This won't win me any friends but, still, it has to be said

Royal Laegotti

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy!
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ABQCOWBOY;3011272 said:
Breast Cancer Awarness for a month. It aint gonna kill the NFL to support it for 4 weeks and it sure as hell aint gonna kill any of you to watch.

I don't have a problem with it.

So do we have to look at NFL pink for a whole month every season now?


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bbgun;3012911 said:
Why doesn't the NFL take the money spent on pink caps, pink gloves, pink wristbands and pink goalpost cushions and instead donate it to breast cancer research? -- Phil Mushnick, NY Post
their using the same equipment they use week in and week out . no difference

its just has hues of pink in it to help raise awareness. so i dont see his point. are these guys wearing anything they wouldnt be? same stuff just with pink. so its not like their wasting money buying things that are unecessary

but no doubt if the league is doing this im sure they made donations to help breast cancer. if not they should be gving them something

even still just helping raise awarness is helping a lot.


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GOLDENCHILD1688;3012928 said:
their using the same equipment they use week in and week out . no difference

its just has hues of pink in it to help raise awareness. so i dont see his point. are these guys wearing anything they wouldnt be? same stuff just with pink. so its not like their wasting money buying things that are unecessary

but no doubt if the league is doing this im sure they made donations to help breast cancer. if not they should be gving them something

even still just helping raise awarness is helping a lot.

Um... that pink stuff has no purpose other than pushing breast cancer "awareness".

Or have you seen pink goalpost cushions anywhere else, ever?
As someone who's lost his mother to this disease, I'm all for it. Four weeks, guys, that 's ll that 's being asked. Deal with it.
I'm sorry about your loss, and I'm all for donating money to a worthy cause.

There are many ideas for spreading "awareness" and raising money for the illness. Charity events, fundraisers, TV ads featuring NFL stars...

They don't need to turn the NFL into a giant Pink Party on game-day, for an entire MONTH of the 4 month regular season. Ridiculously excessive.

And the Pink Party will be back next year too, right? Why wouldn't it? And the year after that?

Are we all seriously okay with 1/4 of the NFL regular season FOREVER being a Pink Party, all for "breast cancer awareness"?

It'd be one thing if it was a general "cancer awareness". But breast cancer is just one specific kind of cancer, and we're dedicating an entire MONTH of the NFL season to this?

What about lung cancer? Prostate cancer? Skin cancer? Pancreatic cancer? Kidney cancer? Leukemia? Etc etc etc etc.
So do we have to look at NFL pink for a whole month every season now?
We sure do!!!!!


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Nav22;3012964 said:
What about lung cancer? Prostate cancer? Skin cancer? Pancreatic cancer? Kidney cancer? Leukemia? Etc etc etc etc.
The proceeds from the sale of those pink party items are going to the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, which last I heard covers ALL of those....

The NFL's participation in this thing isn't even new. They participated with pink ribbons last year.

Throw some pink on cleats for the first time ever and everybody gets in an uproar. I don't get the big deal. You barely even notice it on the field...unless it's a severe clash like with those god-awful Bronco unis yesterday.


I Love Quiznos
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It looks good on wade.

I don't mind the pink. I actually think they look good on gloves lol


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Nav22;3012964 said:
Um... that pink stuff has no purpose other than pushing breast cancer "awareness".

Or have you seen pink goalpost cushions anywhere else, ever?I'm sorry about your loss, and I'm all for donating money to a worthy cause.

There are many ideas for spreading "awareness" and raising money for the illness. Charity events, fundraisers, TV ads featuring NFL stars...

They don't need to turn the NFL into a giant Pink Party on game-day, for an entire MONTH of the 4 month regular season. Ridiculously excessive.

And the Pink Party will be back next year too, right? Why wouldn't it? And the year after that?

Are we all seriously okay with 1/4 of the NFL regular season FOREVER being a Pink Party, all for "breast cancer awareness"?

It'd be one thing if it was a general "cancer awareness". But breast cancer is just one specific kind of cancer, and we're dedicating an entire MONTH of the NFL season to this?

