This season is partly on us fans (including me)

I don't go to the games. What the fans ought to do is boo the hell of them everytime they come out and play like they did the other day.Let them know that you disapprove of their B.S.

That's what I'm saying!!! That's what I've been trying to say all thread. And not just them, but Jerry! Be NFC East fans!! Be ruthless like our rivals are! Understand that, 1. Desperate times call for desperate measures and 2. As a collective, we can make things very unpleasant for our players if we want to. We have such a large fanbase in many different parts of the world. I think part of the reason we are usually better on the road than at home is because our fans outside of Texas (like me here in Ohio if I was well enough to go to the game) bring a passion they don't get at home. Maybe it's time our fans in Texas understand what true team passion is.
I was being sarcastic.

If you and other people on here are wondering what even caused me to start this thread, besides Stephen A's comments, I was talking to a lot of my friends who pull for other teams in the aftermath of Jerry's comments. Specifically, I was talking to friends of mine that cheer on Philly, NY, and Baltimore. I asked them if this would fly in their markets. They said no, which I knew to be the case. They, combined with what I heard on TV, pointed out that kind of crap from Jerry would get him run out of town in their respective markets. SAS was pointing out how lax our fans can be. And you know what? As much as I don't like him and don't respect what he says more often than not, when someone is right, they are right.

So, that's basically what caused me to unleash this thread.
I say we start throwing snowballs at Santa Claus. That'll show his ***.

Lol, how funny would that be? Taking his overpriced snow cones (do they sell those at the Stadium?) or ice cream and throwing them at his luxury box? That'd be hilarious, and it'd take him by surprise.
A whole generation of Cowboys fans have never experienced the greatness and I'm not talking about 12-4 either that I have. They, we deserve better from our owner and gm than we've been served in the last 28 years, Jerry Jones needs the fans and media to turn up the heat on him for his failures.
I have nothing to do with the direction this team has or is currently taking. Literally NOTHING to do with it and i am not going to blame myself for my team taking a dump on the field. smh. Jeez!!!
Jerry is only concerned with how many people they draw

Maybe, but, with his ego, he also wants to feel like he's doing a good job. Hence part of his anger. The way he's reacting to the questions about his job performance tells me he's insecure. I can see his frustration and that it bothers him when his abilities are questioned. So, maybe if we as a fanbase can really start coming together and criticising him every chance we get, maybe it will affect him.
A whole generation of Cowboys fans have never experienced the greatness and I'm not talking about 12-4 either that I have. They, we deserve better from our owner and gm than we've been served in the last 28 years, Jerry Jones needs the fans and media to turn up the heat on him for his failures.

Right, and we literally have teams in our division that are fluent in doing that to their teams. Maybe it's time we learn how.
I have nothing to do with the direction this team has or is currently taking. Literally NOTHING to do with it and i am not going to blame myself for my team taking a dump on the field. smh. Jeez!!!

Oh, I know we have nothing to do with the current direction of this team. But we can be a lot tougher with the team. Those at the games can be a lot more passionate and a lot less treating it like a play. I'm saying maybe those that live in Dallas can start calling the radio shows and making it known how displeased they are. Maybe at the games, we can get tougher on the team like our rivals can be with their teams.
I live in Northern Missouri, about 670 miles from Dallas. I had season tickets at Texas Stadium, lower deck on the 48 yard line, and had NFL Sunday ticket so I would not miss a single Cosboy game when they were on the road. And I made substantial investment in team merchandise like jerseys, balls, etc., But I refused to pay the enormous seat license when Emperor Palpatine built the Death Star, but I’d still snag four or five tickets every year on Stub Hub for games at ATandT and still see them play a couple of times on the road (hey the tickets were cheaper). Then I got disgusted a few years after that and stopped going to see games in Dallas. Then I got disgusted and stopped seeing the games on the road. Then I got even more disgusted and dropped the NFL Sunday ticket. By last year, I was only watching the games that were on free TV, but paying for NFL plus to listen to them on the radio. After this last off-season I don’t even do that this year and don’t even care that I miss games that are not locally televised. Didn’t even watch the game this last Sunday locally even though it was televised. Instead, went to pick up some people at the Kansas City airport, listened to the second quarter of the game on radio, and then got disgusted and turned it off.
I’ve had enough of this team draining my psychological energy and holding me up by my ankles to shake every last nickel out of my pocket, and getting wet crap in a bucket in return
Emotional and psychological prison if you let it. Sucks you in very easily. But once you're out of the movie, hard to re-invest.

