Things you don't hear or see anymore

That's pretty funny. I think I like the Oregon/Jersey way of doing things. I did seriously consider moving to Oregon at one point.
Well, people are stupid enough that I wouldn't object to most of them losing the opportunity to accidentally blow me up.
Same way in Oregon. I drove there one time and got out of my car to fill up with gas and the young woman there stopped me and said, "May I help you?" She looked at my out of state plates and then explained that it was full serve by law in Oregon. She filled it up, checked my tire pressure, and washed my windows. It was cool. Then I went shopping at the local Walmart and there was no sales tax. Oregon was full of surprises.
Not to mention the birth place of craft brews for the US.
This is a Canadian thing ... I miss the 1 and 2 dollar paper bills ... they were replaced 25-30 years ago for coins...
There used to be some kind of popcorn that came in an aluminum pan that you cooked over the stove and then this aluminum foil stuff expanded up like a balloon. I think it was called Jiffy Pop.
Dang i'm going to Oregon and asking for a full body massage and a beer. And a Cuban cigar after all is done
The Oregon D.O.T. 'popped' me a couple years back,as I didn't have a state of Oregon license plate on the front&back of the dump truck,(of course not ,it lives in IDAHO,, "that may very well be, yet you are in violation of Oregon State casing- liner statute BR549,
I think it was around $185 citation)
that sector enforcement agent loved his job,he had two 'jump scales' that you never knew just when he was gonna be manning one of themo_O
Of course, you can't forget cassette tapes and variants. Before VCRs I used to record TV shows on normal audio tapes. It had no video and it wasn't a direct line so if my brother or someone had a big mouth, I would record that too. It was the only way to record a show. I also taped shows off the radio. It was my early form of pirating, I guess.

Later came microcassettes, which made it possible to have a really small tape recorder. Then when VHS tapes and VCRs came along that was HUGE. I remember having to rush home from school to catch some show I wanted to see. VHS ended all that. If some show was on late and my parents wouldn't let me stay up, I could set the machine to tape it and watch it the next day. What an awesome invention, the VCR.

A friend of mine also had a high-fi reel-to-reel recorder with variable speed. That thing was cool. We tuned our electric guitars way down and recorded ourselves playing fast leads and then played them back faster with the tape so that the tuning sounded normal and it sounded like we were shredding wildly. It sounded ridiculous, but it was fun.
Professional athletes who are humble. Not completely extinct, but getting close.
And how about those weird knobs on steering wheels? And moon and baby moon hubcaps? And condom dispensers under the back seat? Wait, that doesn't count, I still have that.
I believe they were called suicide knobs, so you could whip those non-power steering wheels around with one hand
I believe they were called suicide knobs, so you could whip those non-power steering wheels around with one hand
Yep. Only legal for the handicapped in least in street legal vehicles. We have 'em on our forklifts.
Pom Poms
Black Crows
Sugar Daddy's
Sugar Mama's
Slow Pokes
Black Cows
Bonomo's Turkish Taffy
Marathon bars
Charleston Chew

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