This season is partly on us fans (including me)

I've refrained from buying any team souvenirs for the past ten years, or so.

I plan to continue doing so, for as long as it takes for rebuilding to happen.

The habit of the C'boys front office to remain unaccountable needs to end..
Up until a few weeks ago we had people here telling us to root for another team if we won't blindly support the Cowboys.

I'm not involved in the accident...I'm just rubber-necking. Told the original poster not to get gassed up on 12-5 and "near MVP".

All of a sudden...people having epiphanies when reality hits them in the face. "Get your money Dak" and "What's wrong with podcasting" and "CeeDee and Dak are fine...Dak made CeeDee"...all tactical victories and talking points that ignored strategic success.
Problem is, and I have been to games so I can speak from experience, that attending Dallas Cowboys games is in large part a social, meet and greet, gathering of casual fans (if you can even call them that). Sure, they cheer if the team is doing well and some will boo if they don't, or like this last game leave the stadium in the 3rd quarter or such. But only some of them. Most treat the games like dinner and a movie.

Real football fans are in short supply in Dallas, TX, the "I go to Dallas Cowboys games because I paid thousands of dollars for a seat and pay $30 for a pizza or beer, and you can't afford to" "fans" rule. I am a born and bred Texan, by the way, I don't live there now due to the way things worked out in my life (for the better, just to be clear).

I remember the first game I went to, back in the late 80's, sitting way up in the cheap seats and when Dallas did something great and I whooped and hollered loudly, many of the others there turned and looked at me like I was from Mars. And down in the good seats fans were chatting to each other, yawning or looking to see if they were on the screens around Texas Stadium. So, our current "fans" learned how you act at games.

Due I think to the costs involved, fans such as we on this site can't make that much of an impact. The coordination, time and expense to orgamize a boycott of the games or large-scale protests against Jerry is unlikely to happen. Meaing we are waiting on father time to rid us of Jerry and his family, and even then who knows? When the Murchisons sold the team to Bum Bright things didn't get better. If not for the few, short and glorious Jimmy Johnson years we'd be the New York Jets of the South. The next owners may be even worse.

Time will tell, unfortunately I, at nearly age 70, probably won't be around to see it...

I mean, and what you're saying about the games seemingly like an event like a movie or what have you is what I'm also referring to. If you go to places like Chicago and watch a game there, their fans are locked in. I went to a Cowboys Bears game in 2019. As bad as the Bears have been until this year, they are passionate and let their teams know. We all know the mentality of Philly or NY. I'm saying it's high time we as fans look in the mirror. Instead of just waiting for Jerry to die and waiting for Stephen to sell, maybe it's time we see if there's anything we can do to try to improve things. That's where learning from our division comes in.
I live in Northern Missouri, about 670 miles from Dallas. I had season tickets at Texas Stadium, lower deck on the 48 yard line, and had NFL Sunday ticket so I would not miss a single Cosboy game when they were on the road. And I made substantial investment in team merchandise like jerseys, balls, etc., But I refused to pay the enormous seat license when Emperor Palpatine built the Death Star, but I’d still snag four or five tickets every year on Stub Hub for games at ATandT and still see them play a couple of times on the road (hey the tickets were cheaper). Then I got disgusted a few years after that and stopped going to see games in Dallas. Then I got disgusted and stopped seeing the games on the road. Then I got even more disgusted and dropped the NFL Sunday ticket. By last year, I was only watching the games that were on free TV, but paying for NFL plus to listen to them on the radio. After this last off-season I don’t even do that this year and don’t even care that I miss games that are not locally televised. Didn’t even watch the game this last Sunday locally even though it was televised. Instead, went to pick up some people at the Kansas City airport, listened to the second quarter of the game on radio, and then got disgusted and turned it off.
I’ve had enough of this team draining my psychological energy and holding me up by my ankles to shake every last nickel out of my pocket, and getting wet crap in a bucket in return
Who are the dumb fans? The fans that thought this team was a contender even though the roster is worse than last year? The fans that think Dak will one day play great in playoffs. The Dakfans that root for Dak more that the Cowboys. The fans that think if the Cowboys overpay their players who choked in the playoffs will somehow make them better?
LOL! Yep. Yeah you pretty much nailed it.
Too many huckleberries in this fanbase.

These are not fans its an event now most people you see at the games are not hard core fans and have not been for years. Hell the other teams fans eat up any tickets these social fans dont want...
I am in Denver and would fly into Dallas for a game every year unless they played at Denver but stopped a few years ago.

