This is why we believe in conspiracies

We’ve all seen refs change the outcome of games. The only question is who told them to do it.

Look at the Seahawk-Stealer Super Bowl. The fix was in. Bettis was getting a ring. Anyone want to try and deny that that Super Bowl was not fixed?

By the way, it is perfectly legal for the NFL to fix a game since it falls under ‘entertainment.’ One is not allowed to have inside information on the fix and then place bets.
Vegas Baby!!
There are multiple plays like this every Sunday. The ref justs has to touch the ball to spot it. He does not have to pick it up, dust it off and then spot it. So the Jets play was legal.

The thing about the Cowboys play against the 49ers is that the ref was nowhere to be found after Dak slid. The ref knowing the situation should have been down their ready to spot the ball quickly which is what we see every week in every other close game like that. Also note that in the Cowboys game, the ref actually moves the ball back a foot or so to stop it. But he was coming from way beack behind the play. How could he have possibly known to move the ball back like that?

The reality though is the Cowboys needed a TD on the next play. The odds were slim and none they would get it.
So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
The NFL has always been a game impacted by officiating. It’s nothing new. I still remember the Dez Bryant TD catch ruled incomplete that cost us a spot in an NFC title game. For some reason, the NFL refuses to make refs full time employees and train them year round. That might make the calls more consistent. However that human judgement element that’s always been a part of the game. As they say, if called by the book, just about every snap has a holding call somewhere. Sometimes they call it and sometimes they don’t. It’s always been that way.
What is worse are those dumb, rump-kissing fans who come out and berate you for trying to instigate a conspiracy and call you names while they kiss up and defend them crooked referees and the NFL league office.
From the mouth of the king of the tin foil hat group. It’s just one of the many excuses used and they don’t understand that it makes them appear like idiots with every post.
The problem is that they can call a penalty on every play. They have to pick and choose.
......and that's a problem in my opinion. Either call the game, or don't, but you can't start choosing when you want to call a foul. So it wasn't holding for 3 and a half quarters, but suddenly it was on the final drive? How many times have we seen that BS?
Bro, you're just mad because I thrashed you in the Dez catch debates. That was years ago and you still fanboi harder than the rest. Do you remember how when you were getting embarrassed you actually went into my PMs to call me names because you were mad? Lol. You try to rebrand yourself as all calm now but I know you're still the same unhinged individual that can't get over that. Someone take away my internet if I'm on here trying to take shots at people repeatedly because they hurt my feelings years ago.
Any person is free to go back and look at how bad you lost the Dez debate. You’ll never accept it because of what type of person you are.

You’re highly unlikeable. Just accept that.
You also have an unhealthy admiration for refs and you don’t discuss the Cowboys. You discuss when people challenge refs.

Two feet inbounds
Time for a football move.

You lost. Get her over it and please don’t cry to the mods again.
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Any person is free to go back and look at how bad you lost the Dez debate. You’ll never accept it because of what type of person you are.

You’re highly unlikeable. Just accept that.
You also have an unhealthy admiration for refs and you don’t discuss the Cowboys. You discuss when people challenge refs.

Two feet inbounds
Time for a football move.

You lost. Get her over it and please don’t tattle to the mods again.
"Did not, it was you instead!" Lol.

Those debates were like 5 years ago. And you still follow me around trying to take personal shots when I couldn't care less what you do. Are those the actions of a man who won a debate or one who's mad because he got destroyed in one and is trying to "get even?" And notice you don't deny getting in my PMs to call me names. Again, how does that look logically from the outside?

You're not the only fanboi who does this, but you're certainly the longest tenured one. Half a decade of hurt feelings over a stranger on the internet. Men who are catfished get over things quicker. Lol. SMH.
"Did not, it was you instead!" Lol.

Those debates were like 5 years ago. And you still follow me around trying to take personal shots when I couldn't care less what you do. Are those the actions of a man who won a debate or one who's mad because he got destroyed in one and is trying to "get even?" And notice you don't deny getting in my PMs to call me names. Again, how does that look logically from the outside?

You're not the only fanboi who does this, but you're certainly the longest tenured one. Half a decade of hurt feelings over a stranger on the internet. Men who are catfished get over things quicker. Lol. SMH.
Show me the last time I’ve even commented on anything you’ve said. You can’t. So that makes you a liar and or having some fantasy about me.
I mean....its probably just incompetence by the officiating crew then it is a conspiracy....

Its just silly though.....why should a team lose a game because of that? Its a very stupid rule.
I never said their is any conspiracy... I just said that when people see this, it feeds into why we hear about "Conspiracies."
Well I think the players and the coaches have to put themselves in a situation where they can’t let the refs decide the final play. Bad luck, bad refs and us not playing our best is never a good combo.

