This board is pathetic....

for some of these Cowboy fans. First let me start with the obvious, how many fans of how many teams, least of all the most ignorant group of inbred jerkweeds on the planet (that would be eagles fans) would be feeling sorry if Julius Jones had gotten a broken neck? And Jones has never attempted to disgrace the entire tradition and foundation of their sorry team. Let me say that the only unfortunate thing is that A) George Teague didnt do it when he should have, and B) it wasnt a knee or a career ender. I almost always agree that an injury to a player is something that is never to be cheered, however in this case, not even the team is the reason for the cheer, not even all the disgusting acts by their idiotic fans is the reason for the cheer, the reason for the cheer is because Terrell Owens is a piece of human garbage in the worst order. Terrell Owens doesnt care about the Eagles, the Fortyniners, world peace, world hunger, the only thing that Terrell Owens cares about is "Man aint I something". Which of course is a lie, even to himself. He is an insulant little child and he, out of his own mouth said "If you dont want me to dance dont let me in the endzone" well I guess he aint gonna be in no endzone no time soon! Now hell only debut his OOOWWWWWWW Its My ANkle hip HOP joint!

Someone should kill the moron, not just hurt his ankle! Garbage just got taken out! Way to late and Way to lightly. Hes a disgrace as a human being and as has been the rallying cry here today, What you reap is what you sow! This is only the beggining of the reaping that terrell will do, dont mess with karma, cause karma always wins!
Novacek84 said:
Not deserved it. As others here have stated ,its just karma that we're happy about. "What goes around comes around."

Why did "he deserved to get injured"??? Because he is a good player and we dont like him? Because he dances in the endzone (IRVIN....DEION)?

Once more, what did he do to deserve to get injured?
Portland Fanatic said:
HH31...I'm with ya today! This is pathetic guys...freak'in embarassed by this board today. Show some sportsmanship for Gods sakes.
I agree no one should wish injury on anyone. I didn't wish for it to happen, but it did. Can't say I'm mad that it did, but as far as sportsmanship, where was it when he disgraced the star? In my eyes, you have to respect me to get my respect! He has No Respect for anyone, except himself. And for that he got what he deserved.
1pick2 said:
heavyhitta stop crying so much.didnt know there was a TO fan in the house u fake wannabe and u got the nerve to have mr.williams # besides your name!ivote that you remove it and go with TO he could need a hug right about nowhow many dances will he do this year? :iggles:
LMAO...what # is Roy???

His avatar is Tnew know the corner back on this team..
Roy is #31

Dumbarse.....before you pop off...get your **** together.
with all do respect hitta but dont you feel that if it was key or roy even, they would be dancin in the streets right now.i just feel they got a taste of their own medicine wasnt like it was career ending or anything like mikes was. :iggles:
Cowboys Dad said:
I almost always agree that an injury to a player is something that is never to be cheered, however in this case, not even the team is the reason for the cheer, not even all the disgusting acts by their idiotic fans is the reason for the cheer, the reason for the cheer is because Terrell Owens is a piece of human garbage in the worst order.

Someone should kill the moron, not just hurt his ankle! Garbage just got taken out! Way to late and Way to lightly. Hes a disgrace as a human being and as has been the rallying cry here today, What you reap is what you sow! This is only the beggining of the reaping that terrell will do, dont mess with karma, cause karma always wins!
So standing on the Star and signing a football with a sharpie makes him human garbage? Did I miss something here? Is he a pedophile? A murderer? A rapist?

You people really need to step back and think about getting a life. CowboysDAD? Please, PLEASE, tell me you are not raising children...
1pick2 said:
with all do respect hitta but dont you feel that if it was key or roy even, they would be dancin in the streets right now.i just feel they got a taste of their own medicine wasnt like it was career ending or anything like mikes was. :iggles:
I was mad as hell when they cheered Irvin as he laid motionless on their ratty stadium carpet. However, it is about what you do when no one is looking. I like to think that I am better then that and today I proved that. It doesn't make sense to berate an eagle fan while at the same time acting the same way.
HeavyHitta31 said:
No one deserves to get hurt doing what they do for a living.
In the nfl these players have to know the risk going in. You can't go out on the field and not expect to get hurt sooner or later (probably sooner than later). But in the same note, you can't go out on the field scared, you have to play fearless and hope that you can handle whatever comes your way... People with high risk jobs get compensated with their paychecks.
1pick2 said:
with all do respect hitta but dont you feel that if it was key or roy even, they would be dancin in the streets right now.i just feel they got a taste of their own medicine wasnt like it was career ending or anything like mikes was. :iggles:

