This notion that the players are "greedy" is nonsense


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Many people can be idiots and many can be greedy....that goes for members of the Zone and in all walks of life, for that matter. Would you be greedy and get what you can when the iron is hot, or be an idiot and give the billionaire owners a break?
In this scenario I'd be an idiot. If I'm a top player who is already filthy rich I'd happily take less money. What I would look to do is ask for other things if I am giving a team discount. I'd ask for a no trade clause. I'd ask not for any actual decision making power but for my voice to be heard in roster planning. I'd also explore an opt out of the contract at some point in case the team takes my extra money and runs instead of reinvesting in the team.


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Doesn't have to be fixed, just acknowledge that it's greed. The OP is complete nonsense.

I don't have any problem with Dak or any other player trying to get the most out of his short career. And whether it's about a 5 mil difference or not, 5 mil are always 5 mil, no matter how big the rest of the contract is. And they're better in your pocket than in someone else's.

But it's still greed, plain and simple.
pointing out that every profession is not paid the same is not greed...its economic policy..either you have free market or you dont...if i feel that a teacher deserves more money than an NFL WR that is what i value and does not make the NFL WR greedy...


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Many people can be idiots and many can be greedy....that goes for members of the Zone and in all walks of life, for that matter. Would you be greedy and get what you can when the iron is hot, or be an idiot and give the billionaire owners a break?
It's not giving the billionaire owner a break, it is giving the salary cap a break to try and put a good product out there.


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They could take the safe route and apply to Walmart. Not too many concussions sustained while stocking shelves. There's risk and reward for making that kind of money. Its horrible if they get CTE but they know that going in.
If? Are you serious?


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That was the beginning of sparking increased revenue.

The matchups are better with Troy now but for years it was pretty bad. Didn’t even watch all of the time. Kinda like TNF now.
It was a Monday night game that turned me into a lifelong fan. In 1970 they lost 38-0 to the cardinals and fell to 5-4 with two teams in the division above them.

I always went with the underdog so I make them my team. They didn't lose another game until that Super Bowl, their first. the following season they won their first Super Bowl.

That's right.

I was the "spark" for the Cowboys dynasty.

You are all welcome.


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pointing out that every profession is not paid the same is not greed...its economic policy..either you have free market or you dont...if i feel that a teacher deserves more money than an NFL WR that is what i value and does not make the NFL WR greedy...
LoL our very lifestyle is based on greed. Capitalism is working because of greed. And in my books there's not much wrong with that. But still, greed it always was and always will be.


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It's not giving the billionaire owner a break, it is giving the salary cap a break to try and put a good product out there.
and this is a valid point for some FO' me the current FO's track record of using the money saved to put a good product out there.


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I keep hearing about how Dak is greedy and Lamb is greedy and how the players need to do what's right, yadda yadda yadda. A NFL players career is extremely short and they hire agents to ensure they maximize their earning potential while they're still in their prime and able to perform at elite levels. Most of these guys don't come from much at all, and know they'll need to stack up everything they can to set themselves up and their families up for life after their career ends.

Owners are BILLIONAIRES. They're mainly older men with extremely deep pockets and no worries about what their future holds in terms of finances. If they don't have the ability to work the salary cap in their favor to keep the talent they have on the team and remain competitive, than the player is the last one to be blamed. NFL players have the worst players association, they don't have guaranteed contracts, they're at risk of CTE, and they're putting their bodies on the line every week to entertain the fans.

Jerry had all the time in the world to extend these guys and his priorities were completely out of whack . So while we want our Cowboys to remain competitive and we want our guys to sign, the only direction fingers should be pointing is at Jerry and his big face son. All this talk about "go out there and earn it, show up in the playoffs and you'll get your money..." that's not how it works. They work through training camp, meetings, practices, the regular season and hopefully the playoffs. They've earned their money and they WILL be paid their money. Supply and demand, just like any other industry. Now if you decide you no longer want to make a run at the super bowl and you're content scrapping the whole thing and starting over, you have that option. I think it's a loser's mentality but it's certainly an option. Either way though, it's not the players fault you can't get your financial affairs in order. The player has created their own value and deserves to be paid for it.
That most players come from very poor surroundings is a myth. For some it may be true, but the nfl is a league that exists now for 60 years. Thats nearly 3 generations. A lot of players come from parents that were also professionals in the nfl.

Nonetheless there is no law that as an athlete you need to earn so much money during your career that you and your family can live without doing anything afterwards. Thats just a smart twist of reality to shape them as poor individuals.

Most of them have a college degree. Thats more than the usual u.s. citizen has. So they have, regardless of their sport career also a good education to work with. So they can find a job and work for their living. They are also er young when they end their careers so age is not a factor.

To argue that owners are bllionaires and so players arent greedy is something i cant follow intellectual. If someone is greedy he is greedy, regardless wether his employer has money or not. Of course owners are greedy too, but that doesnt make the behavior of players better.

Here is the Definition of greed, if you dont believe my arguments:

Greed: A selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, wealth, food, or other possessions.

Let the players get their money. Fundamentally i have a problem with the system that allows for such high salaries. After all those athletes dont do anything good for society. All they do is entertain. Its a fundamental flaw in the system when it values something like that way more than the work for others.

But that entertainment has such a big importance in your country is not the players fault. And if he is someone who does not question the System but says "i accept that and i will learn how to pull out the most for me" ? Well i can understand that.

