This game made me appreciate Tony Romo more


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Because of the goal line plays last week?

Yes. This week instead of pushing the ball when were down big he's still checking down...

Come on kid were down already take a few chances and see what happens


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I think better thread would have been "This game made me miss Campo as the HC."


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Romo is in the past. I love Romo. I call him "my guy". I don't allow my self to get caught up in missing him. Yall need to stop with the #WWRD. Dez, if he's an elite receiver needs to be better for Dak. Witten, 15 years in still makes plays. T-Will and Bease make plays and Butler makes every other play. LOL. Dez needs to better. Also, there's some guys on the other side of the ball who've been who need to be better. Looking at #31. He's healthy and if he keeps at it, he'll be as expendable as the guys we let go last year when his deal is up.


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He should have gotten his job back last year when he got healthy. And this isn't a knee jerk response from me I've always said that since day 1. Prescott is not as good as Romo right now, he just isn't

The worst thing to happen to this franchise last year was Dak kept winning?

Or some other twisted logic.


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The worst thing to happen to this franchise last year was Dak kept winning?

Or some other twisted logic.

What you don't know is that Romo has multiple accounts on the zone andis just trolling us all. Logical fans just don't spew some of the ridiculous mess I've seen here today....


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Yes. This week instead of pushing the ball when were down big he's still checking down...

Come on kid were down already take a few chances and see what happens
1. Make the simple throw to Dez and last week isn't a problem. The play worked, his execution failed

2. Then you would bash him for throwing interceptions. More interceptions

3. Fans always want it their way


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Oldest video I have. I don't think I posted it anywhere because I didn't realize I screwed up until after it uploaded, but I don't specifically remember what I screwed up. Quickest offering to contrast 2010 with current day. These were the days of needing to run freeze draws to inflate YPC against 7 man boxes.



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Romo is an excellent QB, but he chews up cap room when he can't maintain his health on the field. His last 2 seasons he spent significant time out, both injured early on. So chances are you spend a lot of money on a QB that probably won't see you through the majority of the season. And even if he did, he doesn't have the team to win a SB with because the defense still sucks the big one.

With Dak, you get a developing QB for cheap. Dallas need to use this time to put a good team on the field. In my mind that's the best chance of winning. Romo's a great player but he can't stay on the field and his cap hit means Dallas (who can't make good personnel decisions when they do have money) just field a woeful defense. If the front office was better in Dallas they could form a good team with Romo there, but they can't. Next year I'd like to see Dallas trot out their ultra cheap, developing and completely serviceable QB with a strong offense and defense. Like what Denver is doing now.


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Dak will see how it is with a sub-par defense. Romo was playing with sub-par defenses most of his career, plus a sub-par OLine as well.


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No disrespect to Dak, but being down by 21, I always knew we would climb, scratch our way into a game with Romo. That was just him. It was his identity. With Dak, it's more about control, accuracy, and not letting the defense dictate things. It's just not his game. I'm just saying..History will truly show just how underappreciated Romo was in his time in Dallas.

It does feel like things need to fall into place for the Dak thing to look right. But Dak is right kind of guy so I wouldn't give up on him. That said, Dallas needs to build a top 10 defense to be true contender because some teams will be able to take away that running game.


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THIS is what Cowboys royalty is.

If you miss anyone at QB, it should be one of these two MVPs:


I miss their head coaches more.

Yakuza Rich

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When 9 carries amount to 8 yards, coaches don't feel so confident about running it 11 more times.

I can understand when you're down by 14 points. When it's within a TD or tied and your offense revolves around your run/pass balance it's poor coaching. It's small picture thinking instead of seeing the bigger picture of that one big run likely scaring the defense out of blitzing and stacking the box so much, keeping the defense honest and using bootlegs as an effective counter as well as play action for deep and intermediate length passes which will eventually help with the short passes.

Again, 20 carries a game ain't much to ask for.



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I'm a Romo guy. I wore his jersey yesterday but fans are getting crazy on here. He had a bad game and he played in his 2nd game of his 2nd season. Now we gotta see how he bounces back. But there's a few players that we need to see bounce back. I'm not ready to throw Dak's career into the toilet because of one really bad game.


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Dak has had accuracy problems this year. Whether its nerves or a mechanics issue who knows. Romo was tweaking his release and how he threw the ball his entire career and he got better at it over time. Even with that said, Romo was always and accurate thrower for the most part and his career stats showed it. I think the bigger problem with this game and with DAK was we didn't control the line of scrimmage at all. Games are won in the trenches almost always. Our O line sucked in this game.


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I can understand when you're down by 14 points. When it's within a TD or tied and your offense revolves around your run/pass balance it's poor coaching. It's small picture thinking instead of seeing the bigger picture of that one big run likely scaring the defense out of blitzing and stacking the box so much, keeping the defense honest and using bootlegs as an effective counter as well as play action for deep and intermediate length passes which will eventually help with the short passes.

Again, 20 carries a game ain't much to ask for.
It's not like we were running well early and then abandoned it. Seems like one of those cases when their defense was just better than our offense -- a lesson many successful offenses have had to learn at Mile High over the last three years.


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Aikman from 2008 to 2013 would have been a bust on the Cowboys. Would have been more injured than Romo and had more concussions than Alex Smith has had in his career.

Not sure how you can make this claim. Aikman would have never been touched in today's NFL which is a far cry from the beating QB's took during his era. That's what caused those concussions. Aikman's arm and accuracy, coupled with the soft D's of today's NFL where just touching a receiver results in a flag, would have made him elite in today's NFL.


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No disrespect to Dak, but being down by 21, I always knew we would climb, scratch our way into a game with Romo. That was just him. It was his identity. With Dak, it's more about control, accuracy, and not letting the defense dictate things. It's just not his game. I'm just saying..History will truly show just how underappreciated Romo was in his time in Dallas.

Oh really? Panthers game went well.