What about lung cancer? Prostate cancer? Skin cancer? Pancreatic cancer? Kidney cancer? Leukemia? Etc etc etc etc.We sure do!!!!!
duh thats kind of the point of the pink stuff as you call it lol

hence this being breast cancer awareness month? what is your point or did you just not understand what i said

the items like gloves, cleets and goal post he was talking about are not things we use on a weekly basis? it is correct? he made it seem like they were spending excess money on stuff that were a waste. im saying its the same stuff the league uses anyway just pink thats my point. re-read what i said

no one said there wasnt many ideas. your right there are and this is one of them

no one said breast cancer is the only illness to hit this planet. sadly there are many my friend. yes as you so pointed out there are a lot but what is the problem with the league acting to help one? its all illnesses or none? so their suppose to raise awarness now for everyone.

i could apply your logic to anyone that ever helped a charity or foundation. why help aids theres cancer! why help cancer theres sickle cell. why help that etc. you cant save everybody at once. thank god people have enough sense to start various foundations leaving those of us who obviously arent going to alll help the same one at once to pick one and help out

way to many diseases and illnesses to help all at once. so what is the big freaking deal with the league choosing one to help out
why is everyone acting so anal over this?

is this really stopping people from sleeping at night. i hate when people act anal what is the big deal lol smh


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You barely even notice it on the field
:lmao2: Time to upgrade to color TV.
The NFL's participation in this thing isn't even new.
I'm fine with the NFL "participating" in BCA month. I made that crystal clear already.

The difference is that in 2009, they've gone overboard with the pink theme. That's what the thread is addressing.
Throw some pink on cleats for the first time ever and everybody gets in an uproar. I don't get the big deal.
Pink cleats, pink armbands, pink goalposts, pink caps, pink everything.

No, the colors of wristbands or goalpost cushions is not a "big deal". Nobody said it was. And something being a "big deal" is not a prerequisite for a thread to be created.

In fact, the ones making a "big deal" of it seem to be the ones who had a problem with the OP's opinion. It seems that if you're annoyed with the NFL turning pink for an entire month of the 4 month season, you're an insensitive goon who doesn't respect the severity of breast cancer.

I simply don't like the reality that 1/4 of the regular season will be pink-themed. It's excessive... which is why it's never been done until this season.
The proceeds from the sale of those pink party items are going to the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, which last I heard covers ALL of those....
Terrific. Then just donate however much $ to the ACS that the pink crap was going to sell for.

Hell, double that total for all I care. Just keep it off the gridiron.

I don't want 25% of the NFL season, and EVERY NFL season to follow, to be pink-themed.

Is that REALLY too much to ask? :laugh2:


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Bonecrusher#31;3013043 said:
1080 my man get 1080
No, it's called people don't know how to adjust their color, contrast, brightness, and so on.

Some people have the color wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy up.


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GimmeTheBall!;3011407 said:
Kindly reread the original post.
A good cause but don't infringe on the game.
A good cause but how does the NFL pick one out of 100?
A good cause but it makes the refs, players and coaches look so odd.

The purpose is not to denigrade but to ask why.
It's easy to stake out the popular opinion and it's easy to attack based on assumptions.
So re-read it.

1) I don't think a color can infringe on the game. Football is football. Evidence: The 4-1 Bengals & their ugly uniforms.

2) The NFL, NFLPA, etc have several causes they support (United Way, Children's Hospital, Disaster Relief, player foundation grants, medical research grants, Boys & Girls Club of America, etc. Not to mention all of the helmet decals and jersey patches that have been worn throughout the years.

3) Who cares if a person looks odd? It is a personal decision for players/coaches/refs... it is not being forced on them. Besides, It's supposed to stand out, which is why it works. If it was a black armband, no one would even notice. The whole point is to get people to stop and ask "why?" Sounds like it worked to me.


Regular Joe....
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dogunwo;3013340 said:
Doesnt your daughter post here under the name ABQCOWBOYjr? lol

No. That would be my 20 year old Son. However, you can take it with him on calling him a girl.



