Think any players kneel tomorrow night?


So the other 15 white people who ran on the Republican ticket were somehow slighted? lol
No, thats not what I meant.

But come on now, even the current Pres knows he won due to many, many millions saying enough is was a reaction to what some considered a methodical destruction of a great nation. Right or wrong
A nation that creates/invents more than almost all other nations combined and gives more to others in charity more than all other nations combined....A nation that had people of color in the highest ranking positions in almost every area of life and way more than other places...yet somehow is terrible.
It's up to the individual to agree or disagree...just stating what many feel drove the election.
You refuse to address the issue. It is what it is. If you actually had a rebuttal you would. You don't so you pull this routine. It's common behavior.
I promise you...i understand the issues better than most...I just don't see how having that discussion adds to the discussion on the topic at hand.
It could be protesting literally anything and I would say save it for your own time.
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No, thats not what I meant.

But come on now, even the current Pres knows he won due to many, many millions saying enough is was a reaction to what some considered a methodical destruction of a great nation. Right or wrong
A nation that creates/invents more than almost all other nations combined and gives more to others in charity more than all other nations combined....A nation that had people of color in the highest ranking positions in almost every area of life and way more than other places...yet somehow is terrible.
It's up to the individual to agree or disagree...just stating what many feel drove the election.
Ya I apologize. I didn't fully read the post and ASSumed.

Trump got elected very simply because the Democrats literally cheated Bernie and were caught. Hillary was caught with mutliple crimes and weaseled out.

Trump was the non establishment canidate who represented something dfferent.

Simple as that.
Jason Garrett claims himself a Bruce Springsteen fan and has spoken to the team about springsteen and his life.

Well if he really is a springsteen fan and really wants his players to understand him and take something from him, one of the main principles the man has stood for his whole career is equality and respect of all people.

So what I am saying is Cowboys players should be allowed to join this protest because that is to be like springsteen and his ideals.

Im honestly tired of Veterans being used as a weapon for people who think they need to stand for the anthem.
It's proper name is militant jingoism. Mostly "white-owned" ...often irrationally, and vindictively used as a sort of punitive cudgel to induce, in some cases, blind subservience...part of the normative social influence phenomenon I would imagine. I served for eight years, six months active for Desert Storm, and yet I don't see a problem with the exercise of a right guaranteed by the constitution...and yes I have the DD214 as proof. The sheer volume of emotionally reactive posts I've encountered just serves to further illustrate the growing deficits of context, perspective, empathy and rationality in this country.

What was once mostly a one man display is now, courtesy of he who will not be named, a league-wide rebuke of divisive rhetoric designed not to bring a country together, but to drive further the distance between the citizenry. My prediction is that such rhetoric will continue until such time that he who will not be named is no longer either an occupant or candidate for POTUS. He built his political career on that garbage.
I promise you...i understand the issues better than most...I just don't see how having that discussion adds to the discussion on the topic at hand.
It could be protesting literally anything and I would say save it for your own time.

Because if they are protesting something then whether or not what they are seeking is desirable is very central to whether or not one should support protesters.

They are protesting the issues I brought up.
It's proper name is militant jingoism. Mostly "white-owned" ...often irrationally, and vindictively used as a sort of punitive cudgel to induce, in some cases, blind subservience...part of the normative social influence phenomenon I would imagine. I served for eight years, six months active for Desert Storm, and yet I don't see a problem with the exercise of a right guaranteed by the constitution...and yes I have the DD214 as proof. The sheer volume of emotionally reactive posts I've encountered just serves to further illustrate the growing deficits of context, perspective, empathy and rationality in this country.

What was once mostly a one man display is now, courtesy of he who will not be named, a league-wide rebuke of divisive rhetoric designed not to bring a country together, but to drive further the distance between the citizenry. My prediction is that such rhetoric will continue until such time that he who will not be named is no longer either an occupant or candidate for POTUS. He built his political career on that garbage.

I had forgotten that term I had not hear it since I was in a sociology survey course as a freshman. That is spot on. Thanks for that.
Because if they are protesting something then whether or not what they are seeking is desirable is very central to whether or not one should support protesters.

