The worst officials? Or NFL bias against JJ?

Wow really? That's an interesting take from a guy who has zero idea who I am. Maybe I'm just far more observant than you being an FBI detective for 35 years? Maybe I'm just one of those crazy conspiracy theorist who you radicle idiotic libtards are so afraid of? And maybe I'm jumping to conclusions about you now?

If you disagree, that's your opinion and you can say that. But I see ne reason to be a DH about it.

J-Man ignore these guys when they reply like idiots. Its what they want. Remember we probably have young kids on here that get to say what they want and need attention. We also have some adults on here where this is the only place they have a voice because they have none at home. It comes with the territory.
Anyway good post and I do agree it is frustrating to watch play after play with an OL arm around one of our guys necks on a continued basis. You would think the team would bring up to the NFL and officiating group which Im sure they do. Especially Parsons it is beyond ridiculous. We did have some bad calls go against us like the fumble, facemask and roughing call on Ghoulston. We did get away with Hankins ripping the guys hemet off but unfortunately this seems to be the way the officiating is. We just need to continue to overcome.
Grabbing the ball wouldn't twist his head around that way.
It would if the ball carrier himself was holding it pinned to his helmet, which is how it appeared. I think Moose even commented on it, but I wasn't really listening to his conclusion.
People say I'm crazy, but ever since Jerry went after Goodell's compensation a few years back, the officials been screwing over the Cowboys.

Any big offensive play they had was brought back (usually holding on Connor Williams :facepalm:) or on defense whenever Micah gets held 8 times a game with no call. Micah is having fun with it on social media, but I know deep down he's ticked off:

And don't get me started on the roughing the passers calls TB12 gets that Dak can only dream of.
I thought the refs actually went easy on us today, and they were still terrible. It's a league-wide issue, and nothing will ever be done about it. Let's talk about the alleged roughing the passer call on Chauncey on that drive where we gave them life first with a stupid offside penalty when we were up 28-7. They only showed on replay from a not-great angle, but it sure looked to me like he never hit his head, just his chest. Then the lame commentary...well, you just can't get a guy high. Really?? You can't hit the QB in the chest? Because it "looks bad"? So then they need to change the rule to explain you can't hit any part of the head OR the chest. Heck, might as well add the shoulders, too, because that's "up high".
After seeing the replay, I think the defender had his hand on the ball, rather than the facemask, but I can't say for certain.

It was not clear, I admit, but I don't see how grabbing the ball would have twisted his head around like that.
Or when when Malik Davis got his head twisted around by the facemask?

Honestly, I am getting used to the lack of holding penalties every week. and I can understand when their is a pile of people making a tackle how the refs might not see the grab of the facemask. The one that really bother me was the roughing the passer call on Golston. Clearly, the league does not want the networks focusing on those calls which is why they only showed 1 replay, but on that one replay it was clear Golston did not hit Fields in the head or neck area. He extended his arms to push him to the ground. And they cannot argue it was a late hit because tipped the ball or Fields' hand so the throw was effected. It was a critical call at a critical point in the game and if the game were closer and the Bear came back to beat the Cowboys it would be a huge play.

Gholston definitely hit Fields up in the neck area with his right arm.
People say I'm crazy, but ever since Jerry went after Goodell's compensation a few years back, the officials been screwing over the Cowboys.

Any big offensive play they had was brought back (usually holding on Connor Williams :facepalm:) or on defense whenever Micah gets held 8 times a game with no call. Micah is having fun with it on social media, but I know deep down he's ticked off:

And don't get me started on the roughing the passers calls TB12 gets that Dak can only dream of.

This is holding by the rules book. You cannot grab a guy and pull him to the ground.

And saying Micah was away from the play is nonsense, This guy has proven he is never away from any play with his speed.
I prefer it when the refs swallow the whistles.

Let them play.
Gholston definitely hit Fields up in the neck area with his right arm.

I believe this is the rule that was applied:

"In covering the passer position, Referees will be particularly alert to fouls in which defenders impermissibly use the helmet and/or facemask to hit the passer, or use hands, arms, or other parts of the body to hit the passer forcibly in the head or neck area (see also the other unnecessary roughness rules covering these subjects). A defensive player must not use his helmet against a passer who is in a defenseless posture—for example, (1) forcibly hitting the passer’s head or neck area with the helmet or facemask, even if the initial contact of the defender’s helmet or facemask is lower than the passer’s neck, and regardless of whether the defensive player also uses his arms to tackle the passer by encircling or grasping him; or (2) lowering the head and making forcible contact with any part of the helmet against any part of the passer’s body. This rule does not prohibit incidental contact by the mask or the helmet in the course of a conventional tackle on a passer."

One thing we do know is it was not a late hit.

But Golston leaped to block the pass and in fact made contact with Fields' hand or the ball or both which deflected the path of the ball to Diggs. On his way down his hands/arm made contact with field and he went to the ground. I would dispute that was a forcible blow. It was more incidental.

But what irks me is in the Giants game, Xavier McKinney launched himself into Geno Smith with their facemasks making contact. Smith was sacked but that is not relevant to the rules prohibiting contact with the QBs head and neck area. McKinney was not penalized. Golston's contact was nothing compared to the violent tackle McKinney put on Smith. It is inconsistent and if you are not going to calla penalty on the Giants for that hit, there is no way you can called a penalty on Golston.
Micah Parsons said the refs told him they aren't going to call holdings against lineman if "it happens away from the play".

That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
So I ask you were these just the worst officials in the NFL?
Or is this a true concerted conspiracy by the NFL to screw Jerry Jones for his stance against Roger?
It's hard to know. Except that they are consistently bad and the Cowboys end up on the short end of more calls than any other team.
I know ya'll saw those multiple, IMO, egregious holding calls that weren't called the Bears.
We should have had about 8 sacks, or at least several more hits/pressures. Many of those missed calls directly led to big plays for the Bears.

We all saw the replays of the fumble call that got over turned. I saw ZERO undisputable evidence he regained control of that ball. We all saw the side angle that shows he lost control of it. We all saw the endzone replay they focused on, that showed a piece of the ball that was close to his body. But I certainly didn't see any evidence of control in that angle. And going back to the side angle, after he loses control of the ball and then you lose site of the ball they kept stopping the replay. But if they continue to roll that replay he turns to his back and the ball is clearly still lose. So when in the millisecond between those two camera views does he regain control? I'd say that shows undisputable evidence that he never did.

So I ask you were these just eh worst officials in the NFL?
Or is this a true concerted conspiracy by the NFL to screw Jerry Jones for his stance against Roger?
This game was poorly officiated and it hurt us on several occasions.

  • The roughing the passer penalty that overturned an INT.

  • The fumble.

  • Several missed holding calls. (starting to become the norm against us)
But officiating is bad. I think back to when these bad calls helped us vs. the Bengals. This game was really ugly from the officials and if we had lost the volume around it would be louder but, thankfully, we won.
It was not clear, I admit, but I don't see how grabbing the ball would have twisted his head around like that.
Picture yourself holding a football next to your facemask, pinned to your shoulder/chest. Someone pulls at the ball from the opposite side of your head and behind you. The ball is going to pull against your facemask until you either let go of it or spin around toward the other player.
I think there are two issues. One is poor officiating all over the league.

The second is if they call holding as much as it is happening, viewers are watching something else.

There are more backup OL playing than I have ever seen and a lot of these guys are told by their coaches to not let the D guys get free shots at the QB. Take their chances with a holding call.

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