Regular Joe....
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GimmeTheBall!;3012545 said:
The beef is why reject anybody posting?
That's the beef, pally.

Nobody said he can't post. I said what is being posted is rediculous IMO. Clearly, everybody is allowed to post. You were allowed to post this thread.

BTW, thats Mr. Pally, to you.


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ABQCOWBOY;3013381 said:
No. That would be my 20 year old Son. However, you can take it with him on calling him a girl.


Oh, oops. my bad. :laugh2:


Regular Joe....
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Royal Laegotti;3012927 said:
So do we have to look at NFL pink for a whole month every season now?

I honestly don't know the answer to that. I'm pretty sure that the NFL tries to do something for the cause every year but it might be a different approach next year or they may feel as if this has been succesful and will be tried again next year. I know this, if they do it again next year, I will support it to the best of my ability again.

I don't really like the pink either but I just figure it's a small price to pay for much needed assistance in the effort. To be honest, I hope that the NFL picks another charitable effort and puts their full weight behind it next year. I just think that it's a good thing the NFL does and Lord knows, not enough good things get done in todays society on a day to day basis.


Regular Joe....
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dogunwo;3013389 said:
Oh, oops. my bad. :laugh2:

No sweat. In addition to a younger boy, besides ABQJr., I also have two teenage daughters so your not all that far off the mark.



Junior College Transfer
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The pink does look red on some TVs as posted. That is a fact.

The fact that it is a good cause does not diminish the foolish colors on those on the field.

Like i said: it's a slippery slope, not only with favoring one charity over the multitude (The NFL is saying, this is the important one).
What happens next year. The Cowboys in blue and pink unis?

Going after other demographics is like having Vegemite Day to capture the Aussie element. I am sure Roger means well, but I have a suspicion it is just PR, like CEOs arm-twisting the little people for United Way donations so she/he can look good at the Chamber of Commerce awards banquet. And if you are going after a demographic or after personal glory, maybe that (and not good intentions) is your goal.

Seeing pink everywhere on the field is distracting. Just as distracting as seeing Dallas Texans on the helmets of the Chiefs. And let's face it, there are plenty of other distractions on the field as it is.

Just stay off the field you organizations. Keep it to halftime, keep it to the entrance/exit donations sites. keep it to privately run events or outreach or fundraisers. Or maybe a prid pro quo with the NFL: let the marathon runners for this organization wear NFL emblems when they run. No? Thought so.

Bottom line: Just leave my NFL game and its integrity alone


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As a person who lost a good friend to breast cancer, I think what the NFL has done has gone way over board. Honestly I think it is just a publicity stunt for the NFL as this is not even their target audience. I dont' like the pink shoes, I don't like the pink gloves, I don't like the pink armbands, they look stupid. Even my GF who was watching the games with me, think they look stupid.

Sadly, the NFL does not go to the same efforts to promote prostate cancer, which is an issue which they could have a SERIOUS impact on. That being said I wouldn't want to NFL to change the color of gloves, shoes, armbands, etc for prostate cancer. A Small little patch, is enough as well as an active campaign. I think the NFL should have gone the patch route for this, not the pink everything.


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YoMick;3012593 said:
Lose a friend or watch someone suffer through breast cancer and I am pretty sure you wouldnt start a thread like this.

ABQCOWBOY;3013401 said:
I just think that it's a good thing the NFL does and Lord knows, not enough good things get done in todays society on a day to day basis.

My best friend's mom and dad were both killed by a drunk driver. Alcohol leads to the death of many INNOCENT people after every NFL game. Can we all agree that the NFL should do the right thing and dump the beer sponsorships?

I am all for cancer research, but although there are nonpreventable risk factors for cancer, there are preventable risk factors for it as well (obesity, tobacco, etc...). The NFL tries to look like a Saint with the BCA, and then they go out and support drinking which is the #1 risk factor for the death of innocent people by drunk drivers.