The Walking Dead...

MichaelWinicki;4430813 said:
So, what was the thought on last nights episode?

The Shane/Rick battle was pretty good. Glad to see Shane still around... I didn't think they would remove his character just yet.

Good acting on his part, with the look on his face as he stood there, trapped in the bus, watching the guy he just had a knock-down fight with & and the kid he wanted shoot, take off for the car.

It was a scene that showed that Rick is the better man and it gave Shane a little taste of right vs wrong because we know he would have left and not came back. One would hope that shane would learn the lesson here but I kind of doubt it because the previews show shane and the blonde girl kind of plotting. She is starting to drift toward shane's way of thinking even more.

I think we also see the start of the zombies coming to the farm. You see the one walker heading that way when they are going to drop the boy off and when they come back. You also see the walker group starting to chase after the car when they escape.
BrAinPaiNt;4430821 said:
It was a scene that showed that Rick is the better man and it gave Shane a little taste of right vs wrong because we know he would have left and not came back. One would hope that shane would learn the lesson here but I kind of doubt it because the previews show shane and the blonde girl kind of plotting. She is starting to drift toward shane's way of thinking even more.

I think we also see the start of the zombies coming to the farm. You see the one walker heading that way when they are going to drop the boy off and when they come back. You also see the walker group starting to chase after the car when they escape.

Hopefully Lori gets eaten.

I don't know if it's the actress, or the way she's written, but I find her character insufferable.

"Let the men handle the security".... wow, she from the 50's or what?
Trendnet;4430879 said:
Hopefully Lori gets eaten.

I don't know if it's the actress, or the way she's written, but I find her character insufferable.

"Let the men handle the security".... wow, she from the 50's or what?

Yeah...I said in another thread that she is getting on my nerves. She has become the deb character of the walking dead...Deb character from Dexter.

She might be important to the series but she is just annoying to no end.

On a side note...again we see basically nothing again from the T-Dog role...kind of a waste of a character if they are not going to use him.
I really think those two security guards, who weren't bitten, are going to be very important when it comes down to it.

This is kinda my hypothesis, but I think what the doctor whispered to Rick was that the disease went airborn or something, and can be spread without a bite. That's why Rick would be so adamant that there were scratches on the guards since he knows that the disease could be "caught."
MichaelWinicki;4426222 said:
I think you hit it on the head... Tyreese became T-Dog and Daryl.

iceberg;4426234 said:
isn't there some ninja chic in the comics? maybe i heard it here (in this thread?) but i heard she was rumored to come in.

They definitely need to add Tyreese and Michonne (ninja chic).

Those characters are central to the plotlines that will be approaching.

If you're interested in reading the comic in one big chunk, I'd recommend this:

I got it for Christmas this past year, and it goes all the way through the first 48 volumes.

The comic is better in some ways... pacing, etc, but worse in others. The storytelling and depth of development is much better on the TV show. For those who complain that the TV show drags some times, the comic does NOT have that problem... it is very fast paced. But it does that at the expense of character and plot development many times.

The comic is also WAY more brutal. There are some very dark corners it turns down in there, that I'd be very surprised if the TV show is brave enough to pursue.
A buddy of mine has all the comics through this January and I read them all. I have not read a comic book since I was fourteen, but this series has me pretty hooked.

The "Ninja Chick" is named Michonne. She was a lawyer in the pre-apocolypse days.

The rumor about True Blood's Rutina Wesley was shot down as soon as it started. She fits the description of Michonne 100% though and I have no doubt that she could have spoken a better dialect than what she does on True Blood.
Future;4430903 said:
I really think those two security guards, who weren't bitten, are going to be very important when it comes down to it.

This is kinda my hypothesis, but I think what the doctor whispered to Rick was that the disease went airborn or something, and can be spread without a bite. That's why Rick would be so adamant that there were scratches on the guards since he knows that the disease could be "caught."

You know, I had thought that myself, but Rick actually looked pretty surprised about there being no bites. Maybe he was just having a hard time dealing with it, but I think there is more to what the CDC guy told him.
I thought last nights episode was fantastic, best of the season in my opinion.

As far as the bite-less zombies. It reminded me of a scene from World War Z, a book (that's being turned into a movie) where they talk about people that basically go insane from the epidemic and start acting like they are zombies even though they aren't. That's what immediately came to mind.

As far as it being able to be "caught", I always kind of laugh at how they basically get covered by zombie blood every time they fight them. Rick had some dried blood on his lips last night and I'm thinking, there's no way you shoot a bunch of zombies point blank and you dont' inhale droplets, get some in your eyes, in your mouth, on a scrape or scratch, etc. and yet not a single person has become a zombie from fluid transfer?
Romo 2 Austin;4428866 said:
Shane = Logic.

Because he acts like a pissed off lovestruck teenager?

Give me a break ....... the guy is a base coward at heart ...... only acts like a tough guy when he has a physical or situational advantage.
Joe Rod;4430970 said:
You know, I had thought that myself, but Rick actually looked pretty surprised about there being no bites. Maybe he was just having a hard time dealing with it, but I think there is more to what the CDC guy told him.

If you've read all the books, then you already know what this is leading up to.
Danny White;4430994 said:
If you've read all the books, then you already know what this is leading up to.

Not necessarily. They are pretty significantly "off script" already. They've more or less abandoned the books at this point.
TheCount;4430985 said:
I thought last nights episode was fantastic, best of the season in my opinion.

As far as the bite-less zombies. It reminded me of a scene from World War Z, a book (that's being turned into a movie) where they talk about people that basically go insane from the epidemic and start acting like they are zombies even though they aren't. That's what immediately came to mind.

