This board is pathetic....

HeavyHitta31 said:
Never have I been so saddened to be a Cowboy fan. We are NOT the Eagles people, you dont cheer and be happy when a player gets injured, this is a guy who is the best WR in football and goes out to do his job everyday just loike you and me. To cheer when he gets injured badly like this is beyond pathetic.
I'm torn, myself. Never like to see a player get injured, but when they do, I do take pride in the fact that it's Roy who takes them out.

Anyway, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
mcnabbmcnow said:
I agree. I don't want to EVER hear about Philly fans cheering Irvin's injury, you guys are just as bad or worse!
Just know this is only a select few on this board who think this way...I've been a member for a long time...since the begining of the new sight. Most here would be embarassed by this BS. I know I am...
I agree.. I never applaud injuries.. I'm talkin freak..knee and ankle type injuries... but ain't karma a b!tch. though.. that's all I'll say

karma would have been TO tripping over the star at mid-field resulting in a twisted ankle and a sprained jaw.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Never have I been so saddened to be a Cowboy fan. We are NOT the Eagles people, you dont cheer and be happy when a player gets injured, this is a guy who is the best WR in football and goes out to do his job everyday just loike you and me. To cheer when he gets injured badly like this is beyond pathetic.

Ya know, I'm not sure what folks are happy about. As for me, I'm not happy someone got hurt. But I sure as heck think it is extremely funny how this Karma thing bites people in the butt. TO dances on the star. TO dances on the helmet in our endzone. Iggle fans cheer Irvins neck injury. Iggle fans cheer Aikmans Concussion. Iggle fans chant "Joe, how's you Son" after Joe Jurevicious' baby son dies. YOu can't get much lower than an Iggles fan. They wallow in the stuff that is left over from the bucket of scum when the scum is dumped out. So, it's probably not the injury but the fact that they are getting back what they deserve. YOu reap what you sow.
Danny White said:
I see where you're coming from.

TO has had it coming for a long time, though. And the Eagles connection only makes it moreso.

I feel as bad for him as I did when I saw the Hussein boys had bitten the bullet.

Sorry if you think less of me, HH31.
IMO opinion that is a terrible analogy. TO is a football player not a terrorist. I hate the eagles just as much as the next guy but I will never applaud an injury even if it does hurt the eagles.
Portland Fanatic said:
Just know this is only a select few on this board who think this way...I've been a member for a long time...since the begining of the new sight. Most hear would be embarassed by this BS. I know I am...

The Irvin incident was way worse and you're apologizing to this guy? That's absolutely crazy.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Never have I been so saddened to be a Cowboy fan. We are NOT the Eagles people, you dont cheer and be happy when a player gets injured, this is a guy who is the best WR in football and goes out to do his job everyday just loike you and me. To cheer when he gets injured badly like this is beyond pathetic.
And just how pathetic was it when Eagles fans cheered Michael Irvin's career-ending neck injury at the Vet? Screw the Eagles and their fans. They forfeited all sympathy with that move. And if you think Terrell Owens "goes to work just like you and me" you're not paying attention. Pro athletes live in another universe.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Never have I been so saddened to be a Cowboy fan. We are NOT the Eagles people, you dont cheer and be happy when a player gets injured, this is a guy who is the best WR in football and goes out to do his job everyday just loike you and me. To cheer when he gets injured badly like this is beyond pathetic.

Most here hate to see TO out for the year. He's a great player, but that's life I guess.
How do I say this.

I don't wish injury on any player, especially not a serious injury.

But I think there's a trade off you make as a fan following football. While going into a game you don't want a player to get injured, if a player does get injured in a game, especially if it isn't a Cowboys player and he's on a team I don't like, I'm not going to lie and say I don't think, "good."

It's not with malice I utter that in my thought. It's just that the game of football is violent, and part of that game is not only stopping plays but making sure you neutralize an opponent's player. If it's a clean hit and it comes within the game, while I'm not shouting, I'm not exactly weeping either.

I think the most fitting example of this is last year's championship game involving Donovan McNabb. While I didn't go into the game wanting him to get hurt, when it happened I was "glad" (not in a joyful way but in a way that was glad that the Panthers would have a better chance of advancing to the Super Bowl).

