The opposite. You embarrassed yourself mightily when you started the childish insults. We were having a discussion, and instead of explaining yourself, you started acting childish.
I am not a cap expert, and don't pretend to know the ins and outs. Why don't you start over and explain to me why you think the money left over from this season won't be rolled into next season and used for improvements?
The original premise, written to someone else other than you, was concerning the whining about salaries of players in the middle of the season, which isn't much more than a hollow grievance about spilled milk.
My comeback was to point out the Jones people do not routinely use the capital they have in reserve to bring in top flight talent. So any kvetching about salaries, as if the team will suddenly build a winner by lavishing riches on someone like Von Miller, were the team to spend less on the players they have, is completely out of character for them, and as pointless as The View.
It was at this juncture you began telling me I was wrong about the cap. The bolded line in the above post by you indicates you didn't get what I was saying.
I never said there was no floor in cap spending.
I never said there was no way to roll money over to next year.
I never indicted the team would not roll over whatever they had stowed away.
I did say the player acquisition was not fond of spending big buck.
Evidentially from your comments, you assumed I was talking about the cap, when I am actually talking about the strawman position of crying about salaries that have already been allotted for players currently on this team. It's a sad lament that people cannot just get past yesterday's mistakes and enjoy this year as it unfolds to wherever it is going.
As to childish name calling, I did not once call you a name. But looking at your track record in this exchange, I could have suggested you might work on reading comprehension.