Still i take myself the right to judge this kind of behavior: it lacks moral and ethical values.And with a system that supports that rather than humanistic values you see what you get: greed everywhere. Egocentric people that have even lost the understanding for unhumanistic bevahiour.
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Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
and this is a valid point for some FO' me the current FO's track record of using the money saved to put a good product out there. know I can't do that! I know who owns the Cowboys. Ask me a hard question next time.


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LoL our very lifestyle is based on greed. Capitalism is working because of greed. And in my books there's not much wrong with that. But still, greed it always was and always will be.
its capatalism or greed again I completley understand what your saying but at its base it can not be both...think of it this way, you have a product to sell that people want, but if you dont give it to them your greedy because you are making money for a when talking about greed you would have to show that the businessman is making money he doesnt need and will not use....again at its base greed is taking MORE than your share..capitalism has no share....anyway i get what your saying.


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I like the “they should honor their contracts BS” all while ignoring the fact that teams regularly cut guys under contract.

Players should get whatever they can.


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I like the “they should honor their contracts BS” all while ignoring the fact that teams regularly cut guys under contract.

Players should get whatever they can.
The players literally can not take more than thier fair share...they dont set the contracts the owners do and the players can not force the owners to do anything...


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Again…whose job is it to manage the cap responsibly? Is it the players? Or the front office?

If our front office expects the players to help them manage the cap efficiently we are doomed. There are multiple NFL teams right now who are paying more stars at market value than the Cowboys and competing for championships.

The Cowboys front office expecting their best players to take less than market value is crazy. If you want those players on your team, you pay them market value. If you don’t want to pay them market value you trade them or lose them in Free agency.


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Again…whose job is it to manage the cap responsibly? Is it the players? Or the front office?

If our front office expects the players to help them manage the cap efficiently we are doomed. There are multiple NFL teams right now who are paying more stars at market value than the Cowboys and competing for championships.

The Cowboys front office expecting their best players to take less than market value is crazy. If you want those players on your team, you pay them market value. If you don’t want to pay them market value you trade them or lose them in Free agency.
100% the players can not ruin the cap because they dont control it...the GM does..


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Whatever Dak is paid has absolutely nothing to do with Jerry Jones's profit margin. Jerry does not lose money by paying more for Dak. He has to either use the entire salary cap or move any remaining balance to another year,

In any case, the value of the franchise is somewhere near 10 billion dollars. If Dak was to sign a 240 million 4 year contract, then it's total would be worth 3% of the present value of the franchise, which is increasing almost exponentially.

The real problem its the salary cap which is like a large pie. There is only so much pie and the larger the slice to one player, the smaller the slice for others.

Players are not greedy but best believe their agents are. Yes, the agents are going to maximize because they can't see the big picture. They can't see that their demands limit their client's opportunity to obtain the other important aspect of their career besides wealth and that is winning.

The more Dak is paid, the less the Cowboys can afford to place talented pieces around him. That means he will have less tools to work with in order to win.

They also fail to realize that championships are money in the bank for that players future. On average, we know, instinctively, that champions earn more money post-career. They get more offers in the entertainment industry and in advertising. They get better opportunities.

What company wouldn't want to inspire their staff with the addition of a qualified former NFL Super Bowl champion, even if he was only on special teams for a few seasons?

Another aspect is the reaction of their teammates. They all say the things they are supposed to, they are happy for him, etc, However, some other player or players will now get offered less on their next contract or possibly cut to make cap room for the increase in his teammates new contract. How can there not be even the smallest sense of resentment and how does that affect their relationship on the field?

So, these players are not greedy, they are simply shortsighted. I really wouldn't want a player on my team that is willing to reduce his team's chance at success to make the maximum he can get. Then again, i remember when players used to share apartments and had part-time summer jobs.

Players are being paid too much, owners are making far, far too much, and fans shouldn't be paying anywhere near this much for a sports team that their taxes help support.
Why should the players care about winning when Jerry doesn't?


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
100% the players can not ruin the cap because they dont control it...the GM does..
Well, JJ has some serious decisions to make, it will be interesting to see what he does, pay huge amounts of money to three players or not.


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I don't begrudge anyone their desire to make as much as they can make. That's basically the point of a free market society and it encourages people to strive for their highest and best, knowing they'll get paid accordingly.

My beef with our players (Dak in particular, as an 8 year vet and the so called "leader" of this team") is not about money in and of itself.

My beef is, when you are the major weak link in our last 3 playoff losses and you are demanding to be paid more than anyone else in the history of professional football, I don't call that greed. I call it appalling arrogance.

Here's an idea. Go perform when it counts Dak. Go win a Super Bowl, or even an NFC title, or hell even a damn divisional game and then come back and act like you deserve to be paid more than anyone who's ever played the game. But after that garbage **** show vs GB and the last couple of times vs SF getting totally exposed, to expect to be paid the biggest contract in league history isn't greed. It's arrogance. And he ought to be embarrassed. But truly arrogant people like Dak who overestimate their own value don't have the good sense to be embarrassed.
Let him walk Jerry. Let him go to a team that isn't good enough to win 5 out of 6 games with Cooper Rush under center and see how he does. Someone is going to grossly overpay for Dak because of this dumb "market value" argument. I just hope it isn't us.


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It's not giving the billionaire owner a break, it is giving the salary cap a break to try and put a good product out there.
Very valid point.
The cap is what it is, and we're going to spend all or most of the dollars available under the cap.
the only question is, how are those dollars broken down and allocated.

Great post.