Tiger woods in car accident due to argument with wife? *Update Post #52*

iceberg;3105939 said:
how many life threatening situations can you be in involving a fire hydrant and a tree all going less than 33 mph?

LIke one that have a tree branch maybe protruding into windshield on Driver side? People die of some realy silly and minor things. LIke I said, I am into Macabre sense of humor. Normally not into jokes made on injury situation. I guess I am a softy... :rolleyes:
How many more athletes is Jessica going to curse?

of course the Cyborg isnt hurt. It takes more than a fire hydrant and a tree to defeat golf's version of the Terminator.

they just showed a video of Tiger in the hospital.....he had but one thing to say to the media......."I'll be back"
Yet ANOTHER example of the media overblowing a non-story. They made it sound life-threatening when he simply suffered a few scratches. The media is in such a hurry to be the first to report something yet they forget to get the facts before they release the information.
bbgun;3106035 said:
How many more athletes is Jessica going to curse?


Was that during her fat stage? Those baby bumpers look a lot bigger than I remember.
tomson75;3106081 said:
Was that during her fat stage? Those baby bumpers look a lot bigger than I remember.

Dude, thats what I was wondering. She looks as stacked as the '94 Dallas offensive line.
Report: Wife helped rescue Woods at crash scene
Associated Press
Nov. 27, 2009, 7:47PM

Tiger Woods was injured early Friday when he lost control of his SUV outside his Florida mansion, and a local police chief said Woods’ wife used a golf club to smash out the back window to help get him out.

The world’s No. 1 golfer was treated and released from a hospital in good condition, his spokesman said. The Florida Highway Patrol said Woods’ vehicle hit a fire hydrant and a tree in his neighbor’s yard after he pulled out of his driveway at 2:25 a.m.

Windermere police chief Daniel Saylor told The Associated Press that officers found the 33-year-old PGA star laying in the street with his wife, Elin, hovering over him.

She told officers she was in the house when she heard the accident and “came out and broke the back window with a golf club,” he said. “She supposedly got him out and laid him on the ground. He was in and out of consciousness when my guys got there.”

He said Woods had lacerations to his upper and lower lips, and blood in his mouth; officers treated Woods for 10 minutes until an ambulance arrived.

The Florida Highway Patrol said Woods was alone in his 2009 Cadillac when he pulled out of his driveway from his mansion at Isleworth, a gated waterfront community just outside Orlando.

The patrol reported Woods’ injuries as serious, although Woods spokesman Glenn Greenspan issued a statement that Woods was treated and released.

The patrol said alcohol was not involved, although the accident remains under investigation and charges could be filed.

Left unanswered was where Woods was going at that hour. Greenspan and agent Mark Steinberg said there would be no comment beyond the short statement of the accident posted on Woods’ Web site.

Saylor said his responding officers did not hear anything about an alleged argument between Woods and his wife.

Woods, coming off a two-week trip to China and Australia earlier this month, is host of the Chevron World Challenge in Thousand Oaks, Calif., which starts Thursday. He is scheduled to have his press conference Tuesday afternoon at Sherwood Country Club. Steinberg said he did not know if Woods planned to play next week.

The Florida Highway Patrol said tapes of the 911 call won’t be released until they can be reviewed, probably Monday at the earliest.

The accident report was not released until nearly 12 hours after Woods was injured. Patrol spokesman Kim Montes said the accident did not meet the criteria of a serious crash, and the FHP only put out a press release because of inquiries from local media.

Montes said the patrol reports injuries as serious if they require more than minor medical attention.

Air bags in the SUV did not deploy.

Investigators still have not had a chance to speak to Woods, but when they do, “we will ask him everything,” Montes said. “We just haven’t had a chance to do so because he was being medically treated.”

Montes said charges could be filed if there was a clear traffic violation, although troopers still do not know what caused Woods’ SUV to hit the hydrant and the tree.

Woods rarely faces such private scrutiny, even as perhaps the most famous active athlete in the world.

He usually made news only because of what he can do with a golf club. Few other athletes have managed to keep their private lives so guarded, or have a circle of friends so airtight when it comes to life off the course.

His wife was awarded a $183,250 settlement and an apology from an Irish magazine that published a fake nude photo of her, and Woods received a $1.6 million settlement in a lawsuit against the builder of his yacht — named Privacy — for using his name and photos of the boat as promotional material.