They are protesting the issues I brought up.
And I don't care what they are protesting. It could be the most obvious and virtuous topic in the world and I would say the same thing. Find another time to do it.

There are a LOT of people upset by this...the NFL by allowing this is endorsing it.

They will suffer the consequences as a result, ratings drops and revenue drops.
And I don't care what they are protesting. It could be the most obvious and virtuous topic in the world and I would say the same thing. Find another time to do it.

There are a LOT of people upset by this...the NFL by allowing this is endorsing it.

They will suffer the consequences as a result, ratings drops and revenue drops.

You really should get over yourself and try some empathy. You might not care but that does not make what the are protesting a non-issue.

Ratings drops have been proportional to the decline in viewers of TV as a whole and people still watch the NFL more than anything else. If you stop watching and go away then bye. You being here yelling that you don't care belies that.
Jason Garrett claims himself a Bruce Springsteen fan and has spoken to the team about springsteen and his life.

Well if he really is a springsteen fan and really wants his players to understand him and take something from him, one of the main principles the man has stood for his whole career is equality and respect of all people.

So what I am saying is Cowboys players should be allowed to join this protest because that is to be like springsteen and his ideals.

Bruce Springsteen's estimated net worth is about $500 million...I guess he isn't all that interested in equality and giving away his fortune to others that might need it
Bruce Springsteen's estimated net worth is about $500 million...I guess he isn't all that interested in equality and giving away his fortune to others that might need it

Research. Read about the mans life and you will see he does plenty.

or just do the usual right wing bit and attack him, are you going to tell me he has a house in Los Angeles too?

btw stating his guesstimated net worth as some means of diminishing who he is as a human being is pretty stupid.
Bruce Springsteen's estimated net worth is about $500 million...I guess he isn't all that interested in equality and giving away his fortune to others that might need it

This is such nonsense. People have to take vows of poverty to be interested in something or have a valid opinion? Being poor does not grant you special virtue.
The second stanza of the national anthem which isn't sung today (but which is still there whether its sung or not) talks about slavery and how proud we are that any slaves that runaway to freedom will be chased down and brought back to their masters. We are taught the good patriotic things in history class but never learn the dark history and truth of certain events (like how we make thanksgiving not seem like the genocidal slaughter it really was). The protests are NOT about our military which has been stated over and over, it is about police brutality and racial inequality and brining attention to a flag that does not equally represent ALL of its citizens. I don't blame them for that at all, and us servicemen and women are separated from our families for this exact freedom, so that we are not a country like N. Korea where civil liberties are nonexistent.
People either can't or won't read the context, see perspective, act with empathy or make rational arguments. Much of it is visceral emotional reactivity...misplaced anger and feral intolerance. This whole business of "taking ownership" makes my head hurt. Blind internalization of values and ideas will make an idiot out of you more times than not.
A few people on this message board is not the consensous.

But if you think it does, then maybe that is why you don't see an issue with this behavior.

You sound like a Flat Earther disregarding the "opinions" of a few pesky scientists.

You claim to be defending the flag in the name of the military. Actual military people tell you they don't care. You say screw your opinions, military people, no one asked you!

Makes sense.
I honestly don't care, but in a free society you should have the choice to protest peacefully.

People have all of the rights to protest in the US (very few others) but they can also dance, wear different colored shoes and wear any socks that they want to. But the NFL stops players from doing every one of these things on the field as well as holding up the players conduct. The league is only quite on this specific topic. Why? Frankly I think the NFL is way too oppressive. But it's interesting that league see this as a right to express themselves but non-controversial.

Politics should NOT be in sports. It's the only place to get away from all of the junk between the dem's and republicans. Can we have a few hours a week without all of the drama?
How about said person go out there and make a real difference.

Run for office.
Do what you say.
Never give in to corruption.

How about that?!
I'm not sure what the protest is even about. I do notice where the actions are taking place.
Why don't the lead protestors with Goodall head to s.Chicago Ferguson etc. And use it to start to drop the black on black crime...there the problems are 25x the level of the next level.
Or is the focus on a level with money available it really just another redistribution of property using a group of vis able sports athletes ?

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