This is why we believe in conspiracies

So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
You have to realize that rules have changed in those two years and that it must be okay today for the ref to touch the ball rather than handle it before giving back to the center. What you need to do is find some recent footage of this type of situation happening in other games and if the ref handles that situation any differently than the JET's game then you have a story, but if the ref runs in and touches the ball and backs out then there's your answer.
You have to realize that rules have changed in those two years and that it must be okay today for the ref to touch the ball rather than handle it before giving back to the center. What you need to do is find some recent footage of this type of situation happening in other games and if the ref handles that situation any differently than the JET's game then you have a story, but if the ref runs in and touches the ball and backs out then there's your answer.
so if you are going to come here and talk to me about rules changing, link to an article discussing said change. Link to the exact rule in regards to refs spotting the ball. If not, dont even talk such nonsense.
He didnt look at no side judge. He runs in and as hes running by swipes his hand on the ball, still held by the center and is out of there. And yes....any of those are plausible... and then you watch the Cowboys game and it makes you wonder. THATS the problem. Is we see thing sin one game that are totally different in Cowboys games.
He could have looked at the side judge before he ever got there. The side judge spots it immediately - he doesn't wait until another ref gets there and then decide where the ball should go. Regardless, that is only one of the possibilities other than a conspiracy.
all you have to do is look at the NBA scandal and you will know anything can happen and usually does. "In 2007, when NBA referee Tim Donaghy (Eric Mabius) got caught betting on games he worked, he said two men associated with the Gambino crime family – a bookie named Baba Battista (Will Sasso) and a drug dealer named Tommy Martino (Scott Wolf) – threatened to kill his family if he didn't give them gambling picks.
He could have looked at the side judge before he ever got there. The side judge spots it immediately - he doesn't wait until another ref gets there and then decide where the ball should go. Regardless, that is only one of the possibilities other than a conspiracy.
you have also missed my point. I dont believe for a second there is any conspiracy. By definition, that would mean more than 1 person discusses with another about screwing the Cowboys over. No way that happens. We would definitely have some former ref running his mouth if this were happening. I said this is WHY people believe in conspiracies. It is the 2 very different ways that result in very different outcomes, that the exact same situation was handled by refs that even allows for people to discuss such things.
You don't comment on what I say because then you might actually have to address the topic. You know you don't want to go there due to PTSD. Instead, you do what you did here and confer on the sidelines with other "mean girls" and take personal shots like a jilted wench. The only ones who do that are ones that know they can't address the topic or have hurt feelings. For you, it's both.

Debate me on the topics at hand. I challenge all my fanbois to and yet they don't.
Show me where I’ve taken a shot at you other than you think I did today. Again. You can’t.

What’s going on here is classic projection. You won’t be able to see that because of your lack of self awareness. You’ve proven that today.

You say I “follow you around” yet it’s you that says over a 5 year period, or whatever timeframe you gave, that I’ve grown into a nicer and therefore a better person. I do appreciate you noticing -Just don’t be weird about it.

So really who’s following who?

You made what seems like it could be a good point about the spot of the ball difference. I noticed that and commented on how unlikeable you are. Surely you’re aware of your unlikeable persona?

As the old thread will reveal you came here insulting people and lashing out at others and you likely still do. You just lack what it takes to see it. If you open your mind, be introspective, and try you can improve too.
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Only the weak announce to the world that they lack self control and need to put people on ignore.

I'm unlikeable to you because I call out your emotional proclamations and watch you writhe in agony when it's proven different than what you say and you dance like Mikhail Baryshnikov instead of just saying "my bad" up to and including just outright lying.
Reread this and see if you can spot it. It’s there you just have to trust that you’re not seeing yourself as others see you.
you have also missed my point. I dont believe for a second there is any conspiracy. By definition, that would mean more than 1 person discusses with another about screwing the Cowboys over. No way that happens. We would definitely have some former ref running his mouth if this were happening. I said this is WHY people believe in conspiracies. It is the 2 very different ways that result in very different outcomes, that the exact same situation was handled by refs that even allows for people to discuss such things.
Many conspiracies never get leaked or talked about if powerful enough people make you an offer you can't refuse.
Certainly, agree the ball not being just touched by the ref in the Dallas game caused the clock to run out and prevented Dallas from getting to run another play.

