The worst officials? Or NFL bias against JJ?

I know ya'll saw those multiple, IMO, egregious holding calls that weren't called the Bears.
We should have had about 8 sacks, or at least several more hits/pressures. Many of those missed calls directly led to big plays for the Bears.

We all saw the replays of the fumble call that got over turned. I saw ZERO undisputable evidence he regained control of that ball. We all saw the side angle that shows he lost control of it. We all saw the endzone replay they focused on, that showed a piece of the ball that was close to his body. But I certainly didn't see any evidence of control in that angle. And going back to the side angle, after he loses control of the ball and then you lose site of the ball they kept stopping the replay. But if they continue to roll that replay he turns to his back and the ball is clearly still lose. So when in the millisecond between those two camera views does he regain control? I'd say that shows undisputable evidence that he never did.

So I ask you were these just eh worst officials in the NFL?
Or is this a true concerted conspiracy by the NFL to screw Jerry Jones for his stance against Roger?
Yea, the non PI call against Anthony Brown on Bears 1st play was about as egregious as it gets. The Refs stunk.

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