Think any players kneel tomorrow night?

Except the fact that they say it every game to stand up and recognize the flag and the men and women who serve or have served....come on man.

The second stanza of the national anthem which isn't sung today (but which is still there whether its sung or not) talks about slavery and how proud we are that any slaves that runaway to freedom will be chased down and brought back to their masters. We are taught the good patriotic things in history class but never learn the dark history and truth of certain events (like how we make thanksgiving not seem like the genocidal slaughter it really was). The protests are NOT about our military which has been stated over and over, it is about police brutality and racial inequality and brining attention to a flag that does not equally represent ALL of its citizens. I don't blame them for that at all, and us servicemen and women are separated from our families for this exact freedom, so that we are not a country like N. Korea where civil liberties are nonexistent.
This isn't a post considering whether it is right or wrong. I was going to post this in " Off topic", but was concerned if Jones potentially could make an example out of them.
He has only stated for sure that it is a time for respect for the flag and he "likes it the way the Cowboys do it".
A suspension of a critical player could impact our season, therefore I considered it relevant...
Lock arms in unity maybe.
Thats a positive thing though.

Kneel? I kind of doubt it but never say never.
The second stanza of the national anthem which isn't sung today (but which is still there whether its sung or not) talks about slavery and how proud we are that any slaves that runaway to freedom will be chased down and brought back to their masters. We are taught the good patriotic things in history class but never learn the dark history and truth of certain events (like how we make thanksgiving not seem like the genocidal slaughter it really was). The protests are NOT about our military which has been stated over and over, it is about police brutality and racial inequality and brining attention to a flag that does not equally represent ALL of its citizens. I don't blame them for that at all, and us servicemen and women are separated from our families for this exact freedom, so that we are not a country like N. Korea where civil liberties are nonexistent.
And the result is the same...they disrespect our flag and country. I don't care why they are doing you think the people in England today got that nuance?

Find a better way to do it and don't do it while you are at work. If i jprotested anything with my work logo on it, i would fully expect to be fired.
That is not what the OP contends. The report was false.

The title of that youtube is also false. He never says racism. The protest is against police policy. Try and keep up.
I'm trying to keep up....I know what the protest is about and it was stupid then and it is stupid now.Sorry.
And the result is the same...they disrespect our flag and country. I don't care why they are doing you think the people in England today got that nuance?

Find a better way to do it and don't do it while you are at work. If i jprotested anything with my work logo on it, i would fully expect to be fired.

You are speaking from a place of privilege. You are not God and it is not up to you to tell people how to protest. The protestor is not supposed to protest in a way that makes you comfortable, that's the whole purpose. It is not disrespectful to the flag no matter how many times you say it. And yeah I bet the people in England did understand the difference seeing as how they have internet like everyone else and can see the blatant misjustice and racism that is alive in America that most Americans pretend not to see.
And the result is the same...they disrespect our flag and country. I don't care why they are doing you think the people in England today got that nuance?

Find a better way to do it and don't do it while you are at work. If i jprotested anything with my work logo on it, i would fully expect to be fired.

Do you disagree with any of the following?
  • Police have extra rights granted to them by laws known as law enforcement bill of rights that grant them protections from investigations and prosecutions that citizens do not enjoy.
  • Police are protected by fear justifying use of force whether or not said fear was justified or if procedure had or had not been followed.
  • Police are able to seize assets through civil forfeiture thus depriving people of property without charges being brought much less a trial or conviction.
  • Racial profiling and stop and frisk policing has been shown to be ineffective in reducing crime yet are still utilized.
  • Broken windows policing where in poorer neighborhood's minor infractions are met with extreme punishment have been ineffective in reducing crime and erode trust in police yet still are utilized.
  • Police unions are the most powerful unions in the country.
And if you are going to disagree please explain yourself. If not we can just assume your opinion is steeped in ignorance.
The second stanza of the national anthem which isn't sung today (but which is still there whether its sung or not) talks about slavery and how proud we are that any slaves that runaway to freedom will be chased down and brought back to their masters. We are taught the good patriotic things in history class but never learn the dark history and truth of certain events (like how we make thanksgiving not seem like the genocidal slaughter it really was). The protests are NOT about our military which has been stated over and over, it is about police brutality and racial inequality and brining attention to a flag that does not equally represent ALL of its citizens. I don't blame them for that at all, and us servicemen and women are separated from our families for this exact freedom, so that we are not a country like N. Korea where civil liberties are nonexistent.
The 2nd stanza you mention does not exist now, for sure. So not sure where that comes into play.
And compared to pretty much all other countries now or that ever existed in the history of mankind, the US does represent better opportunity and fairness for people of people of all races. Certainly not perfect, but light years better than almost anywhere...and infinitely better than continents like current slave owning places like Africa,

The irony is, bring someone of color from another country here..dirt poor and who cant even speak the language...and they will often blow past others that have been here fir many generations. You see it over and over. They turn out to be the most patriotic of all...with huge love for what this country represents.
Regardless of race or creed.
The 2nd stanza you mention does not exist now, for sure. So not sure where that comes into play.
And compared to pretty much all other countries now or that ever existed in the history of mankind, the US does represent better opportunity and fairness for people of people of all races. Cwrtainly not perfect, but light years better than almost anywhere...and infinitely better than continents like current slave owning places like Africa,

