The Walking Dead...

Lori seems like a character who doesn't know what she wants. I actually think Shane was right about her being in denial. She seemed happier before Rick came back despite being in more dangerous circumstances. Also, I can't remember the exact words, but early in the show (before the zombies came along) Rick made some reference to their marriage not being so great. Now she's clearly trying to manipulate Rick into offing Shane. Probably projecting her guilt onto him to some extent. As you said, she is the most annoying character but too important to the plot to be on the menu.
BrAinPaiNt;4424337 said:
Well I have had to avoid the this thread as I did not get to watch the show until yesterday evening.

So off to some of my thoughts.

I agree with others, the zombie through the windshield was pretty wicked.

Shane is kind of interesting. The blonde girl hit it when she said that he means well (minus the otis part which she does not believe) in that he does the right thing but just goes about it the wrong way. I also think that his desire for Lori (sp?) is real and he truly believes the baby is his. Which would put anybody in an odd position. However the problem is Rick and you know he is thinking of a way of separating those two so he can have her to himself. I find it odd that he has not been closer to the blonde girl. They have had a sexual relationship in the car but it seems it has not went beyond that. She seems to be the only one that believes and supports him now however it does not seem like he cares. He is too infatuated with Lori. If he lives I wonder if he will eventually partner up with her.

Dale is going about things the only way he knows how. To win others to his view without getting violent. I think he sees how it can play out and does not want shane to kill Rick and it destroying lori and the boy. So he is doing things his way and swaying opinion on Shane to have everyone on his side.

Glenn is interesting as he is not scared of going on missions and putting himself in danger but now that might be changing as he loves the farmers daughter. It seems they want to show a direct contrast of what Shane, Rick and Lori will do for the love of another (put themselves in danger) vs what Glenn is thinking now. Love made the others do things while Glenn is doing the opposite and has lost his nerve.

Part of me thought that one of the other group that surrounded the bar would be Merle (sp?). Maybe we find out he is part of that group later...maybe he never resurfaces.

The other groups reaction (leaving their own) seems to further point to Rick's instincts when shooting the two men in the bar. He knew they were not the same. Even with Shane being a turd, he still we go out to help Lori and boy. The new group showed the one guy leaving one of their own and not even getting out of the truck to see if he could help. One has to wonder if the new guy (randall) ends up staying with Ricks group since they saved him while his other group left him.

I enjoyed Hershel basically telling shane to shut up and that it was his farm. It also should dawn on Shane that Rick was the one he talked hershel into letting shane stay.

Anyone feeling the tension between Daryl and Carol. Or is it Carol's way of showing Daryl that he did not give up on her daughter so she will not give up on him.

Also what is the deal with T-Dog? Not much story line for him for a long time now.

Also Lori is becoming Deb to me. By Deb I mean the Deb character from Dexter. The character that is important to the show but at the same time just kind of annoys you. She creates more drama than is needed and I have to wonder how long it takes before Rick rips her a new one. Last night when she was telling Rick everything and was rubbing his shoulders it seemed like she was really trying to totally manipulate Rick. That end look Rick had was interesting as you figure it had to be him thinking he had to make a hard decision about what to do with Shane. But I also think Rick has to wonder how much crap is he going to have to deal with concerning Lori. I also think this might go back to what the Doctor/Scientist whispered to him. I have a feeling he was told one or two things...that lori was pregnant and possibly that it was shane's baby. Even if he just told Rick that Lori was pregnant he has to weigh the idea that she has known for some time but only told him later.

I think Daryl will have some real decisions to make before this season is up. He is obviously having a difficult time after they found Sophia, but I'm pretty sure he will need to snap out of his funk when trouble does eventually come. Does he fight for the group when that happens or to save himself?

I also see some character upheaval before this season is done. Quite a few candidates when you consider Herschel and his kids aside from Maggie. It seems pretty obvious that Maggie and Glenn's storyline has some miles on it and Glenn is one of the better characters.

I personally think that Lori is not in the show for the duration. If Shane's character is to meet his demise, then Lori will have outlived her usefulness in the show. If Shane does somehow get offed, then I would expect Lori to have about another season left in her. They would get more miles out of Rick's sorrow than they would his worrying about Lori's safety.

I don't know where any of this leaves Andrea and T-Dog, but it wouldn't surprise me if we only have one of the two left to wonder about by the end of the season.
Interesting thoughts Brain...

You know Merle may not show up again, that is possible.

