This is why we believe in conspiracies

Trying to follow what your saying (no sarcasm) but if the offense spots the ball behind the yard line gained the officials will not respot the ball?
Don't know if the Jets did the lining up intentionally but they were exactly where the Side Judge was on the sideline so it's likely they looked where he was and just lined up there even if he spotted them back a yard from where they should have been. Either way, it guaranteed the least amount of time coming off the clock and that was the difference.
Oh yea. There was one against the packers in the Dez game that was incredibly bad. AJ Hawk I believe, and it would’ve been 1st and goal at the 1 with Murray.
Well the one that's on my memory is the Seahawks game that Romo fumbled the field goal hold however the play before that went and clear they got a first down how is it when they went and looked at that that was not a first down it should have been first in goal that field goal attempt should have never happened... So many plays during romo's career that changed the narrative of his career literally was the referees and imagine if he just had a few of those plays back how he would be thought of right now probably more like Kurt Warner... I know we're sitting here crying like Cowboys fans but I remember all these it's like a my dog got kicked these moments they add up and at some point you're pretty angry that they just keep calling the games different for other teams...

I mean heck recently they helped the Philadelphia Eagles win a game against Miami I mean can that not be any more clear on how bad officiating is when I don't even throw one flag how could they not know that 6 minutes left in the game and go hey dudes look at all those penalties we just put on Miami and we didn't call one on the Eagles maybe we gotta have a make up call or something I mean Jesus Christ people that is so bad we found four ourselves we go back and find four obvious penalties that should have been called on the Eagles that weren't and won it was cold and they picked it up!!

oh in the Arizona game this year,

I mean how much more clear do you need than that obvious pass interference call against Michael Gallup what she say on Michael Gallup that's picked up it literally couldn't have been more egregious it was the clear pass interference you already threw the flag why did you pick it up why in the world in front of the whole world did you pick it up that ball first in goal right there the interception probably never happens we probably win that game who knows but they got involved and then pick the damn flag up

if that's not a conspiracy it sure makes it look like one by being that bad at your jobs while the whole world is watching..
If the ball is spotted exactly where it should be, there's no need for the ref to handle it
This is it in a nutshell. Look to the Side Judge and line up with him, period. The official does need to touch the ball but if you're lined up when the official also looks to see if you're aligned with the Side Judge, he can touch it and you can go. The Cowboys were ahead of their Side Judge so the official went to re-spot but then did just leave it there in the interest of time and gave the Cowboys the extra yard as evidence by the Side Judge hopping forward one yard before the snap. Don't give the officials the chance to think and make it as easy for them as you can. They didn't, and hence you have this revisionist history whine.
"Marcus" works for the League. He likely makes his rounds on various forums with various identies. Let's be clear about that. The only time he shows up is to defend the NFL's "integrity".

He's never here to discuss the draft. He's never here to discuss free agents. He's never here in the offseason. He shows up for one cause and only one cause. Deceitfully defend the league.
So you only want to slander me, not the evidence I presented. Sure fire sign of one who knows the other is right. Lots of you do this and I have fanbois like you because at one time they actually did try to debate the topic and it didn't turn out well because you can't debate video evidence. Well, you can but then you look like a conspiracy loon denying the reality of your eyes even as you try to claim others deny the reality of their eyes (as you've created). Freud would be proud of your pristine projection example.

Why don't you ever debate me, Sideline Sally?
Certainly, agree the ball not being just touched by the ref in the Dallas game caused the clock to run out and prevented Dallas from getting to run another play.

However, even if the Cowboys got another play, what are the odds that with ONE play left, Dak would have been able to throw a touchdown? The defense would have been in full prevent mode, probably the chances of getting a td there was about 2%.

Cowboys should never have gotten to that point.

It's like the game where Murray fumbled the ball and people screamed it prevented a Dallas win. Come on folks, that game was in the middle of the 3rd quarter, ANYTHING could have happened after that, even if Murray had scored. Teams blow 4th quarter leads all the time.

But there are other things, like the "simulating a play" penalty called against Dallas a year or two ago, or calling our receiver offsides, when was the last time any other team got called for offensive offsides? Guess it's not as bad as the blown call against the Saints a couple of years ago, maybe we should be grateful....
It took you till post #10 to interject Marcus, you're slippin' my man.
Lol. It takes a while because it's always quicker to cry victim than it is to compile actual evidence for people to see and then start a discussion. Those without evidence go the "i have seen ..." route. I'm partial to actually backing up my case with hardcore examples or the rules themselves which many don't want to look at because they know it doesn't say what they claim. You see here how direct counter-evidence gets glossed over and people just continue to believe what they want to believe without ever addressing it directly. I just find that part interesting.
We’ve all seen refs change the outcome of games. The only question is who told them to do it.