Woods is approaching $100 million in career earnings on the PGA Tour, and Forbes magazine reported that combined with endorsements, appearance fees and golf course design, he has become the first athlete to top $1 billion.

Woods’ $2.4 million home is part of an exclusive subdivision near Orlando, a community set on an Arnold Palmer-designed golf course and a chain of small lakes. The neighborhood, which is fortified with high brick walls and has its own security force, is home to CEOs and other sports stars such as the NBA’s Shaquille O’Neal.

Woods, who has won 82 times around the world and 14 majors, attended the Stanford-Cal football game last Saturday, where he tossed the coin at the start of the game and was inducted into Stanford’s sports Hall of Fame at halftime.

He won six times this year after missing eight months recovering from reconstructive surgery on his left knee. Even though he failed to win a major, Woods said he considered this a successful year because he did not know how his knee would respond.


Doug Ferguson reported from Jacksonville, Fla. Associated Press writers Tamara Lush and Lisa Orkin Emmanuel in Miami contributed to this report.

FILE - In this Aug. 21, 2004, file photo, Tiger W


Nov 27 2009 2:57PM
Scott Heckel /
Tiger Woods, seen here with his wife, Elin Nordegren, was taken to the hospital after the accident. His spokesman later said he had been released.

This image taken from video provided by WESH-TV i


Nov 27 2009 2:55PM

This image taken from video provided by WESH-TV in Orlando, Fla. shows Tiger Woods' home in the Isleworth subdivision near Orlando, Fla. Woods struck a fire hydrant and then a tree after pulling out of his driveway.

This image taken from video provided by WESH-TV i


Nov 27 2009 2:54PM

This image taken from video provided by WESH-TV in Orlando, Fla. shows a damaged area in front of Tiger Woods' home in the Isleworth subdivision near Orlando, Fla. Tiger Woods struck a tree with his SUV near his mansion.
We figured there was more to this story. Tiger Woods got into a car wreck around 2:20am Friday morning. He wasn’t ruled as “under the influence,” so what caused him to ram into a fire hydrant less than 30 feet from his driveway?

Sources are reporting that his wife, Elin, got uber pissy with him after that story of the him cheating with some chick hit the net. She scratched his face up after a verbal argument (despite reports originally concluding the scratches came from the accident), he tried to speed away from the house, Elin chased and banged his car down with a golf club, and then the wreck occured. TMZ reports:

We’re told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We’re told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV — but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club.

We’re told Woods became “distracted,” thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree.

RCowboyFan;3105902 said:
It sure made it sound like it. They said Serious condition right now. Which I think would mean, life threatening. I could be wrong. But either way, it doesn't to be minor one by any means.

Treated at the hospital, and released... was home sleeping when the cops stopped by for a chat about what happened (they said they'd come back tomorrow)...

Basically, it looks like he ate the steering wheel, and has some lacerations on or around his mouth...
WoodysGirl;3106408 said:
Report: Wife helped rescue Woods at crash scene
Associated Press
Nov. 27, 2009, 7:47PM

Tiger Woods was injured early Friday when he lost control of his SUV outside his Florida mansion, and a local police chief said Woods’ wife used a golf club to smash out the back window to help get him out.

OK, now I've got all the facts, I think I've figured this whole scenario out:

Elin finds about the National Enquirer report that Tiger's having an affair, and chases him out of the house, brandishing his new thousand dollar Sasquatch driver... Tiger jumps into his Escalade and roars out of the driveway, trying to get to safety, and runs over the fire hydrant and hits the tree...

Elin runs up to the Escalade, and still pissed, smashes in the back window with the Sasquatch... she then pulls a semi-conscious Tiger from the wreck, and whacks him a few more times with the Sasquatch, until she realizes he's not feeling it any more...

The cops arrive on the scene just after she finishes clubbing Tiger senseless, and sweetly tells them that she just pulled him out, using the club to break in the window... Tiger is still too out of it to tell them the truth (which is why she kept the cops from talking to him when they got back home later that day)...

Yeah, that had to be how it happened... it's just a good thing for Tiger that she couldn't figure out how to start the chainsaw...

