This coaching staff can not get another year


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Jerry not gonna pay MM and his buddies to sit around his barn and watch film for four years.

There's some of that.

Also, Jerry treats coaches under a "give them a chance" rule, not the "Is this the best guy I can get" rule.

Besides the guaranteed money Jerry woud have to eat, there's no reason to keep McCarthy around whether or not you think he "had a chance" this year. He certainly hasn't shown anything positive that we can't do without.


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You don't believe injuries and covid haven't messed up the Cowboys?


Exactly how was this coaching staff supposed to put in their system with no offseason, no minicamp, no QB camp, no training camp, and no preseason games? On top of that the Cowboys are in the middle of the historic worse injury filled season in the teams history.

@big dog cowboy I’m actually right there with you on all that. I said going into the season we were at a severe disadvantage because of COVID. I worried that we were overhyped in that sense. And it wasn’t like our team was actually any good last year, feeding that optimism. But a new staff with little practice time spelled trouble to anyone willing to look.

And the injuries were severe setbacks. We’re talking season-ending injuries to the starting QB, TE, OG, RT, LT, DT, CB ... just to name a few.

I’d put the chances of McCarthy being kicked aside barely above 0%. We’re simply not moving away from him. But I do see warning signs that cause concern for me moving forward, even when those injured players are back.

We are still, at our root, a team much further away from a winning foundation than we want to admit. McCarthy and organization billed this as a Super Bowl or bust year, a team he came to because we were on the cusp of winning. But were we really? Our defense is a mess. We’ve handed out some terrible contracts. I love what Dak brings, quite honestly — but can he ever perform up to the contract it will take to keep him?

And who exactly is Mike McCarthy? I’m not sure he even knows at the moment. I think he’s trying to convince himself he’s a hard-nosed, tried-and-true, old-school football coach who has seen the light and appreciates numbers. But it seems like those numbers and analytics have only caused him trouble. I sense he sometimes listens to the numbers guys, sometimes listens to his gut, and mostly just guesses wrong.


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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You don't believe injuries and covid haven't messed up the Cowboys?


Exactly how was this coaching staff supposed to put in their system with no offseason, no minicamp, no QB camp, no training camp, and no preseason games? On top of that the Cowboys are in the middle of the historic worse injury filled season in the teams history.

Every team in the league has managed these things - including injuries.

The Giants lost their franchise running back, the 49ers lost their QB,Tight end Joey Bosa, Carolina has lost McCafrey for most of the season, the Bengals lost their QB, the Stealers lost their RB's, Denver lost Von Miller and list goes on. Losing Dak was a big hit but the difference between everybody else in the league and the Cowboys is one indefensibl and obvious thing.

The effort on this team is disgraceful and nothing is worse than that.


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If it had to come down to it, I think I could MAYBE take a shot at McCarthy given a year to have an actual off-season and it have offensive line taken apart and reassembled ***-forward.

But Nolan and Moore have definitely got to go. No doubt on that.


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Before passing final judgment on mac, i'd like to see what kind of house cleaning takes place after the season. But there is no denying some bad coaching calls were made this season. But neither can working brain cells deny the devastation caused by injuries. Rag tag o-line played well. Quitters mostly on defense.


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You don't believe injuries and covid haven't messed up the Cowboys?


Exactly how was this coaching staff supposed to put in their system with no offseason, no minicamp, no QB camp, no training camp, and no preseason games? On top of that the Cowboys are in the middle of the historic worse injury filled season in the teams history.

I guess we are the only team to have no minicamp, training camp or preseason games huh?


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i do not care about all the injures and covid messing every thing up. not for one second! i am not saying this team should be 9-3 or what ever but the job this coaching staff have done is 100% inexcusible! there is no excuse for so many player on d being lost on every play, mis communication all the time that lead to huge chunk yardage, poor fundamental (tackling, angles, awareness... every thing).

also stupid play calling and very stupid decison making. u just can not blame this on injures or covid im sorry! these are not excuse that work to explain how u get out schemed every single week!

jerry has a belief that he builded a SUPER BOWL roster and even if they were healthy guess what kind of team u meet in the playoff? other big time talent where u actually have to out scheme and out play and out smart the opponent! does this coaching staff ever show they can do that? wake up man! it goes for his boy kellen just as much!

this is very frustrating to watch!
Agree, other teams managed to weather the covid storm and get prepared to play. The Cowboys did not.


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As frustrating as this year has been, McCarthy probably should get another year. If he brings Nolan back next year, I would dump the entire staff if the playoffs are missed in 2021.


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People posting about MM needing to be fired simply know nothing of football and especially the business side of professional football....


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I’d have more sympathy for the argument, but we made the choice to implement a complex defense knowing about the effect COVID was going to have on the defensive installation. We did it anyway. We also blew the VFA defensive additions, badly. And we’re still seeing badly blown coverages still tonight, in week 13. If the issues were just needing time to get things down, we’ve had the time by now.