It is a part of the sung so yes it actually does exist. The anthem was never meant to be inclusive to minorities. Compared to other world powers Canada and England minorities are treated better and race is not such a big factor as it is here (and I am speaking from personally staying in both countries)
The 2nd stanza you mention does not exist now, for sure. So not sure where that comes into play.
And compared to pretty much all other countries now or that ever existed in the history of mankind, the US does represent better opportunity and fairness for people of people of all races. Cwrtainly not perfect, but light years better than almost anywhere...and infinitely better than continents like current slave owning places like Africa,

When you look at level of education, life expectancy, income equality, wages and similar metrics we are not "better than almost anywhere" unless of course you include the developing world. In the developed world we are falling behind.
It is a part of the sung so yes it actually does exist. The anthem was never meant to be inclusive to minorities. Compared to other world powers Canada and England minorities are treated better and race is not such a big factor as it is here (and I am speaking from personally staying in both countries)
I honestly think race relations where WAY better here 10+ years ago.
The flames where fanned VERY hard and purposefully for the years since then and we've radically regressed.
A big shove on the pendulem makes it worse on all sides.

I hate it, and its shameful.
Just could never get why race should even be a box checked. Simply thought people would be past this stuff 30 years ago minimum, let alone now.
There are powerful people that make a huge living perpetuating this crap.
I literally rhink those claiming to want to help are the main culprits for holding certain groups down.
Last edited:
Do you disagree with any of the following?
  • Police have extra rights granted to them by laws known as law enforcement bill of rights that grant them protections from investigations and prosecutions that citizens do not enjoy.
  • Police are protected by fear justifying use of force whether or not said fear was justified or if procedure had or had not been followed.
  • Police are able to seize assets through civil forfeiture thus depriving people of property without charges being brought much less a trial or conviction.
  • Racial profiling and stop and frisk policing has been shown to be ineffective in reducing crime yet are still utilized.
  • Broken windows policing where in poorer neighborhood's minor infractions are met with extreme punishment have been ineffective in reducing crime and erode trust in police yet still are utilized.
  • Police unions are the most powerful unions in the country.
And if you are going to disagree please explain yourself. If not we can just assume your opinion is steeped in ignorance.
Wow, really?

No, I disagree with some of those but I am not a police hater. Speaking of seem to be displaying it in spades with the constant changing of the topic.

Again, I don't care why they are protesting, they shouldn't do it during the Nationa Anthem and they shouldn't do it while representing an NFL team.

Get it yet?
Wow, really?

No, I disagree with some of those but I am not a police hater. Speaking of seem to be displaying it in spades with the constant changing of the topic.

Again, I don't care why they are protesting, they shouldn't do it during the Nationa Anthem and they shouldn't do it while representing an NFL team.

Get it yet?

Yes really. All of those points are the reality we live in today.

So you are unable even to articulate what you disagree with. Not surprised in the least.

The NFL and its teams gets to decide what the players should or shouldn't do. They spoke rather clearly today. What you think on it is meaningless. If you want to use that as a basis to stick your head in the sand then so be it. You cannot say you have not been told.
I honestly think race relations where WAY better here 10+ years ago.
The flames where fanned VERY hard and purposefully for the years since then and we've radically regressed.
A big shove on the pendulem makes it worse on all sides.

I hate it, and its shameful.
Just could never get why race should even be a box checked. Simplifly thought people would be past this stuff 20-30 years ago, let alone now.
There powerful people that make a huge living perpetuating this crap.

Sir I will absolutely tell you that is not the reality. People just were a lot more guarded about letting it slip out, and once certain people were elected into office the real feelings came to the forefront. And imo the reason it can't go away is because its generational. People pass hate onto their kids and grandkids, especially when they don't think that it is hate. And until all people are treated fairly and not judged on things they cant control (skin color) progress wont get to where it needs to be.
Yes really. All of those points are the reality we live in today.

So you are unable even to articulate what you disagree with. Not surprised in the least.

The NFL and its teams gets to decide what the players should or shouldn't do. They spoke rather clearly today. What you think on it is meaningless. If you want to use that as a basis to stick your head in the sand then so be it. You cannot say you have not been told.
Too funny. I don't want to talk about the Police. I don't care....

Try and stay on topic...NFL players should play football while in uniform. Not use that stage to move their own personal agenda.

Whether White, Black, Yellow or Brown...that is the way it should be. Try and understand that. The jackbooted NFL should stick to the game and stop trying be social justice warriors. It is only going to end up ruining the game more than it already has.
I honestly think race relations where WAY better here 10+ years ago.
The flames where fanned VERY hard and purposefully for the years since then and we've radically regressed.
A big shove on the pendulem makes it worse on all sides.

I hate it, and its shameful.
Just could never get why race should even be a box checked. Simplifly thought people would be past this stuff 30 years ago minimum, let alone now.
There are powerful people that make a huge living perpetuating this crap.
I lierally rhink those claiming to want to help are the main culprits for holding certain groups down.

10+ years ago our country was attacked and we had bigger fish to fry.

What I think is shameful are that police have extra rights, that they can kill us and use "I was scared" as a carte blanche excuse, that they can take our property without a trial or conviction, that stop and frisk and broken windows policing continues, and that police unions are able to leverage their power to enact all of the above.

And who exactly is this boogeyman that is making a huge living and the cause of what is actually being protested?
Many players have already protested by simply looking down with their arms folded, subtle but it's there...

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