You try and make yourselves look like a great person by slamming those who you know nothing about, and taking every supposed high road that you can conjure up. The man suffered a broken ankle, and in order to defend some counterfeit code of human behaviour, you place yourself atop a pedestal for all to admire. Hoorah for you, wanna know what the Bible calls you? Pharisee! Quit being a Pharisee on a message board, and have an opinion not centered around lifting up yourself. For in the end you must know that your silly namecalling will never affect me. Posters like you are exactly why I started my new board, because I know the next step for you is to call for my posts to be deleted and for me to be banned, because I support my opinion with logic and fact, and since you disagree and can only resort to name calling, I am to be banished so the great JD may continue on as the Exhaulted High Priest! All Hail the Pharisee!