This is why we believe in conspiracies

so if you are going to come here and talk to me about rules changing, link to an article discussing said change. Link to the exact rule in regards to refs spotting the ball. If not, dont even talk such nonsense.
Seriously???? Look you little whiny piss ant, nobody really cares and I mean NOBODY about your ridiculous post, I was just pointing out that the rules of this game have changed over the years and that spotting of a ball by an official may have been one of those rule changes and you got all butt hurt over my response to your post?????? Get a fricking life you whiny idiot!
That is irrelevant to whether or not the refs screwed us.
No, it's not, the refs can screw us 100 times, but if it doesn't cause a loss, it's just something to get upset about.

I try not to get too upset over things that are just fodder for conversation....
That's his schtick. Thinks people follow him, when it's a forum :laugh:
Lol. Here's another mean girl fanboi that won't discuss the topic but only me. Knew you couldn't stay away long. No control like I stated multiple times. Am I right? Again?
yep... really cool, until you watch what happened to the Cowboys and how long it took them to "Spot," the ball in that game.
In both games it was the players that messed it up. The Jets just got lucky that the ref let them off the hook.
thats my point.. how is it fair that our ref runs up and has to grab the damn ball and he moved it back 18 inches.... when he had no freaking clue where the ball actually needed to be spotted. Then in this game that official runs in swipes his hand on the ball as the center is still holding it...... and runs out of their in lightning speed.... how is that "Fair.
Maybe the difference is that the official in this case agreed with the spot, whereas the official in the Dallas game did not.
No, it's not, the refs can screw us 100 times, but if it doesn't cause a loss, it's just something to get upset about.

I try not to get too upset over things that are just fodder for conversation....
Yes, it is because you are engaged in speculation about what COULD have happened after the incident we are discussing. It is therefor totally irrelevant.

We are discussing what happened, not what if.
So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
The fact that this comment has 40 likes is embarrassing for our site.
I don't care where the Jets lined up at. They could have lined up on Jupiter. The refs needed to spot the ball and they didn't. I always see a player look for the ref to throw the ball to or hand the ball to after they get tackled. None of this happened on that play.

Now go write another novel about how you think you know what you are talking about.
His point was if the team lines up behind the line of scrimmage, the official can do what he did in the Jets-Giants game. If the team lines up past the line of scrimmage, it's the officials' job to move it back. So the scenarios are different and the rule is applied differently. If we had lined up behind the line of scrimmage after Dak's slide, then we should have expected for the officials to do like they did in the Jets-Giants game. Our team needed to understand the rules. Now, I will say that I believe the official should have reacted better on Dak's run to get up there and place the ball, knowing that time was running out.
Yes, it is because you are engaged in speculation about what COULD have happened after the incident we are discussing. It is therefor totally irrelevant.

We are discussing what happened, not what if.
Then you need not comment on my comment, just ignore it.
Seriously???? Look you little whiny piss ant, nobody really cares and I mean NOBODY about your ridiculous post, I was just pointing out that the rules of this game have changed over the years and that spotting of a ball by an official may have been one of those rule changes and you got all butt hurt over my response to your post?????? Get a fricking life you whiny idiot!
well there are pages of responses to this post, so obviously people do care. 2nd, you posted the rules have changed... they havent ... so there you go, now piss off yourself.
His point was if the team lines up behind the line of scrimmage, the official can do what he did in the Jets-Giants game. If the team lines up past the line of scrimmage, it's the officials' job to move it back. So the scenarios are different and the rule is applied differently. If we had lined up behind the line of scrimmage after Dak's slide, then we should have expected for the officials to do like they did in the Jets-Giants game. Our team needed to understand the rules. Now, I will say that I believe the official should have reacted better on Dak's run to get up there and place the ball, knowing that time was running out.
So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
I knew the ending of that game would fire up this place, and you did not disappoint. It's always someone else's fault when the Cowboys crap out...again. :rolleyes:
Nice try, fanboi. Again, evidence isn't your strong suit. Who referenced who first in here? When you find that answer, you've found the answer.

Still not discussing the topic either or denying you went into my PMs to call me names over a debate you were getting thrashed in, huh? Deflect, you say? Lol.
I said you were unlikeable. No one can deny that that knows you. After your feelings were hurt by the truth you tried to make up your story that I “follow you around in threads” Which was a pointless lie that could and was easily proven a lie.

Maybe you mistook me for someone else. So just try to be a man and admit you were wrong again. Like the Dez catch debate.

Thanks for saying I’m a better person though. That did take being a man. So try it once more and you’ll be better for it.
Lol. It takes a while because it's always quicker to cry victim than it is to compile actual evidence for people to see and then start a discussion. Those without evidence go the "i have seen ..." route. I'm partial to actually backing up my case with hardcore examples or the rules themselves which many don't want to look at because they know it doesn't say what they claim. You see here how direct counter-evidence gets glossed over and people just continue to believe what they want to believe without ever addressing it directly. I just find that part interesting.
I was just messin' with you man, I actually find you entertaining.

And yes, you always bring a good debate to the table. I just usually agree with you, but that's cool. You can argue like an adult, without the name-calling so many do.

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