:chainsaw: :eekmouse: :whip: :splat:

And the moral to the story-- NEVER piss off a Swedish nanny...
WoodysGirl;3106604 said:
We figured there was more to this story. Tiger Woods got into a car wreck around 2:20am Friday morning. He wasn’t ruled as “under the influence,” so what caused him to ram into a fire hydrant less than 30 feet from his driveway?

Sources are reporting that his wife, Elin, got uber pissy with him after that story of the him cheating with some chick hit the net. She scratched his face up after a verbal argument (despite reports originally concluding the scratches came from the accident), he tried to speed away from the house, Elin chased and banged his car down with a golf club, and then the wreck occured. TMZ reports:

We’re told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We’re told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV — but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club.

We’re told Woods became “distracted,” thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree.


Damn, I just made up a scenario almost EXACTLY like this, before reading this post...

Am I cynical, or a realist?? LOL...
This shouldn’t come as a shock since I have been hinted about it the whole evening on twitter but I knew as early as about 5pm that the story circulating about the accident was totally false and while only the police can confirm this (and that may or may not happen) here is what happened.
Tiger Woods’ wife Elin Nordegren was upset about a National Enquirer report that Tiger has been breaking lamps with this young lady Rachel Uchitel.
Because he is Tiger Woods besides some gossip sites it wasn’t much of a story.

This escalated into a fight last night where according to TMZ as well as my sources Mrs. Nordegren physically assaulted Tiger and that is what caused the original lacerations to his face.
As Tiger tried to leave the premises Mrs. Nordegren followed him out with a golf club and repeatedly struck his vehicle, denting it in several places and breaking out the rear window.
Tiger distracted by his crazed wife hit the fire hydrant and tree at a very slow rate of speed. Since the tree was in a neighbor’s yard and realizing the image hit he would take about the “domestic incident” the story of an accident was put in motion.
It would have been impossible for the following things to happen:

1- Mrs. Nordegren to hear the accident from inside the house
Tiger lives in a fortress and at the low rate of speed he was going it would have been impossible for her to hear him hit anything.
2- No one breaks out the back window to save someone.
He wasn’t going fast enough for the air bags to deploy, but he was in such serious danger Mrs. Nordegren who wasn’t the biggest young lady in the world broke the back window and drugged Tiger out of the back.
Also if you am trying to save someone wouldn’t you break the passenger window?
Lastly Tiger was conscious couldn’t have he just opened the door?
Anyone with an IQ of more than 60 knew from the beginning what was being reported just logically couldn’t be true.
3- If Tiger wasn’t passed out drunk or high what made him swerve?
Driving alone at low rate of speed Tiger just randomly hits a fire hydrant and tree? Really?
As I have stated I don’t care who Tiger Woods is sleeping with or that his wife was trying to go Phil Mickelson on his head.
What I do care about is a cover up of criminal activity. My advice to Tiger just tell the truth. He isn’t going to press charges so no need to lie because believe me if he lies the story will become a lot bigger than it is right now.
Every man in America has had a fight like this with his wife or significant other. It isn’t a big deal. I know he is Tiger Woods and has this pristine image, but like Allen Iverson (before he retired of course) said:
“Everyone has dirt under their fingernails.”
If Tiger lies, people are going to find out and it will hurt his image much more than telling the truth. Trust me on that.
some talk about Tiger having a temper- his wife sounds like a crack ho!
silverbear;3106623 said:
Damn, I just made up a scenario almost EXACTLY like this, before reading this post...

Am I cynical, or a realist?? LOL...


That initial story was such a joke. Now the truth is starting to surface. The mistress story broke a couple of days ago and his wife went ******* on him.
WoodysGirl;3106604 said:
We figured there was more to this story. Tiger Woods got into a car wreck around 2:20am Friday morning. He wasn’t ruled as “under the influence,” so what caused him to ram into a fire hydrant less than 30 feet from his driveway?

Sources are reporting that his wife, Elin, got uber pissy with him after that story of the him cheating with some chick hit the net. She scratched his face up after a verbal argument (despite reports originally concluding the scratches came from the accident), he tried to speed away from the house, Elin chased and banged his car down with a golf club, and then the wreck occured.
Now obviously the most important question is what club was she using? I mean, when you are bashing in the car window of your cheatin' husband, do you go with the 7-wood or the 9-iron? :D

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