This is why we believe in conspiracies

Wow. That’s a damn good theory and point.

*He’s extremely unlikeable too.
The league will get an AI agent to replace "Marcus" that will cost pennies...and will fool us all, with far greater believability and charisma. "Marcus" is toast, but we'll likely get multiple replacements that are better at the job. AI bots are cheap and wicked smart. Some will appear with avatars rich w/ big jiggling boobs, I'm sure. These AI bots will post 12 months of the year with humor, friendliness and charm...winning over most everyone.

Heck...there's a chance that "Marcus" is a low end entry version of an AI bot invading this forum.

NFL: give us your dollars. More of your dollars. Even if you destroy your family and yourself...give us your dollars. Oh, and we have an 800 number to "consult" with you about your addiction.
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1. The illegal huddle was still the worst for me.
2. Though, one time D-Law was called for a delay of game for a normal shift. That was weird.
3. False start on the long snapper was a unique way to end the game.
4. Those long stretches of no holds for our d-line the year (coincidently) Jerry was fighting with the ref’s boss.
5. The Dez catch
6. Two tripping penalties on all pro center that didn’t happen
7. Unsportsmanlike conduct on Garrett for arguing a call.
8. Those Pi’s on Brown vs Raiders
Those were all worse, but the San Fran one was bad too.

There’s no conspiracy and there’s no real way for a fan to prove there isn’t or is. Though, I believe there’s bias in some officials towards the most popular team. I actually think it’s been much better recently with the new younger group of refs.
Not to mention the way defensive players would blow Romo up and never a flag.

If you looked at Rodgers or Brady the wrong way it was a penalty. No one can ever dispute that.
Not to mention the way defensive players would blow Romo up and never a flag.

If you looked at Rodgers or Brady the wrong way it was a penalty. No one can ever dispute that.
Oh yea. There was one against the packers in the Dez game that was incredibly bad. AJ Hawk I believe, and it would’ve been 1st and goal at the 1 with Murray.
Not to mention the way defensive players would blow Romo up and never a flag.

If you looked at Rodgers or Brady the wrong way it was a penalty. No one can ever dispute that.
I think it was Bob Sturm that tracked it and it revealed that Romo was something like 2000% less likely to get a roughing call than Brady and Arron Rodgers.

There was also the weird three stooges thing where the ref threw his hat and it tripped our player.

There's old classics like the Phantom Pass Interference, the not called false start in the Ice Bowl, the SB V fumble recovery, the not called P.I. on Deion.

Also can't forget one of my all time favorites. The refs called holding. They actually said there was holding, but decided to not penalize the opponent because the Cowboys player "played through the hold."

There was yet another time where, despite the claim that you can't review a play if the next play is snapped and started, the refs waived off the Cowboys snap and reviewed the play anyway.
Well I think the players and the coaches have to put themselves in a situation where they can’t let the refs decide the final play. Bad luck, bad refs and us not playing our best is never a good combo.

Me personally I feel in this day and age the refs should all be consistent because the rules are consistent. I know there will be human error but that specific play the ref was a little overzealous. But if Dallas would have played better we wouldn’t have been effected by the refs or bad luck. But I agree, hopefully our play changes our luck.
Sometimes, like the last time we played the Raiders, the refs throw so many flags on us that it was never really in our control. There's games where it won't matter what you do if the refs are determined. The Dolphins experienced this against the Eagles.
As for "conspiracies"... Most are nothing of the sort. Just human nature in operation.

I simply believe that those with massive money will do whatever they can to maximize their dollar. Ethical or not. It's not like most of them cared an ounce about ethics on their rise to the top, right? Same with people in power...those who run things. They have nothing but contempt for average folk. The elites don't give an ounce of thought to your happiness or even your survival. 98% of those who rise to big money or big power are 100% selfish. Psychos, really...many are actual sadists, laughing at me and you.

Funny how many are deceived into thinking those with power or wealth are some sort of parent. Trust this: if it gave them more money or power: they'd eat you alive. And they have endless marketing/manipulation money to convince you (or those around you) of anything they want.
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So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
Conspiracy know it’s not. It’s stupidity.
Consistency is one of the pillars of a good organization. I see no consistency in any aspect of NFL Officiating. It is one of the worst performing divisions of any organization I can think of.
Yup, conspiracy loons always dismiss the actual evidence. Did you not hear Romo on the Cowboys video? The official has to touch the ball. They did in both cases here. But one team lined up where the Side Judge was and another lined up ahead of the Line Judge necessitating a re-spot. That's why they turned out differently. But victims need their Boogeyman. You conspiracy people believe in them due to emotions, not actual knowledge. Then get all whiny when someone presents it. Just say you only want your way from the outset and don't call for truth and then pretend you don't see it when it arrives.
When the refs call penalties against the Cowboys it’s a conspiracy when the Cowboys get the benefit of the call like Sunday on the illegal contact or the no PI call it’s correct, the tin foil hat group is really embarrassing.
They could have made it a point of emphasis after that Cowboys game but if a team needs a FG like the Jets needed and tries to cheat forward for a yard, intentional or not, and aren't corrected, is that fair? In the Cowboys game, they did wind up giving the Cowboys the extra yard they shouldn't have but not being lined up correctly is what caused the extra delay. If you're lined up with the Side Judge there's no need to re-spot a ball that's correctly spotted and the official only has to touch the ball just like Romo stated on the broadcast. As a team, you have to know the rules. Also, Dak took extra time sliding like he did when the rules now allow him to slide forward to give himself up which would have been quicker so he could get right back up. But even from there, the team has to know to look at the Side Judge and line up with him. Receivers do it on the outside and the line should in that situation too.