I also stopped buying Sunday Ticket, jerseys, polos and hats. However, it really doesn't matter the team is just too popular for us to make a dent.
It's tough being a fan with standards...but some of us gotta do it. Too bad for every one of us there are 50 dumb sheeple fans.
Yeah for real. Brother in law is a Texans fan and he's tried to get me to go to that game.

I told him I couldn't stomach it and won't be supporting this nonsense anymore than my sickness makes me follow the team.
I mean, and what you're saying about the games seemingly like an event like a movie or what have you is what I'm also referring to. If you go to places like Chicago and watch a game there, their fans are locked in. I went to a Cowboys Bears game in 2019. As bad as the Bears have been until this year, they are passionate and let their teams know. We all know the mentality of Philly or NY. I'm saying it's high time we as fans look in the mirror. Instead of just waiting for Jerry to die and waiting for Stephen to sell, maybe it's time we see if there's anything we can do to try to improve things. That's where learning from our division comes in.
Yes. I now live in Louisiana, and despite the Saints being the laughingstock of the NFL for decades, they're still passionate fans...
I am in Denver and would fly into Dallas for a game every year unless they played at Denver but stopped a few years ago.

I also stopped buying Sunday Ticket, jerseys, polos and hats. However, it really doesn't matter the team is just too popular for us to make a dent.
Right ..literally every one is saying "Tell the real houswives of DFW to stop going to the stadium, its hurting the team!" ..they dont care....
If someone starts a Go Fund Me for a "sell the team jerry" billboard in front of the stadium I'd donate, and probably guarantee you'd have enough money by the end of the week.
This would be interesting - put some of his crazier quotes up there or something about nepotism, or well any of the thousands of things
This would be interesting - put some of his crazier quotes up there or something about nepotism, or well any of the thousands of things
the problem (well maybe) is somewhere down the money line Jerry probably owns the damn billboard....he would probably still take the money and laugh though....
Yes. I now live in Louisiana, and despite the Saints being the laughingstock of the NFL for decades, they're still passionate fans...

And I grew up in Texas and live in Ohio. I see the passion of Browns fans. Even still, they show up. But, what I'm saying is maybe we start letting our division influence us a bit in terms of how we approach the Cowboys. Maybe we start making Jerry feel what Lurie, Roseman, and Sirianni feel daily. Make it to where every time they go to the Star, they hear nothing but how much they suck until they fix it.

Fact of the matter is, Eagles players love that their fans treat them like they do. How many times do you hear Kelce talk about Eagles passion. I'm saying we bring that kind of energy to Dallas. Maybe we start learning how to show that level of passion to the team. As much as I hate the Eagles, I wish we would have a similar energy to our team. I want our players to feel them pressure from us week in week out. They're professionals. They'll respect it.
No need to head to a shrink's office.......just open your eyes. This team was bad from the beginning, certainly not contenders. And it's been so easy to heap flame on paid players, you've done yourself a big disservice. Outside of the kicking game.....we are challenged in all other categories. Jerry been selling the excuse that because Dak & CeeDee got paid, we're good......wrong. Front Office, Draft Room, Scouting Department and coaching staff have failed this team.
so we don't show up, opposing fans come to the games, we get called front runners and get laughed for the stadium having road fans. Heads they win, tails we lose
No need to head to a shrink's office.......just open your eyes. This team was bad from the beginning, certainly not contenders. And it's been so easy to heap flame on paid players, you've done yourself a big disservice. Outside of the kicking game.....we are challenged in all other categories. Jerry been selling the excuse that because Dak & CeeDee got paid, we're good......wrong. Front Office, Draft Room, Scouting Department and coaching staff have failed this team.

I know, and I said all offseason that I didn't like our run game and run defence. It's been obvious, but Jerry never fixed the problem. My anger is that he let it fester since 2018. He has barely even put tape on any of the issues. So, what I'm saying is that, as fans, we need to say that this crap for 6 years is not tolerable.
so we don't show up, opposing fans come to the games, we get called front runners and get laughed for the stadium having road fans. Heads they win, tails we lose

Which is why I'm saying we start getting as loud as our team from top down like Eagles fans do with their team. I'm saying adopt some of that energy and style. We play in the NFC East. Let's act, as fans, like we are in the NFC East.
I know, and I said all offseason that I didn't like our run game and run defence. It's been obvious, but Jerry never fixed the problem. My anger is that he let it fester since 2018. He has barely even put tape on any of the issues. So, what I'm saying is that, as fans, we need to say that this crap for 6 years is not tolerable.
I'm gonna be careful.....and I advise the same, before Jerry bans both of us.

Seriously, It's been bad........the trenches are the key for improvement, on both sides of the ball. Those are the snowball effect areas.

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