On offense, we’ve had issues, but one of the problems was a RT not being prepared for camp. We lost the QB on a designed run. We’ve seen at least three significant blown fourth down calls, a couple of them among the worst decisions I’ve seen in years—not the amateurish second guessing we get whenever a 50/50 call doesn’t work out—low-percentage calls on 4th and long deep in our own territory. We have no identity at all, on either side of the ball. It’s terrible to watch. This isn’t 2015, when we just had an awful QB but we’re playing otherwise reasonable football. We’ve got one of the better backup QBs in the league, but the issues are cropping up all over with this team.

I can’t speak for antibody else, but if we trot this same warmed-over mess again next season it’ll be the least excited I’ve been for football since that season Parcells started Vinny Testaverde.

I'm sure there will be the anti Garrett personal agendas of others aimed towards your comments and spun off your remarks here. I was not a huge supporter as well but additionally knew there were larger issues with this team at its core.
With that said,
I agree with every last word of your post here and find it hard to comprehend those who stick to covid and injuries as to the full explanation for this current circus.
Nothing is changing next year. Nothing.
Dak, a full offseason of no Covid, and everyone returning from injury is not changing this HC and staff's inability to coach effectively. Period.
I said it was a poor coach choice from day one and this fantasy world of next year's return to normalcy is just that. Fantasy.
And by the way, what is the standard Cowboy normal these days anyway? Lol

Again, your post is spot on. Nice job.
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They will.

The Jones' EGO will not get rid of anyone. I'd be surprised if they do, and if they do, it will an asst. Coach or something. Just to say "Hey look fans, WE DID SOMETHING!".

Course, I'd laugh my butt if the coaching staff next season and the team do a complete 180 and become contenders. lol. hahahahahahahaha.. Oh, holy cow, that was tough too type. Laughing too much.


1st Round Pick
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You don't believe injuries and covid haven't messed up the Cowboys?


Exactly how was this coaching staff supposed to put in their system with no offseason, no minicamp, no QB camp, no training camp, and no preseason games? On top of that the Cowboys are in the middle of the historic worse injury filled season in the teams history.

They don't get a free pass for the entire season because they didn't get to spend more time together during the offseason.

We see absolutely 0 week to week progress.

Tons of horrible in game coaching decisions all season. Like HORRIBLE.

There is so much bad this coaching staff has done that has nothing to do with their lack of an offseason.

But management doesn't make moves. The old Jones's are gone and the media and fans have bashed their aggressive behaviors to the point that they have become ultra conservative shells and we have become a mediocre franchise because of it.

I'd rather swing for the fence.

Dallas makes too many "smart moves" and we've got our franchise stuck in the middle because of it.

Dallas needs to shoot for great and if they miss then be terrible going for it. This 8-8 / 9-7 Wildcard football just never gets us over the hump.


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It’s starting to dawn on even the most stubborn of you. Of course, you won’t admit it out loud, but you’re all thinking it.

Now we see what bad coaching actually looks like, and it’s painfully obvious what that looks like.

No.. I knew what Jason Garrett was..

He plays a 50/50 brand of football and he can get those type of results regardless of how good or bad your team is.

After a decade of that it was time to move on.

Mike McCarthy was just a terrible hire unless he somehow brought Aaron Rodgers to Dallas with him.


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You don't believe injuries and covid haven't messed up the Cowboys?


Exactly how was this coaching staff supposed to put in their system with no offseason, no minicamp, no QB camp, no training camp, and no preseason games? On top of that the Cowboys are in the middle of the historic worse injury filled season in the teams history.
75% Injuries' 10% offseason lack thereof and 15% some coaching mistakes, they werent perfect for sure but i think they called some desperate wild plays to try and make up for talent , even if they didnt have to..

he get mulligan, fans are being blind to reality's, these are not excuses these are facts we have basically a team full of backup layers in new scheme and this is what you get inconsistent play..
Mulligan give this staff a chance to either show this was an anomaly or that they are fraud's and then we can talk about firing's..its insane to think you dump new staff after an historic amount of injuries'..

i see team that fought hard most games undermanned the last 4-5 weeks stayed in games for long time and had shot and it didnt work out and late in the 4th it finally broke..tells me coaching isnt the main reason

not making excuses and for sure not happy with the ay this went down but its insane to call for complete staff change after this mess..

health, a good draft, and some FAs and we are back doing well next season, if not if this is mess with full compliment of our stars, well we can talk about firings..


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No he’s not. No one did less with what he was given in the amount of time he had to do it than Jason Garrett. MM has won a SB.

If Big Mike is still a good coach then why did Green Bay fire him?

And why did he sit home for a full year before he found another job?


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I cant stop being a fan, no matter how HARD I TRY... but i have stopped caring. As long as Jerry Jones remains teh top clown in this circus, nothing I repeat, nothing will ever change


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JG left the cupboard bare on D. Now Mike and company have to try and build it. I get rid of Nolan ASAP to start that process.