As far as it being able to be "caught", I always kind of laugh at how they basically get covered by zombie blood every time they fight them. Rick had some dried blood on his lips last night and I'm thinking, there's no way you shoot a bunch of zombies point blank and you dont' inhale droplets, get some in your eyes, in your mouth, on a scrape or scratch, etc. and yet not a single person has become a zombie from fluid transfer?

That is the part that cracks me up if they decide to go with the airborne idea.

That and the idea that they do not show the walkers sneezing and coughing much which is a big way airborne diseases are spread.
Future;4430903 said:
I really think those two security guards, who weren't bitten, are going to be very important when it comes down to it.

This is kinda my hypothesis, but I think what the doctor whispered to Rick was that the disease went airborn or something, and can be spread without a bite. That's why Rick would be so adamant that there were scratches on the guards since he knows that the disease could be "caught."

Good catch on the part about not seeing bites.

A little "Zombie science" here...

Remember the first one "Night of the Living Dead" there was the mention of a radio-active satellite coming back to earth, which triggered the initial outbreak. In the "Night" remake (1990 I think), the first living-dead person encountered was a guy who was obviously had been prepped for his own funeral and then regained motor function.

You would think that even if every funeral home/morg in the US was filled, then there still wouldn't be enough of the living dead to create that many zombies that quickly. There had to be some sort of "agent" that killed folks and turned them into the undead without them being bitten.

Shane talked about the two-week's time that had passed between the time Rick went into the hospital for his gun shot and the time Shane went back and all hell broke loose. Whatever triggered everything went through very quickly.

Also Shane mentioned the shooting of people at the hospital by the military that weren't bitten. Did the army know at that point that some could catch whatever it was by not being bit?
Another intersting point was Rick thinking outside the box and talking about the winter-time not being Z-friendly.

In "WWZ" one of the chapters deals with groups of survivors headed to the northern reaches of Canada and such, and the Z's freezing in place.
MichaelWinicki;4431016 said:
Good catch on the part about not seeing bites.

A little "Zombie science" here...

Remember the first one "Night of the Living Dead" there was the mention of a radio-active satellite coming back to earth, which triggered the initial outbreak. In the "Night" remake (1990 I think), the first living-dead person encountered was a guy who was obviously had been prepped for his own funeral and then regained motor function.

You would think that even if every funeral home/morg in the US was filled, then there still wouldn't be enough of the living dead to create that many zombies that quickly. There had to be some sort of "agent" that killed folks and turned them into the undead without them being bitten.

Shane talked about the two-week's time that had passed between the time Rick went into the hospital for his gun shot and the time Shane went back and all hell broke loose. Whatever triggered everything went through very quickly.

Also Shane mentioned the shooting of people at the hospital by the military that weren't bitten. Did the army know at that point that some could catch whatever it was by not being bit?

Since you brought other zombie movies into the talk.

Return of the living Dead. First it was the zombie that the military lost but when some of the zombie(s) were placed into the incinerator at the funeral home...the smoke fell into the grave yard and bang the dead come back to life.

Now we seen the two dead cops that were not bitten around around the same time frame we seen a few zombies that were burned. Don't know if there is a connection there or not. Would not think so as I remember they burned some at the farm and nothing has happened as yet.

Who knows...just brain storming here since I have not read the comics and I hope that it does not move to airborne transfer because IMO that would kind of ruin it. There is enough strife and all the humans are barely hanging in there to the point of mostly it being a waiting game until they are overcome by zombies...I would hate the idea that it went completely airborne as well and even those that stayed away from them got it as well.
Danny White;4430994 said:
If you've read all the books, then you already know what this is leading up to.

Well, I can speculate on new characters, but the intricate details are hard to say for certain. There are so many things in the show that have not followed the books up to this point. Some good, some bad, but it keeps you guessing if you are strictly going by what the books say.

Honestly, some of the best pieces of this show to date were totally independent of the comics. If they go another route and it pays off, I would not be upset in the slightest.
BrAinPaiNt;4431004 said:
That is the part that cracks me up if they decide to go with the airborne idea.

That and the idea that they do not show the walkers sneezing and coughing much which is a big way airborne diseases are spread.

and the dude that does the crossbow hunting. he's pull it out of a zombies head and reload. the one episode where he was crawling back up a cliff and fell down and impaled himself with same bolt.

he never changed.
BrAinPaiNt;4431047 said:
Since you brought other zombie movies into the talk.

Return of the living Dead. First it was the zombie that the military lost but when some of the zombie(s) were placed into the incinerator at the funeral home...the smoke fell into the grave yard and bang the dead come back to life.

Now we seen the two dead cops that were not bitten around around the same time frame we seen a few zombies that were burned. Don't know if there is a connection there or not. Would not think so as I remember they burned some at the farm and nothing has happened as yet.

Who knows...just brain storming here since I have not read the comics and I hope that it does not move to airborne transfer because IMO that would kind of ruin it. There is enough strife and all the humans are barely hanging in there to the point of mostly it being a waiting game until they are overcome by zombies...I would hate the idea that it went completely airborne as well and even those that stayed away from them got it as well.

Good point about the burning.

I'm not sure that being a factor here, or maybe it was just a factor at the beginning, just because Rick knew they were burning the bodies after the barn-cleanout, and he didn't stop that.

Maybe it's the type of thing that if you were going to turn as the result of an airborne agent, it was going to happen quickly and by this point if you hadn't turned because of that, then you weren't.

The other thing is that we were never told how the scientist's wife became infected at the CDC building... Maybe that's a factor and maybe it isn't.

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