Look at the Seahawk-Stealer Super Bowl. The fix was in. Bettis was getting a ring. Anyone want to try and deny that that Super Bowl was not fixed?

By the way, it is perfectly legal for the NFL to fix a game since it falls under ‘entertainment.’ One is not allowed to have inside information on the fix and then place bets.
Forgot his name but the ref of that Superbowl said they helped Pittsburgh on purpose, they cheated to make sure Pittsburgh won.
Wow. That’s a damn good theory and point.

*He’s extremely unlikeable too.
Bro, you're just mad because I thrashed you in the Dez catch debates. That was years ago and you still fanboi harder than the rest. Do you remember how when you were getting embarrassed you actually went into my PMs to call me names because you were mad? Lol. You try to rebrand yourself as all calm now but I know you're still the same unhinged individual that can't get over that. Someone take away my internet if I'm on here trying to take shots at people repeatedly because they hurt my feelings years ago.
Bro, you're just mad because I thrashed you in the Dez catch debates. That was years ago and you still fanboi harder than the rest. Do you remember how when you were getting embarrassed you actually went into my PMs to call me names because you were mad? Lol. You try to rebrand yourself as all calm now but I know you're still the same unhinged individual that can't get over that. Someone take away my internet if I'm on here trying to take shots at people repeatedly because they hurt my feelings years ago.
Yes or no. Does the ref by the rules have to spot the ball. In other words TOUCH the ball?
When the refs call penalties against the Cowboys it’s a conspiracy when the Cowboys get the benefit of the call like Sunday on the illegal contact or the no PI call it’s correct, the tin foil hat group is really embarrassing.
These are the spoils of not having a powerhouse team. So then people need to resort to all sorts of compensation for why they're not. The "Hey ma, no fair!" defense just looks wimpy for grown men to be doing it though.
So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
Maybe he felt the ball was spotted in the right place. He could have looked at the side ref who indicated the ball was correctly spotted. Maybe the NFL rule on this has changed, or doesn't specifically dictate that a ref has to pick up the ball and set it back down in that situation. Or maybe there was just a screw up - refs make mistakes too.

I don't know if any of that is accurate, but the point is there are very reasonable possibilities other than a conspiracy. Too many fans prefer, however, to believe whatever is most controversial and/or dramatic.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
That's asking alot. The rules are too complex and the game moves too fast to expect the same every week from the refs. You don't even get that in a court of law.
Right. But I could've swore the ref picked the ball up and moved it when it was us lol
Even if that's true, the very simple explanation could be that the ball was spotted incorrectly. In the case this weekend maybe the refs felt the ball was where it needed to be.
Fans have a hard time understanding that the NFL is in the entertainment business. Its not a conspiracy theory. The NFL does this stuff to make more money. Ref controversy only helps get the NFL more headlines which is why we will never see a real fix when it comes to refs. Fans complaining about the NFL is just as important or more important than Fans loving the NFL. NFL has figured it out.
Totally agree with this and have said it before. Controversy sells. Why would you need to rig a game that natural human error will garner controversy for on its own anyway over time? But people take this so seriously that they need to have something against their team as an adversary to complain about "injustice" as a compensation for not being winners (as well as personally by extension). Every team's fans does this.
Imagine going through life pointing the finger at everyone else for one's problems.
Refs are clearly after Jerry Jones cause they want him to lose his way so he can get a real GM.

Reading a few other boards, mainly Miami, most fans think the refs are against their team and that the NFL hates said team.
What is worse are those dumb, rump-kissing fans who come out and berate you for trying to instigate a conspiracy and call you names while they kiss up and defend them crooked referees and the NFL league office.
I thought what the ref did was really cool. Gave them a chance to spike the ball. Giants can't complain. Maybe the center spotted the ball perfectly, and all the ref had to do was confirm it by touching it. You don't have to lift it unless it wasn't in the right spot on the field. We all know the truth, but that's the ref's plausible deniability.
I explained the difference between the Jets and Cowboys situation but no one wanted to hear it, lol. The Jets were aligned with the Side Judge, therefore no need to re-spot. The Cowboys were a yard ahead of the Side Judge, therefore he tried to re-spot, and still gave the Cowboys the extra yard anyway. Gotta make it easy on them. The Jets learned from our mistake.
Refs are reptilian extraterrestrials in human guise. Their agenda is to ruin all forms of human entertainment to crush our spirit, making us easier to conquer.
Totally agree with this and have said it before. Controversy sells. Why would you need to rig a game that natural human error will garner controversy for on its own anyway over time? But people take this so seriously that they need to have something against their team as an adversary to complain about "injustice" as a compensation for not being winners (as well as personally by extension). Every team's fans does this.
Sadly, a lot of fans need drama and controversy to be entertained. Of course, that's not just in sports. It's why tabloid journalism is so profitable.

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