This board is pathetic....

1pick2 said:
HEY JD WHAT DID I DO? why are you mad at me i love the sport i love the war between the teams and i just caught up for the moment no harm done as far as garbage you dont know me like that and i woulndt ever say that to another human unless was Commander fan. :skins:
You are thrilled that a guy had his leg broken. He's never done anything to you, he's never commited some heinous criminal act. I know you well enough to be embarrassed that we cheer for the same team.
for crying out loud.

HeavyHitta31 said:
People dont you realize that TO has a family? Teammates??? This is a guy who has alot of people who are very sad about this, just imagaine if you were TOs mother, father, sibling....

Better yet, how would you feel if someone cheered when a family member of yours was hurt?
HeavyHitta31 said:
Never have I been so saddened to be a Cowboy fan. We are NOT the Eagles people, you dont cheer and be happy when a player gets injured, this is a guy who is the best WR in football and goes out to do his job everyday just loike you and me. To cheer when he gets injured badly like this is beyond pathetic.

I agree with you on this. TO is one of the biggest jerks in the league but to cheer over an injured player truly classless, just as it was classless on the part of the eagles fan to cheer Irvin getting hurt.
I was happy when Saddam's sons got killed, I was happy when we blew up the Islamic terrorists. Why? Because they committed the most haniuos act one can committ, killing innocent people by the thousands. THEY deserved it. TO never did anything to any of you.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Never have I been so saddened to be a Cowboy fan. We are NOT the Eagles people, you dont cheer and be happy when a player gets injured, this is a guy who is the best WR in football and goes out to do his job everyday just loike you and me. To cheer when he gets injured badly like this is beyond pathetic.

HH31, Regulary I would agree with you, but not this one.

Both TO and the E-Girl fans have had it coming.

Anyone else, and I would have agreed.
HeavyHitta31 said:
People dont you realize that TO has a family? Teammates??? This is a guy who has alot of people who are very sad about this, just imagaine if you were TOs mother, father, sibling....

Better yet, how would you feel if someone cheered when a family member of yours was hurt?

I respect your feelings on this issue Hitta, but the Eagles fans DID cheer when a family member of ours (Irvin) went down.

To all of you who honestly abhor the behavior of those of us who are celebrating TO's misfortune, I applaud you. I, however, am not that big a person. Myself and the rest of us poor bastids are surely going to hell for our behavior, & when we get there wearing our Cowboy paraphernalia, we're all going to get together over cold ones and celebrate it once again. Nobody's opinion is going to be changed here regardless of what is said.

It's like complaining about what's on TV these days. If you don't approve, that keyboard in front of you is a channel changer.
Normally i agree about not cheering when a player goes down. BUT, i will NEVER forget Philly fans cheering when Irvin went down for ever...throwing batteries at JJ...TO dancing on the Star. Owens brought this "gloating" upon himself.
I do hope he recovers...i'm sure he will. He'll just be an As%^ole again, though. :iggles:
Boy's fan in Giant land said:
I respect your feelings on this issue Hitta, but the Eagles fans DID cheer when a family member of ours (Irvin) went down.
And now you've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are just like them. Congrats.
HeavyHitta31 said:
You hush, we could throw a party for TOs ankle injury and we wouldnt be half as bad as Eagles scum.
I hear some sportsmanship in your dialogue Mr. HeavyHitta31. Just wanted to add that I'm one of many Eagle fans who did Not applaud a Super Star getting injured. Michael Irvin was a classy player, and could have very well have been the best in his Position. I'm embarrased that some Eagle fans cheered at an injury on a player of any caliber.

I didn't even hate Irvin. He's was one of those players that went beyond being a Cowboys or Eagles, or any other label siMply because he wore that particular uniform. TO may Not have reached that claiber yet, but he didn't deserve fans being "happy" over his injury.

I think their are fans with class and sportsmanship from all teams; I see Dallas is no exception. That's a good thing! I wish Irvin could get back out on the field -- whenever he played, the game was exciting!
with a simple answer. If Terrell "Its all about me and ill use everything and everyone i can to prove it" Owens were a classy man then classy people would give him the respect that he has unequivocally passed on the right to have!

Phoenix-Talon said:
I hear some sportsmanship in your dialogue Mr. HeavyHitta31. Just wanted to add that I'm one of many Eagle fans who did Not applaud a Super Star getting injured. Michael Irvin was a classy player, and could have very well have been the best in his Position. I'm embarrased that some Eagle fans cheered at an injury on a player of any caliber.

I didn't even hate Irvin. He's was one of those players that went beyond being a Cowboys or Eagles, or any other label siMply because he wore that particular uniform. TO may Not have reached that claiber yet, but he didn't deserve fans being "happy" over his injury.

I think their are fans with class and sportsmanship from all teams; I see Dallas is no exception. That's a good thing! I wish Irvin could get back out on the field -- whenever he played, the game was exciting!
Cowboys Dad said:
with a simple answer. If Terrell "Its all about me and ill use everything and everyone i can to prove it" Owens were a classy man then classy people would give him the respect that he has unequivocally passed on the right to have!

