Totally agree. This is gonna be harsh but if there is one poster on this forum who deserves harsh it's this one.
You can't toilet paper someones house every day for years and then one day just say, "You know what, I think I'm going to leave your house alone today." Doesn't work like that. He damn well shouldn't be celebrating any big wins here. You watch, the first negative play on Thursday and this specific poster will be right back here ******** all over my and most posters here favorite team. I can promise you he would rather have had the Vikings win by 37 yesterday, as I'm sure he already had a 2 page write up on everything he hates about this team.
He saw this defense and offense yesterday and said to himself , "****, How am I going to be able to take dumps all over the Cowboys forums." I've offered this person so many chances to get out of his hate for this team, and every time he has told me to get lost.
This is the worst troll on this forum and all he's trying to do is have an I told you so thread for when the Cowboys go further then he wants them to this year. Too late cup cake. Train left. If this specific poster really is a Cowboys fan and wants to celebrate a big win over the NFL's best he can open his door and go upstairs and celebrate with his mom.