Me personally I feel in this day and age the refs should all be consistent because the rules are consistent. I know there will be human error but that specific play the ref was a little overzealous. But if Dallas would have played better we wouldn’t have been effected by the refs or bad luck. But I agree, hopefully our play changes our luck.
This is the NFL, where one play decides games EVERY WEEK. Sure, if only we could beat teams every week like we did th eRams, then we would never have to worry about the refs.... but really?????? This is the NFL, not HS.
1. The illegal huddle was still the worst for me.
2. Though, one time D-Law was called for a delay of game for a normal shift. That was weird.
3. False start on the long snapper was a unique way to end the game.
4. Those long stretches of no holds for our d-line the year (coincidently) Jerry was fighting with the ref’s boss.
5. The Dez catch
6. Two tripping penalties on all pro center that didn’t happen
7. Unsportsmanlike conduct on Garrett for arguing a call.
8. Those Pi’s on Brown vs Raiders
Those were all worse, but the San Fran one was bad too.

There’s no conspiracy and there’s no real way for a fan to prove there isn’t or is. Though, I believe there’s bias in some officials towards the most popular team. I actually think it’s been much better recently with the new younger group of refs.
Number 1..... was that the one against... the packers? Ive been watching the NFL since 1977 nd I had NEVER seen that called. I didnt even know what the hell it was, and it cost us BIG TIME.
What's this "we," emotional one?

This is where it pays to actually pay attention instead of letting emotions do their thing and playing victim. In the Jets game, if you look at where the receiver came down and where the Jets tried to line up, they lined up behind the receiver's forward progress which had reached the 16 yard line. They lined up at the 17 so there was no need to re-spot the ball, by design or not, who knows. You know this by watching the Side Judge on the sideline marking where the spot of the ball is. He was lined up right where the OL was.

Compare that to what the Cowboys did. Dak slid, so the ball gets spotted where he starts his slide, not where he ends up. Ball should have been just inside the 25. The Cowboys were a full yard ahead of that which is where the Line Judge was on the top sideline, so the official running in got confused because he's supposed to spot where the Line Judge is but time is running out so instead of making the entire OL move back like he should have and he started to do, he instead just leaves it there and then you see the Side Judge on the sideline actually hop forward to give the Cowboys the extra yard they took. If he went by the book, time expires anyway but the Cowboys trying to take an extra yard is what delayed things for them. So there's no victimhood, just one team who knew what would preserve the most time and another team who panicked and shot themselves in the foot.

..yep, we got suckered at. Bad luck on our part.
Show me the last time I’ve even commented on anything you’ve said. You can’t. So that makes you a liar and or having some fantasy about me.
You don't comment on what I say because then you might actually have to address the topic. You know you don't want to go there due to PTSD. Instead, you do what you did here and confer on the sidelines with other "mean girls" and take personal shots like a jilted wench. The only ones who do that are ones that know they can't address the topic or have hurt feelings. For you, it's both.

Debate me on the topics at hand. I challenge all my fanbois to and yet they don't.
Why all that's very true there's no way to be fair look if you do your job this bad this inconsistent...

I mean as the referees are supposed to be a group, they go to the same training facilities they should be held to the same standards people would be fired from their regular jobs that they were this bad and this inconsistent!!

the problem is it's not a regular job it needs to be made there regular job from what I understand it's still considered part time I mean I don't know these guys are like 1099 guys subcontractors this needs to be fixed there should not be any Gray area there is either holding or not holding there's either pass interference or not pass interference I realize they're supposed to call them because some are gonna happen on every play no I'd rather just all be called and there's other players actually on the field have to clean their games up..​

They are in fact supposed to be calling penalties real penalties and it should be consistent on both sides of the ball how can they go through a game like the Miami Philadelphia game and not realize that they didn't give the other team a single penalty and the other one was getting all the penalties and the one that got all the penalties lost??

So why everyone's gonna stick up for officiating I'm sorry they should all be calling the games the same it's either a penalty or not a penalty they should not be allowed to be subjective that is not how sports are played.... So if they're gonna play this game to where they're being subjective and that they don't wanna call every single ticky tack penalty then they need to even it out on both sides but in a big moment like we're describing here that happened to us in the San Francisco game but then we've seen it the following week and the Rams game all be officiated differently on how to set a ball how could that be a Gray area how could that be an error they could have stopped the game and fixed it had a meeting and decided whether to run the clock out and give the giants to win or let The Jets run a final play that is too big a moment there like under a microscope and that is not a ticky tack decision that is a clear violation of the rules that they are supposed to be involved in setting the ball..

rant over
..I hear ya, man. I dont know what to say. Only that, WE hopefully get those close calls. ;)
yes he is... which is why that clown is on ignore, and I RARELY put anyone on ignore.
Only the weak announce to the world that they lack self control and need to put people on ignore.

I'm unlikeable to you because I call out your emotional proclamations and watch you writhe in agony when it's proven different than what you say and you dance like Mikhail Baryshnikov instead of just saying "my bad" up to and including just outright lying.

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