means well (minus the otis part which she does not believe) in that he does the right thing but just goes about it the wrong way. I also think that his desire for Lori (sp?) is real and he truly believes the baby is his. Which would put anybody in an odd position. However the problem is Rick and you know he is thinking of a way of separating those two so he can have her to himself. I find it odd that he has not been closer to the blonde girl. They have had a sexual relationship in the car but it seems it has not went beyond that. She seems to be the only one that believes and supports him now however it does not seem like he cares. He is too infatuated with Lori. If he lives I wonder if he will eventually partner up with her.

Dale is going about things the only way he knows how. To win others to his view without getting violent. I think he sees how it can play out and does not want shane to kill Rick and it destroying lori and the boy. So he is doing things his way and swaying opinion on Shane to have everyone on his side.

Glenn is interesting as he is not scared of going on missions and putting himself in danger but now that might be changing as he loves the farmers daughter. It seems they want to show a direct contrast of what Shane, Rick and Lori will do for the love of another (put themselves in danger) vs what Glenn is thinking now. Love made the others do things while Glenn is doing the opposite and has lost his nerve.

Part of me thought that one of the other group that surrounded the bar would be Merle (sp?). Maybe we find out he is part of that group later...maybe he never resurfaces.

The other groups reaction (leaving their own) seems to further point to Rick's instincts when shooting the two men in the bar. He knew they were not the same. Even with Shane being a turd, he still we go out to help Lori and boy. The new group showed the one guy leaving one of their own and not even getting out of the truck to see if he could help. One has to wonder if the new guy (randall) ends up staying with Ricks group since they saved him while his other group left him.

I enjoyed Hershel basically telling shane to shut up and that it was his farm. It also should dawn on Shane that Rick was the one he talked hershel into letting shane stay.

Anyone feeling the tension between Daryl and Carol. Or is it Carol's way of showing Daryl that he did not give up on her daughter so she will not give up on him.

Also what is the deal with T-Dog? Not much story line for him for a long time now.

Also Lori is becoming Deb to me. By Deb I mean the Deb character from Dexter. The character that is important to the show but at the same time just kind of annoys you. She creates more drama than is needed and I have to wonder how long it takes before Rick rips her a new one. Last night when she was telling Rick everything and was rubbing his shoulders it seemed like she was really trying to totally manipulate Rick. That end look Rick had was interesting as you figure it had to be him thinking he had to make a hard decision about what to do with Shane. But I also think Rick has to wonder how much crap is he going to have to deal with concerning Lori. I also think this might go back to what the Doctor/Scientist whispered to him. I have a feeling he was told one or two things...that lori was pregnant and possibly that it was shane's baby. Even if he just told Rick that Lori was pregnant he has to weigh the idea that she has known for some time but only told him later.

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