However, even if the Cowboys got another play, what are the odds that with ONE play left, Dak would have been able to throw a touchdown? The defense would have been in full prevent mode, probably the chances of getting a td there was about 2%.

Cowboys should never have gotten to that point.

It's like the game where Murray fumbled the ball and people screamed it prevented a Dallas win. Come on folks, that game was in the middle of the 3rd quarter, ANYTHING could have happened after that, even if Murray had scored. Teams blow 4th quarter leads all the time.

But there are other things, like the "simulating a play" penalty called against Dallas a year or two ago, or calling our receiver offsides, when was the last time any other team got called for offensive offsides? Guess it's not as bad as the blown call against the Saints a couple of years ago, maybe we should be grateful....
That is irrelevant to whether or not the refs screwed us.
Oh Mr. Dean Blandino I can assure you that your not trusted or liked around here.
You don't have to. I just like to see reactions when you and others try to dance around the video evidence I post contrary to the misinformed whine. Who would like anyone who shows up to prove you're whining about nothing? The self-respecting ones at least decline to engage further. Then you have those that don't engage on the topic but try to add haze to the fact they were wrong by trying to make it about me. I take those as an admission of me being right. Doesn't have to be said. The non-debate of the topic at hand says more than any creative response to my posts will ever say.
Just explain why a team like the Raiders are among the highest and “critical situationally“ flagged team over the last quarter century?

Is it coaching or discipline? Not sure how it can be when they’ve had a high turnover of coaches so we’d have to believe that every single one of them was responsible For it. Not logical

Is it the players? not sure how so many generations of new players can be so consistently unable to abide by league rules? not logical

Is it the past owner and now his son that have pissed off the NFL too many times to count?….logical.

Jerry has become a fire brand to the NFL AFTER the SB wins…’s his team been fairing over the last twenty years with the Zebras ( aka, the strong arm of the league).

Mara, Rooney and Kraft are yes men have been in bed with the NFL and have reaped the benefits…..logical
Show me where I’ve taken a shot at you other than you think I did today. Again. You can’t.

What’s going on here is classic projection. You won’t be able to see that because of your lack of self awareness. You’ve proven that today.

You say I “follow you around” yet it’s you that says over a 5 year period, or whatever timeframe you gave, that I’ve grown into a nicer and therefore a better person. I do appreciate you noticing -Just don’t be weird about it.

So really who’s following who?

You made what seems like it could be a good point about the spot of the ball difference. I noticed that and commented on how unlikeable you are. Surely you’re aware of your unlikeable persona?

As the old thread will reveal you came here insulting people and lashing out at others and you likely still do. You just lack what it takes to see it. If you open your mind, be introspective, and try you can improve too.
Are you still at this? You claim to not be a fanboi but then fanboi all the harder like you're shocked at what you've done. You don't climb into someone's PMs over a debate to call them names, continue to take shots at them over a years-long period, and then try to claim you're not a fanboi. Lol. You were and still are affected by that shellacking. The others I debated back then don't act like this. They've forgotten it and we even like each others' posts here and there. The only grudgeholder from back then is you. Introspective you, say? Physician ..... yadda, yadda, yadda. This is a kinder, gentler version of unhinged you got going on. Lol.
Are you still at this? You claim to not be a fanboi but then fanboi all the harder like you're shocked at what you've done. You don't climb into someone's PMs over a debate to call them names, continue to take shots at them over a years-long period, and then try to claim you're not a fanboi. Lol. You were and still are affected by that shellacking. The others I debated back then don't act like this. They've forgotten it and we even like each others' posts here and there. The only grudgeholder from back then is you. Introspective you, say? Physician ..... yadda, yadda, yadda. This is a kinder, gentler version of unhinged you got going on. Lol.
Yes. As I said. You lied. You completely made that up, got called out, and are now trying to deflect.

You are the same person. Unlikeable.
Not fixed, manipulated. They can't fix games, but they can manipulate w/ penalties, and they do.
Manipulation in NFL language is “emphasis”. The league decides to emphasize certain infractions any given year. They even make a point to announce it.
Yes. As I said. You lied. You completely made that up, got called out, and are now trying to deflect.

You are the same person. Unlikeable.
Nice try, fanboi. Again, evidence isn't your strong suit. Who referenced who first in here? When you find that answer, you've found the answer.

Still not discussing the topic either or denying you went into my PMs to call me names over a debate you were getting thrashed in, huh? Deflect, you say? Lol.

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