This board is pathetic....

HeavyHitta31 said:
So what you guys are saying is "Philly did it to us, so now we can do it to them"? Bulls***. We are always harping on them for being low class, well guess what you are no better than they were cheering on Irvin's injury.
The difference is that this is not a career-ending, potentially life threatning neck injury as Irvin's was.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Never have I been so saddened to be a Cowboy fan. We are NOT the Eagles people, you dont cheer and be happy when a player gets injured, this is a guy who is the best WR in football and goes out to do his job everyday just loike you and me. To cheer when he gets injured badly like this is beyond pathetic.

honestly who cares? he's a class A punk whow plays for a tarsh organization that has mostly trash fans...I used to live up there, its a disgrace

and after he pulled that crap at Texas Stadium a few years ago, I've been patiently awaiting his come uppance....the Karma finally caught up to him yesterday

as I said in another post, IMO only two players deserve a devestating injury more than Owens...Ray Lewis and Leonard Little

1pick2 said:
my only regret heavyhitta since u feel so sad is that it shuld of been you right beside TO cant you remember how they cheered when our greatest wr got tooken out. or were you watchin a 49er game you shouldnt even put mr. williams number next to your name. YOU ARE THE PATHETIC ONE HERE! :iggles:

Put that into legible english and maybe I will respond.
Im so emberassed of this board right now. You guys sound like 12 year old kids "yea, he got hurt he deserved it", you all think you seem cool cheering an injury. How Pathetic
1pick2 said:
my only regret heavyhitta since u feel so sad is that it shuld of been you right beside TO cant you remember how they cheered when our greatest wr got tooken out. or were you watchin a 49er game you shouldnt even put mr. williams number next to your name. YOU ARE THE PATHETIC ONE HERE! :iggles:
Take it easy weazy. No need for the personal insults. Please try to keep it civil.
Jon88 said:
He brings the Irvin incident up and compares this to it, and you apologize. That is absolutely unbelieveable.
After you're done wallowing in the mud...go clean up. You don't get it!

No one's apologizing...I'm embarrassed you have dropped to such a low level to wish for and be happy a player is got hurt. Simply pathetic!
1pick2 said:
my only regret heavyhitta since u feel so sad is that it shuld of been you right beside TO cant you remember how they cheered when our greatest wr got tooken out. or were you watchin a 49er game you shouldnt even put mr. williams number next to your name. YOU ARE THE PATHETIC ONE HERE! :iggles:

Watch it buddy.

While I differ with HH31 on this, I respect his opinion. He and Portland Fanatic and ravidubey are definitely taking the high road. I respect them for that.

Part of me wanted to take that same opinion, but when it got right down to it, I was glad that he (and TO alone, no one else) was hurt. It's my honest opinion, despite myself.
heavyhitta stop crying so much.didnt know there was a TO fan in the house u fake wannabe and u got the nerve to have mr.williams # besides your name!ivote that you remove it and go with TO he could need a hug right about nowhow many dances will he do this year? :iggles:
HeavyHitta31 said:
Never have I been so saddened to be a Cowboy fan. We are NOT the Eagles people, you dont cheer and be happy when a player gets injured, this is a guy who is the best WR in football and goes out to do his job everyday just loike you and me. To cheer when he gets injured badly like this is beyond pathetic.
I agree, I love big hits and I'm all for hurting people - but NOT injuring them. TO getting injured really sucks, and Cowboys fans cheering and reveling in it embarrasses me. Everyone derided the Eagles fans for cheering Irvin's injury, but when you get right down to it a lot of Cowboys fans are no better.
Danny White said:
It's an OK analogy in the sense that you're not supposed to be glad when a bad thing happens to someone, yet it's generally understood that if that thing happens to a bad person, you're allowed to derive some satisfaction from it.

You're very correct in that TO is not a terrorist. At the same time, a leg injury is not death.