I stopped after 2016 offseason - we paid Romo. I was done. But then a new hope arose (Dak)...turns out he's probably more John the Baptist than Jesus. Heck, he might be a false prophet at this point! :)
Allow me to clarify my point in this thread. I am not saying that we have anything to do with the way this team is constructed. I am not saying we have signed a single player. What I am saying is that we, as fans, have been soft in allowing things to fester that wouldn't fly in Philly or New York. If the Eagles quit like the Cowboys did against the Lions, how do you think their fans would react? How nasty would the media be there towards their team? How loudly do you think the booing and such would be towards the team. That's what I'm talking about for us. That's a page as fans we can learn. That's something we can do. We can be more vocal at the team. We can be more vocal with Jerry. The way he responded to the media on Sunday after the game and today tells me he's bothered by criticism. So, let's crank that up as much as possible as fans. Let's make it clear that we want better.
Which is why I'm saying we start getting as loud as our team from top down like Eagles fans do with their team. I'm saying adopt some of that energy and style. We play in the NFC East. Let's act, as fans, like we are in the NFC East.
yeah more useful is to go and boo the crap out of them (not that I think booing does much overall) and be like that Eagle cutie last year who yelled "what the hell are you doing" when Sirianni did some dumb play call last year during their collapse
Allow me to clarify my point in this thread. I am not saying that we have anything to do with the way this team is constructed. I am not saying we have signed a single player. What I am saying is that we, as fans, have been soft in allowing things to fester that wouldn't fly in Philly or New York. If the Eagles quit like the Cowboys did against the Lions, how do you think their fans would react? How nasty would the media be there towards their team? How loudly do you think the booing and such would be towards the team. That's what I'm talking about for us. That's a page as fans we can learn. That's something we can do. We can be more vocal at the team. We can be more vocal with Jerry. The way he responded to the media on Sunday after the game and today tells me he's bothered by criticism. So, let's crank that up as much as possible as fans. Let's make it clear that we want better.
Well, on this I do agree. There was a video sports montage of various fan bases making it uncomfortable for owners anytime they popped out in public. Not Jerry...he still gets polite treatment. I need people approaching him on the street and cussing him out. If the radio hosts were really "men" - Jerry called them "men" when he threatened to find better people to ask questions...that oughtta tell you what he really thinks of them - they would have told Jerry he can't do their job, he sucks at his, and they welcome him going to another spot that he just advertised would be softball questions only. But the reporters, the radio hosts, the players, even the analysts like stephen A. all make money from the Cowboys gravy train. So none of them are "Jimmy Johnson pissed" about losing. I need Michael Irvin pissed about losing.
yeah more useful is to go and boo the crap out of them (not that I think booing does much overall) and be like that Eagle cutie last year who yelled "what the hell are you doing" when Sirianni did some dumb play call last year during their collapse

Well, exactly, maybe it's time we learn from them. Maybe it's time we learn how to be ruthless with our team when needed like they are.
Well, on this I do agree. There was a video sports montage of various fan bases making it uncomfortable for owners anytime they popped out in public. Not Jerry...he still gets polite treatment. I need people approaching him on the street and cussing him out. If the radio hosts were really "men" - Jerry called them "men" when he threatened to find better people to ask questions...that oughtta tell you what he really thinks of them - they would have told Jerry he can't do their job, he sucks at his, and they welcome him going to another spot that he just advertised would be softball questions only. But the reporters, the radio hosts, the players, even the analysts like stephen A. all make money from the Cowboys gravy train. So none of them are "Jimmy Johnson pissed" about losing. I need Michael Irvin pissed about losing.

Exactly, and that's where I think we as fans are failing the team. We aren't harsh enough on them. We have allowed this soft culture to fester because Jerry and them know we are going to be nicer than most fanbases. They know there's not really any repercussions from the fans. Maybe if we start being more like our division rivals towards them, we can start to affect them.

We saw Jerry complain just from a simple question from "The Fan" today and take real offense. We saw him lash out on Sunday after the game at criticism. It bothers him. Maybe, we as fans, can use that, and we have 3 teams in our division that can teach us how to use it.

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