The most obvious and glaring fact, which seems to get overlooked during this entire debate is:

The officiating has gone down hill in the NFL.
It embarrassing ,with as much money as the NFL rakes in, that they can't do better.
That’s the rub…. It’s so blatantly bad, it’s hard to believe it’s not intentional.
I still follow it but I consider just a small step above WWE, same with NBA.
So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
No conspiracy. Some refs are incompetent jyst like some doctors lawyers etc
Fans have a hard time understanding that the NFL is in the entertainment business. Its not a conspiracy theory. The NFL does this stuff to make more money. Ref controversy only helps get the NFL more headlines which is why we will never see a real fix when it comes to refs. Fans complaining about the NFL is just as important or more important than Fans loving the NFL. NFL has figured it out.
We’ve all seen refs change the outcome of games. The only question is who told them to do it.

Look at the Seahawk-Stealer Super Bowl. The fix was in. Bettis was getting a ring. Anyone want to try and deny that that Super Bowl was not fixed?

By the way, it is perfectly legal for the NFL to fix a game since it falls under ‘entertainment.’ One is not allowed to have inside information on the fix and then place bets.
That game was 100% rigged!!!!!
The league and networks want every Cowboys game possible. They are not going to conspire against their own best interests by keeping Dallas out of the NFC Championship Game and the Super Bowl for close to three decades.
If they want us in the NFCCG, they sure have a funny way of showing it every year…to me, it’s always the Packers, Steelers, and now KC that they want to prop up and treat well.
So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
Dude we said that during that San Francisco game that that was a bunch of crap for one the referee stayed behind it was the slowest job back to the line like he didn't care and then you see the next week with the Rams had the same situation and instead of waiting on the actual umpire or whatever call the main referee the other guy out front ran up and made sure the ball got spotted as quick as possible like he knew before the snap of the last play that he would probably have to do this in our game against the 49ers they didn't seem to care.. I wouldn't call him agenda but I gotta believe the referees seem to be involved in helping games get steered in a certain direction I mean they're not directly affecting wins or losses it's not rigged it's not scripted but this has to be addressed because it makes the NFL look bad the referees seem to be getting involved too much and helping some teams and purposely seemingly hurting other teams almost like they're guaranteeing parity..

I still remember everyone blaming Mike McCarthy and Kellen Moore for the play call and then Prescott for not sliding sooner but they got up in time if if the quarterback and all those fat linen were able to get to the line and spot the football where was the referee how is he that much slower why were they not so in tune with the game to do their job at a high level that they got somebody to spot that ball and blow that whistle to start the play?? I mean look at the following week against the Rams

remember it happened to the Rams the next week and the uh referee you know the one on that would be on the defensive side ran up and spotted the ball to make sure it got spotted in time... Our seemed to be in a lazy jog you know like he was trying to win a speed walking contest,

it is very suspect, and we could blame our coaches in our players for execution in those big moments, but we've already seen it with the Dez Bryant catch no catch we constantly seem to see it go against us and it gets tiresome.
It may not have been a deliberate attempt to change the outcome of the game but it doesn't matter. It may have just been the individual referee's level of adherence to the rules but this must be uniform across the league and apply equally to each group of referees.

Regardless of whether there was criminal intent, it can appear that way and when it does, the league, the teams and even the sport itself is diminished in terms of trust, enjoyment and relevance.

The reputation of the NFL has been severely damaged lately and I think the turning point was the league softening it's attitude towards the gambling industry. The consequences are that they cannot dismiss any claims of corruption among those involved in the sport on the field, especially the refs. Contradictions like the one expressed by the OP should automatically require investigation.
I agree it may not have been deliberate or a conspiracy but there seems to be some real giant inconsistencies on how games are called and how it's not very balanced with the penalties and in these big moments we've seen it just be so all over the place that people are going to start thinking there's conspiracies... I hear ya, man. But gotta remember the refs are prone to human error.

Officiating, I feel, is hard work. They probably are under duress to get right calls every time.

What I ask from them. JUST BE FAIR.
Why all that's very true there's no way to be fair look if you do your job this bad this inconsistent...

I mean as the referees are supposed to be a group, they go to the same training facilities they should be held to the same standards people would be fired from their regular jobs that they were this bad and this inconsistent!!

the problem is it's not a regular job it needs to be made there regular job from what I understand it's still considered part time I mean I don't know these guys are like 1099 guys subcontractors this needs to be fixed there should not be any Gray area there is either holding or not holding there's either pass interference or not pass interference I realize they're supposed to call them because some are gonna happen on every play no I'd rather just all be called and there's other players actually on the field have to clean their games up..​

They are in fact supposed to be calling penalties real penalties and it should be consistent on both sides of the ball how can they go through a game like the Miami Philadelphia game and not realize that they didn't give the other team a single penalty and the other one was getting all the penalties and the one that got all the penalties lost??

So why everyone's gonna stick up for officiating I'm sorry they should all be calling the games the same it's either a penalty or not a penalty they should not be allowed to be subjective that is not how sports are played.... So if they're gonna play this game to where they're being subjective and that they don't wanna call every single ticky tack penalty then they need to even it out on both sides but in a big moment like we're describing here that happened to us in the San Francisco game but then we've seen it the following week and the Rams game all be officiated differently on how to set a ball how could that be a Gray area how could that be an error they could have stopped the game and fixed it had a meeting and decided whether to run the clock out and give the giants to win or let The Jets run a final play that is too big a moment there like under a microscope and that is not a ticky tack decision that is a clear violation of the rules that they are supposed to be involved in setting the ball..

rant over
So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
I thought what the ref did was really cool. Gave them a chance to spike the ball. Giants can't complain. Maybe the center spotted the ball perfectly, and all the ref had to do was confirm it by touching it. You don't have to lift it unless it wasn't in the right spot on the field. We all know the truth, but that's the ref's plausible deniability.

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