I never said the two (TO and Uday) were equal, I simply said I had trouble feeling sorrow for their respective misfortunes. In that way, they are analagous.
We will have to agree to disagree. To me it is too extreme. One is scum and the other is a very talented football player that you don't like. It appears more then obvious to me but oh well, you are entitled to your opinion.
Rude said:
Im so emberassed of this board right now. You guys sound like 12 year old kids "yea, he got hurt he deserved it", you all think you seem cool cheering an injury. How Pathetic
Not deserved it. As others here have stated ,its just karma that we're happy about. "What goes around comes around."
Portland Fanatic said:
All I can say is bad for lightning on a sunny day buddy. Show some class would ya.

so so very true!!!

and it's not happy that he got hurt as much as his being hurt ruins the iggles season.

THAT makes me happy.

Your right, we shouldn't stoop to their level. As a matter of fact, let's all pretend we're in the same room together and have a group hug. GET REAL! Christmas came a week early via Santa Roy (he got my letter). They egirls are the exception to any rule regarding sportsmanship. I was there when the cheered Troy on the turf after a Clyde Simmons sack, I was there when they ALL cheered Irvin on the carpet. They deserve EVERY kick in the teeth they get.
adbutcher said:
You can't forget the booing of Santa Claus but don’t forget that Karma is impartial. Just as some here delight in the eagle’s misery it just might hurry our own time for sowing. :iggles:

We have never cheered an injury, especially a potential life threatening one. Plus we never jeered a guy about his dead son. Sorry, but You can feel all the pain and misery you want over TO but I for one just think it's pay back time coming in spades for for the iggle fans. That's all.
tyke1doe said:
How do I say this.

I don't wish injury on any player, especially not a serious injury.

But I think there's a trade off you make as a fan following football. While going into a game you don't want a player to get injured, if a player does get injured in a game, especially if it isn't a Cowboys player and he's on a team I don't like, I'm not going to lie and say I don't think, "good."

It's not with malice I utter that in my thought. It's just that the game of football is violent, and part of that game is not only stopping plays but making sure you neutralize an opponent's player. If it's a clean hit and it comes within the game, while I'm not shouting, I'm not exactly weeping either.

I think the most fitting example of this is last year's championship game involving Donovan McNabb. While I didn't go into the game wanting him to get hurt, when it happened I was "glad" (not in a joyful way but in a way that was glad that the Panthers would have a better chance of advancing to the Super Bowl).

If that makes me a bad person, well, at least I'm being honest.
Good post, I agree. Injuries happen all the time, it's part of the game, my goodness....we might as well give these guys some skirts and flags. :rolleyes:
Jersey said:
Your right, we shouldn't stoop to their level. As a matter of fact, let's all pretend we're in the same room together and have a group hug. GET REAL! Christmas came a week early via Santa Roy (he got my letter). They egirls are the exception to any rule regarding sportsmanship. I was there when the cheered Troy on the turf after a Clyde Simmons sack, I was there when they ALL cheered Irvin on the carpet. They deserve EVERY kick in the teeth they get.
Thank You, Jersey!!
Novacek84 said:
Not deserved it. As others here have stated ,its just karma that we're happy about. "What goes around comes around."
and around.........
Danny White said:
I see where you're coming from.

TO has had it coming for a long time, though. And the Eagles connection only makes it moreso.

I feel as bad for him as I did when I saw the Hussein boys had bitten the bullet.

Sorry if you think less of me, HH31.
Wow, this might be the dumbest post I've ever read. You just compared TO to some brutal and sadistic third world dictators. Why not compare him to Hitler next? He's a football player, he doesn't hurt anyone and he doesn't rape and pillage. When I'm wishing someone an injury I reserve it for people who have actually done something horrible to another human being.

Frankly you people make me ashamed to be a Cowboys fan.
I never claimed to be better than anyone else. If it helps the Eagles blow another playoff game, I really don't care.
1pick2 said:
heavyhitta stop crying so much.didnt know there was a TO fan in the house u fake wannabe and u got the nerve to have mr.williams # besides your name!ivote that you remove it and go with TO he could need a hug right about nowhow many dances will he do this year? :iggles:



Anyway, Im not sad that Philly got screwed over, they did deserve it, but I am sad for TO that he had to get injured like that, especially after such a great season.

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