Think any players kneel tomorrow night?

Too funny. I don't want to talk about the Police. I don't care....

Try and stay on topic...NFL players should play football while in uniform. Not use that stage to move their own personal agenda.

Whether White, Black, Yellow or Brown...that is the way it should be. Try and understand that. The jackbooted NFL should stick to the game and stop trying be social justice warriors. It is only going to end up ruining the game more than it already has.
Its their right to do so
Too funny. I don't want to talk about the Police. I don't care....

Try and stay on topic...NFL players should play football while in uniform. Not use that stage to move their own personal agenda.

Whether White, Black, Yellow or Brown...that is the way it should be. Try and understand that. The jackbooted NFL should stick to the game and stop trying be social justice warriors. It is only going to end up ruining the game more than it already has.

The protest is about the police. The protests are the topic. The people that dictate what is or is not allowed have taken their stance and its not yours.

You sure are intent on sticking your head in the sand though.
Sir I will absolutely tell you that is not the reality. People just were a lot more guarded about letting it slip out, and once certain people were elected into office the real feelings came to the forefront. And imo the reason it can't go away is because its generational. People pass hate onto their kids and grandkids, especially when they don't think that it is hate. And until all people are treated fairly and not judged on things they cant control (skin color) progress wont get to where it needs to be.
I think the previous guy in charge fanned the flames mightily every chance he got...racially and on religious grounds...more than any I can ever recall and many times (4 at least) jumping to false conclusions before facts were discovered.
That pushed the pendelum very hard.
The result was the guy we have now
But it was a reaction to 8 years. No doubt it would not have occurred otherwise.
Lordy help us.:laugh:

Ok, I promise to stay away from actual politics here
Sir I will absolutely tell you that is not the reality. People just were a lot more guarded about letting it slip out, and once certain people were elected into office the real feelings came to the forefront. And imo the reason it can't go away is because its generational. People pass hate onto their kids and grandkids, especially when they don't think that it is hate. And until all people are treated fairly and not judged on things they cant control (skin color) progress wont get to where it needs to be.
Actually, the TV started pushing this agenda once that "certiain people were elected".

I saw more racial division under Obama than I did at any time during my lifetime. It was in reverse as well.

Funny, where are all the police shootings of Blacks since "certain people" were elected? If you are keeping score at home, the TV would have you believe he is a liar, a rapist, a Russian spy, a madman, a racist, and it goes on and on.
The protest is about the police. The protests are the topic. The people that dictate what is or is not allowed have taken their stance and its not yours.

You sure are intent on sticking your head in the sand though.
They have chosen to allow players to disrespect this country and they are going to pay the price in viewership and $$.

I hope they are happy. This is why real companies/organizations don't let you protest while at work or representing you organization.

But hey, they have
My question is will there be any discipline from the league to the teams that did not come out of the locker rooms to stand for the anthem ( Steelers). The reason why I ask this is there is a NFL rule (62-c, I believe) that said NFL teams must come come out of the locker rooms for the National Anthem. The teams should stand with the hand over their heart and helmet in their left hand by their side. Players are representing the fans of this country. Teams that do not do this are subject to fines, suspensions, lost of draft picks, or any combination there of.

Now I paraphrased the rule because I couldn't remember for verbatim but I highly doubt Goodell will uphold it.
10+ years ago our country was attacked and we had bigger fish to fry.

What I think is shameful are that police have extra rights, that they can kill us and use "I was scared" as a carte blanche excuse, that they can take our property without a trial or conviction, that stop and frisk and broken windows policing continues, and that police unions are able to leverage their power to enact all of the above.

And who exactly is this boogeyman that is making a huge living and the cause of what is actually being protested?
There are some bad cops. No denying that.
Bad teachers, preachers, judges, presidents, ceos, etc.
Bad people exist.

Can't say I was a fan of Kap wearing socks with pigs on them though.
Thats the same nasty sterotyping that he claims to oppose.

I do agree that there is a right to protest. Just as there is a right for some to oppose the protest.
Actually, the TV started pushing this agenda once that "certiain people were elected".

I saw more racial division under Obama than I did at any time during my lifetime. It was in reverse as well.