One of the intersting things about the "Sopranos" is that many arcs weren't completed or they would stick new characters into the series without giving any sort of background story– and it didn't hurt that TV show.

While it seems that Shane's character isn't long for the show, I agree that his character is too interesting to get rid of (right now).

And to substitute Merle for Shane?

Not a good move in my book. Shane's an interesting character. Merle's character is too one-dimensional for me.

I don't think Lori's character is leaving any time soon, but we're starting to see that she has more back-bone than what she showed in the first season.
MichaelWinicki;4424899 said:
Interesting thoughts Brain...

You know Merle may not show up again, that is possible.

One of the intersting things about the "Sopranos" is that many arcs weren't completed or they would stick new characters into the series without giving any sort of background story– and it didn't hurt that TV show.

While it seems that Shane's character isn't long for the show, I agree that his character is too interesting to get rid of (right now).

And to substitute Merle for Shane?

Not a good move in my book. Shane's an interesting character. Merle's character is too one-dimensional for me.

I don't think Lori's character is leaving any time soon, but we're starting to see that she has more back-bone than what she showed in the first season.

Although it has been stated by the writers that everything in the show is not the same as in the comic books...I really would like to read the comics just to see how some things turn out.

In some ways I think it is better that I have not and probably will not read them as everything is new for me in the series.
BrAinPaiNt;4424970 said:
Although it has been stated by the writers that everything in the show is not the same as in the comic books...I really would like to read the comics just to see how some things turn out.

In some ways I think it is better that I have not and probably will not read them as everything is new for me in the series.

I've got the comic book that covers the first couple seasons and have read only up to the point of the group arriving at the farm.

I prefer the TV series characters myself. But yeah, some differences...
MichaelWinicki;4424986 said:
I've got the comic book that covers the first couple seasons and have read only up to the point of the group arriving at the farm.

I prefer the TV series characters myself. But yeah, some differences...
Didn't Shane die long before they reached the farm in the comic book?
Future;4425116 said:
Didn't Shane die long before they reached the farm in the comic book?

Oh yeah. Very early on. Shane was going apeshat at Rick and Carl offed me. Carl became aggressive very early in the comic.
Wish I could SEE this episode. AMC apparently still does not have it available. :(
Phoenix;4425226 said:
Wish I could SEE this episode. AMC apparently still does not have it available. :(

Well, I DVR'd it, so you can swing by and watch it if you have about twelve hours of round-trip drive time to spare. :p:
MichaelWinicki;4425122 said:
Oh yeah. Very early on. Shane was going apeshat at Rick and Carl offed me. Carl became aggressive very early in the comic.

Just curios since you read the comic. Do you think they plan on introducing Tyreese at some point, or is his role somehow carried by the combination of Shane, Daryl and T-Dog?
Joe Rod;4425428 said:
Just curios since you read the comic. Do you think they plan on introducing Tyreese at some point, or is his role somehow carried by the combination of Shane, Daryl and T-Dog?

I think you hit it on the head... Tyreese became T-Dog and Daryl.
MichaelWinicki;4426222 said:
I think you hit it on the head... Tyreese became T-Dog and Daryl.

isn't there some ninja chic in the comics? maybe i heard it here (in this thread?) but i heard she was rumored to come in.
I finally caught up, watched two shows this morning. Good stuff.

There are so many big themes that get thrown around in post-apocalyptic stories. It's tough to beat.

I recognized the killed-in-bar-guy from Terriers (I was one of three people nationally to watch that show, apparently).

Windshield zombie was inspired.

I'm curious to see if the writers will have their characters going through too many character/personality changes (i.e., having characters behave in ways that aren't consistent with the characters themselves). Given the profound stress all of the characters are under, the writers have some latitude, but there is such a commitment to unpredictability in this show ....
The second episode really picked up.

Shane is the only character that makes' any sense. No one would ever act like any of the other characters in the same situations. Shane = Logic.
iceberg;4426234 said:
isn't there some ninja chic in the comics? maybe i heard it here (in this thread?) but i heard she was rumored to come in.

I haven't read the comins past the "farm" point, so I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised.
So, what was the thought on last nights episode?

The Shane/Rick battle was pretty good. Glad to see Shane still around... I didn't think they would remove his character just yet.

Good acting on his part, with the look on his face as he stood there, trapped in the bus, watching the guy he just had a knock-down fight with & and the kid he wanted shoot, take off for the car.

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