If that makes me a bad person, well, at least I'm being honest.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Never have I been so saddened to be a Cowboy fan. We are NOT the Eagles people, you dont cheer and be happy when a player gets injured, this is a guy who is the best WR in football and goes out to do his job everyday just loike you and me. To cheer when he gets injured badly like this is beyond pathetic.
I wanted to see TO sreaming at McNabb on the sidelines while McNabb was choking on another NFC Championship game. I'm actually pissed that he got hurt.
No one heard the boos after Key caught his TD and got up? The Eagles and their fans are all scums. :iggles:
Jon88 said:
The Irvin incident was way worse and you're apologizing to this guy? That's absolutely crazy.
That's it...drop to their level...way to go big guy. **#$'in embarrasing. If their fans wish to drop to that level...then screw them, but we should NEVER do that!
I don't care! I was at the game when Irvin went down. Everone there was cheering when Irvin got hurt. What comes around, goes around!
tyke1doe said:
How do I say this.

I don't wish injury on any player, especially not a serious injury.

But I think there's a trade off you make as a fan following football. While going into a game you don't want a player to get injured, if a player does get injured in a game, especially if it isn't a Cowboys player and he's on a team I don't like, I'm not going to lie and say I don't think, "good."

It's not with malice I utter that in my thought. It's just that the game of football is violent, and part of that game is not only stopping plays but making sure you neutralize an opponent's player. If it's a clean hit and it comes within the game, while I'm not shouting, I'm not exactly weeping either.

I think the most fitting example of this is last year's championship game involving Donovan McNabb. While I didn't go into the game wanting him to get hurt, when it happened I was "glad" (not in a joyful way but in a way that was glad that the Panthers would have a better chance of advancing to the Super Bowl).

If that makes me a bad person, well, at least I'm being honest.
I think you've hit it on the head. No malice intended, but glad that T.O and his big mouth are sidelined for the playoffs.
So what you guys are saying is "Philly did it to us, so now we can do it to them"? Bulls***. We are always harping on them for being low class, well guess what you are no better than they were cheering on Irvin's injury.
jimmy40 said:
I wanted to see TO sreaming at McNabb on the sidelines while McNabb was choking on another NFC Championship game. I'm actually pissed that he got hurt.
my only regret heavyhitta since u feel so sad is that it shuld of been you right beside TO cant you remember how they cheered when our greatest wr got tooken out. or were you watchin a 49er game you shouldnt even put mr. williams number next to your name. YOU ARE THE PATHETIC ONE HERE! :iggles:
cajuncowboy said:
Ya know, I'm not sure what folks are happy about. As for me, I'm not happy someone got hurt. But I sure as heck think it is extremely funny how this Karma thing bites people in the butt. TO dances on the star. TO dances on the helmet in our endzone. Iggle fans cheer Irvins neck injury. Iggle fans cheer Aikmans Concussion. Iggle fans chant "Joe, how's you Son" after Joe Jurevicious' baby son dies. YOu can't get much lower than an Iggles fan. They wallow in the stuff that is left over from the bucket of scum when the scum is dumped out. So, it's probably not the injury but the fact that they are getting back what they deserve. YOu reap what you sow.
You can't forget the booing of Santa Claus but don’t forget that Karma is impartial. Just as some here delight in the eagle’s misery it just might hurry our own time for sowing. :iggles:
adbutcher said:
IMO opinion that is a terrible analogy. TO is a football player not a terrorist. I hate the eagles just as much as the next guy but I will never applaud an injury even if it does hurt the eagles.

It's an OK analogy in the sense that you're not supposed to be glad when a bad thing happens to someone, yet it's generally understood that if that thing happens to a bad person, you're allowed to derive some satisfaction from it.

You're very correct in that TO is not a terrorist. At the same time, a leg injury is not death.

I never said the two (TO and Uday) were equal, I simply said I had trouble feeling sorrow for their respective misfortunes. In that way, they are analagous.
Portland Fanatic said:
That's it...drop to their level...way to go big guy. **#$'in embarrasing. If their fans wish to drop to that level...then screw them, but we should NEVER do that!

He brings the Irvin incident up and compares this to it, and you apologize. That is absolutely unbelieveable.

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