But I am better than that. Apparently most of arent.
hey portland its heavyhitta31 so dont tell me about any of the boys been a fan since 79 :banghead:
Cowboys Dad said:
for some of these Cowboy fans. First let me start with the obvious, how many fans of how many teams, least of all the most ignorant group of inbred jerkweeds on the planet (that would be eagles fans) would be feeling sorry if Julius Jones had gotten a broken neck? And Jones has never attempted to disgrace the entire tradition and foundation of their sorry team. Let me say that the only unfortunate thing is that A) George Teague didnt do it when he should have, and B) it wasnt a knee or a career ender. I almost always agree that an injury to a player is something that is never to be cheered, however in this case, not even the team is the reason for the cheer, not even all the disgusting acts by their idiotic fans is the reason for the cheer, the reason for the cheer is because Terrell Owens is a piece of human garbage in the worst order. Terrell Owens doesnt care about the Eagles, the Fortyniners, world peace, world hunger, the only thing that Terrell Owens cares about is "Man aint I something". Which of course is a lie, even to himself. He is an insulant little child and he, out of his own mouth said "If you dont want me to dance dont let me in the endzone" well I guess he aint gonna be in no endzone no time soon! Now hell only debut his OOOWWWWWWW Its My ANkle hip HOP joint!

Someone should kill the moron, not just hurt his ankle! Garbage just got taken out! Way to late and Way to lightly. Hes a disgrace as a human being and as has been the rallying cry here today, What you reap is what you sow! This is only the beggining of the reaping that terrell will do, dont mess with karma, cause karma always wins!

Ya know I have your back man, but the part about killing the guy is way over board. I have to be consistant and tell you that hoping for a guys death is just not cool.
cajuncowboy said:
Ya know I have your back man, but the part about killing the guy is way over board. I have to be consistant and tell you that hoping for a guys death is just not cool.

But cheering a torn up leg is :rolleyes:
all right hitta i see your point and i am better than that how long have you been a fan? who you think we are going to draft or hope rather? :)
1pick2 said:
hey portland its heavyhitta31 so dont tell me about any of the boys been a fan since 79 :banghead:
And I have a feeling you've been a piece of human garbage a lot longer than that. You and all the 'fans' like you sicken me.
Rude said:
But cheering a torn up leg is :rolleyes:

No, I didn't say that. Roll your eyes somewhere else. I said exactly what I meant. But I do find it not alltogether odd that they are getting a taste of their own medicine after all of this time.
JDSmith said:
Wow, this might be the dumbest post I've ever read. You just compared TO to some brutal and sadistic third world dictators. Why not compare him to Hitler next? He's a football player, he doesn't hurt anyone and he doesn't rape and pillage. When I'm wishing someone an injury I reserve it for people who have actually done something horrible to another human being.

Frankly you people make me ashamed to be a Cowboys fan.

I regret if it came across like I was comparing the two incidents. That is not my intent.

As I explained in my response to adbutcher, I was trying to describe the conflicted feeling you get when a bad thing happens to a bad person. In that sense I think the comparison is very apt.

To be clear, TO does not equal Saddam Hussein or any of his sons. And I do not wish he were dead.
I agree JD...Cheering an injury is so "Filthy"... only a loser would do that...Hoping someone gets killed should call for an instant ban...
HEY JD WHAT DID I DO? why are you mad at me i love the sport i love the war between the teams and i just caught up for the moment no harm done as far as garbage you dont know me like that and i woulndt ever say that to another human unless was Commander fan. :skins:
and signing a ball dont make him garbage. But drawing inaccurate references to Ray Lewis and his legal troubles to shine a positive light on himself does, for starters.

JDSmith said:
So standing on the Star and signing a football with a sharpie makes him human garbage? Did I miss something here? Is he a pedophile? A murderer? A rapist?

You people really need to step back and think about getting a life. CowboysDAD? Please, PLEASE, tell me you are not raising children...
People dont you realize that TO has a family? Teammates??? This is a guy who has alot of people who are very sad about this, just imagaine if you were TOs mother, father, sibling....

Better yet, how would you feel if someone cheered when a family member of yours was hurt?

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