He is a person who was doing what he loves and what gets him paid and he got hurt doing it, you dont applaud that, you wish him well in his recovery and hope he is ok. Now, I love that the Eagles got mscrewed, but it is unfortunate that it came at injury's expense. But to cheer that is lower than low.
cwbyfn1957 said:
Normally i agree about not cheering when a player goes down. BUT, i will NEVER forget Philly fans cheering when Irvin went down for ever...throwing batteries at JJ...TO dancing on the Star. Owens brought this "gloating" upon himself.
I do hope he recovers...i'm sure he will. He'll just be an As%^ole again, though. :iggles:

Why would you want to become what you hate? If you hate the eagles and their fans for these action they why become like they are. I agree with you in the fact I can't stand the eagles, TO or their fans but I do not like seeing players get injured and think it is classless of those who would do that. After all when all is said and done it is a game
Cowboys Dad said:
with a simple answer. If Terrell "Its all about me and ill use everything and everyone i can to prove it" Owens were a classy man then classy people would give him the respect that he has unequivocally passed on the right to have!
I live in NJ, I got to hear all the Philly sports talk when the Irvin injury occured... if you take TO's name out of your statement and change it to Michael Irvin's then you'd have EXACTLY the same argument some of those pathetic scum used to defend cheering Irvin's injury. But no matter how they tried to rationalize it, they were still sorry excuses for humans.

People like them, and you, will never get it.
You try and make yourselves look like a great person by slamming those who you know nothing about, and taking every supposed high road that you can conjure up. The man suffered a broken ankle, and in order to defend some counterfeit code of human behaviour, you place yourself atop a pedestal for all to admire. Hoorah for you, wanna know what the Bible calls you? Pharisee! Quit being a Pharisee on a message board, and have an opinion not centered around lifting up yourself. For in the end you must know that your silly namecalling will never affect me. Posters like you are exactly why I started my new board, because I know the next step for you is to call for my posts to be deleted and for me to be banned, because I support my opinion with logic and fact, and since you disagree and can only resort to name calling, I am to be banished so the great JD may continue on as the Exhaulted High Priest! All Hail the Pharisee!

JDSmith said:
I live in NJ, I got to hear all the Philly sports talk when the Irvin injury occured... if you take TO's name out of your statement and change it to Michael Irvin's then you'd have EXACTLY the same argument some of those pathetic scum used to defend cheering Irvin's injury. But no matter how they tried to rationalize it, they were still sorry excuses for humans.

People like them, and you, will never get it.
Cowboys Dad said:
You try and make yourselves look like a great person by slamming those who you know nothing about, and taking every supposed high road that you can conjure up. The man suffered a broken ankle, and in order to defend some counterfeit code of human behaviour, you place yourself atop a pedestal for all to admire. Hoorah for you, wanna know what the Bible calls you? Pharisee! Quit being a Pharisee on a message board, and have an opinion not centered around lifting up yourself. For in the end you must know that your silly namecalling will never affect me. Posters like you are exactly why I started my new board, because I know the next step for you is to call for my posts to be deleted and for me to be banned, because I support my opinion with logic and fact, and since you disagree and can only resort to name calling, I am to be banished so the great JD may continue on as the Exhaulted High Priest! All Hail the Pharisee!
Well then please go to your new board, because you are an embarrassment to real Cowboys fans. You can't support your opinion with logic and fact, you simply use the same exact rationale that the pathetic losers who cheered Irvin's injury did. And they said they were backing up their opinion with facts too... but they were still pathetic. And I don't care what the bible calls me, I don't read the bible. But I know the difference between right and wrong, which is obviously something you are missing. When Irvin was injured nobody knew it was career ending, they didn't know they'd later find a narrowing of his spinal column. So the fans cheering were simply happy he got hurt, exactly like you are now. So if they were scum, you need to put down your bible and look in the mirror - because by the same light you are scum too.
Cowboys Dad said:
You try and make yourselves look like a great person by slamming those who you know nothing about, and taking every supposed high road that you can conjure up. The man suffered a broken ankle, and in order to defend some counterfeit code of human behaviour, you place yourself atop a pedestal for all to admire. Hoorah for you, wanna know what the Bible calls you? Pharisee! Quit being a Pharisee on a message board, and have an opinion not centered around lifting up yourself. For in the end you must know that your silly namecalling will never affect me. Posters like you are exactly why I started my new board, because I know the next step for you is to call for my posts to be deleted and for me to be banned, because I support my opinion with logic and fact, and since you disagree and can only resort to name calling, I am to be banished so the great JD may continue on as the Exhaulted High Priest! All Hail the Pharisee!

Oh my, you must not read the bible much. The Pharisee was mocking a tax collecter as the tax collecter prayed for forgiveness. You are happy another human got hurt. You are a sad excuse foir a human being. Logic and fact cannot be found in this post, just ignorance and immaturity.

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