Funny, where are all the police shootings of Blacks since "certain people" were elected? If you are keeping score at home, the TV would have you believe he is a liar, a rapist, a Russian spy, a madman, a racist, and it goes on and on.

That is a ridiculous notion. And black people are still being killed at a disproportionate rate compared to their peers. And yeah the TV wants you to believe it because those are all the things that he is. You have a good night though, I can tell I have nothing further to speak to you about.
Actually, the TV started pushing this agenda once that "certiain people were elected".

I saw more racial division under Obama than I did at any time during my lifetime. It was in reverse as well.

Funny, where are all the police shootings of Blacks since "certain people" were elected? If you are keeping score at home, the TV would have you believe he is a liar, a rapist, a Russian spy, a madman, a racist, and it goes on and on.

A lot of people sure didn't like that he was black. That is for sure.

And :lmao:at the notion that police targeting minorities only started in 09. That is so ignorant of history that it is sad. There have been riots over it for the entire history of this country. This strain has been going on since reconstruction and pretty much every immigrant group has been a target our whole history.
I think the previous guy in charge fanned the flames mightily every chance he got...racially and on religious grounds...more than any I can ever recall and many times (4 at least) jumping to false conclusions before facts were discovered.
That pushed the pendelum very hard.
The result was the guy we have now
But it was a reaction to 8 years. No doubt it would not have occurred otherwise.
Lordy help us.:laugh:

Ok, I promise to stay away from actual politics here

I will agree to disagree.
They have chosen to allow players to disrespect this country and they are going to pay the price in viewership and $$.

I hope they are happy. This is why real companies/organizations don't let you protest while at work or representing you organization.

But hey, they have

And yet here you are. I bet you still watch too. I don't find you credible in the least.
That is a ridiculous notion. And black people are still being killed at a disproportionate rate compared to their peers. And yeah the TV wants you to believe it because those are all the things that he is. You have a good night though, I can tell I have nothing further to speak to you about.
Yes, because I am a racist white Man, these insinuations are hillarious.
A lot of people sure didn't like that he was black. That is for sure.

And :lmao:at the notion that police targeting minorities only started in 09. That is so ignorant of history that it is sad. There have been riots over it for the entire history of this country. This strain has been going on since reconstruction and pretty much every immigrant group has been a target our whole history.
I think a huge reason why he was elected was actually due to his race.
It helped him greatly.

For awhile, it even had a healing factor to it.
And yet here you are. I bet you still watch too. I don't find you credible in the least.
Fuzzy, you have no idea anything about me but you continue to make sweeping generalizations.

Yes, here i am...watching the least amount of NFL football I have ever watched. Like a lot of people apparently.

So far, you think i have no idea about the Police (lol), that I can't fom an intelligent thought, that I have no credibility, and that I have my head in the sand.
I think a huge reason why he was elected was actually due to his race.
It helped him greatly.

For awhile, it even had a healing factor to it.

So the other 15 white people who ran on the Republican ticket were somehow slighted? lol
There are some bad cops. No denying that.
Bad teachers, preachers, judges, presidents, ceos, etc.
Bad people exist.

Can't say I was a fan of Kap wearing socks with pigs on them though.
Thats the same nasty sterotyping that he claims to oppose.

I do agree that there is a right to protest. Just as there is a right for some to oppose the protest.

My point was that it is near impossible to do anything about bad cops or bad police policy because of the institutions that I spoke about. I am not talking about individuals. I am talking about laws, institutions and organizations.

A bad CEO does not get extra protections from a judge's bill of rights. A preacher cannot steal from you and avoid trial. Judges don't have the most powerful union in the country shoving these awful policies down our throat
Fuzzy, you have no idea anything about me but you continue to make sweeping generalizations.

Yes, here i am...watching the least amount of NFL football I have ever watched. Like a lot of people apparently.

So far, you think i have no idea about the Police (lol), that I can't fom an intelligent thought, that I have no credibility, and that I have my head in the sand.

You refuse to address the issue. It is what it is. If you actually had a rebuttal you would. You don't so you pull this routine. It's common behavior.

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