Tiger woods in car accident due to argument with wife? *Update Post #52*

Rampage;3106999 said:
when I 1st heard she smashed the back window to rescue him I called bs. I knew something was up. but anyways this crap belongs in the other sports section.
Well the whole story stunk from the get-go. When I first heard he hit a hydrant in his own neighborhood at 3 in the morning my first reaction was that he was probably drunk. But the police vehemently denied alcohol was involved. Then when I heard his wife was up at the same hour and was there at the scene immediately after it happened, I figured they probably had a fight. But their version of the story stunk because she wouldn't knock out the rear window to try and help him get out of the car when he was driving - plus what the heck was she doing with a club in her hand. I figured maybe the accident was worse then they were letting on or maybe he hit the hydrant while backing out of the driveway or something like that but I couldn't figure out the club.

I hate to say it, but the TMZ version of the story is far and away the most plausible. It easily makes way more sense than anything we've heard from the Woods camp.
burmafrd;3107235 said:
She believes the National Enquirer- strike ONE
Well she may have had her suspicions before the story broke or confronted Tiger or caught him in some sort of lie we don't know about. Because I gotta tell ya, I think the Enquirer has some pretty damning evidence against Woods. I am not saying every single detail in the Enquirer is true, but it sure looks like the crux of the matter, he had an affair, could very well be accurate.
He was boinking Oprah trying to get his hands are her bank. The wife found out and was pissed that she got cheated on my someone even Tiger can't bench press! :laugh2:
Rogah;3106912 said:
Now obviously the most important question is what club was she using? I mean, when you are bashing in the car window of your cheatin' husband, do you go with the 7-wood or the 9-iron? :D

You can bet that Nike damn sure wants to know that she was using one of their clubs... Tiger's bajillion dollar endorsement deal could depend on it...
The30YardSlant;3106996 said:
Looking more and more like he was cheating on his wife, which is dissapointing because I consider adulterers some of some lowest scum on the planet.

Are they on the same low evolutionary scale as Aggies fans??

burmafrd;3107235 said:
She believes the National Enquirer- strike ONE
Claws his face- Strike TWO
Beats on his car with a golf club and forces him into an accident-Strike THREE

yeah that is normal behavior....

I say she is a crack ho!

What you say rarely makes any sense... this does not appear to be an exception to that rule...
If your woman was coming after you with your own golf clubs what would you do?

Do you defend yourself and hit back? Run to your car and try to get away?

This story is crazy.

Usually, when its the woman beating up a man, we find it funny. Had it been the other way around, wed want Tiger hung by his balls.
When I was in high school, I had a girlfriend who later (a couple years after we were no longer dating) became a stripper.

Through this line of work, she ended up meeting Tiger and he took a liking to her and started flying her out to various tournaments he was playing at for some quality time together.

This was years ago, of course, long before he was married, but I think it kinda speaks to the fact that despite his squeaky clean image, he does have a bit of a wild side when it comes to the ladies.

Mostly I just like telling this story because I think it's cool that I dated the same girl as Tiger Woods! :D
Can't say I'm surprised Tiger drove into a tree he's been doing that on the course too. :p:
WoodysGirl;3106951 said:
Being pissed off at your husband for cheating doesn't make you a crack ho.

We know she's not leaving him, but you can best believe she's gonna make him miserable for awhile.

He cheated on her? Really?

Sometimes I wonder what celebrities/athletes are thinking.

Seriously, what's good enough? She's supermodel-esque and he has to piddle around elsewhere? What a joke.
Gemini Dolly;3107627 said:
If your woman was coming after you with your own golf clubs what would you do?

Do you defend yourself and hit back? Run to your car and try to get away?
That's what you gotta do. My STBX went ballistic on me one day and then stood in the doorway and refused to let me leave the room. She was trying to goad me into a physical confrontation (or, I should say, get me to physically respond to her physical confrontation) but I just refused because I know she can do whatever the heck she wants but the second I lay a finger on her then I am the one who goes to jail. Oh, don't get me wrong... I could have easily removed her from the doorway in about 2 seconds... but like I said, then I am the one who goes to jail if that happened.

Tiger may be a cheatin' hubby, but I think he was doing 100% the right thing Friday morning by simply trying to get the heck out of Dodge. Personally, I think she should be the one to spend an evening in jail because if the genders were reversed, that's exactly what would have happened.
Hoofbite;3107697 said:
He cheated on her? Really?

Sometimes I wonder what celebrities/athletes are thinking.

Seriously, what's good enough? She's supermodel-esque and he has to piddle around elsewhere? What a joke.

C'mon, i know you've heard, no matter how good looking a woman is, theres a guy out there thats sick of her bull ****.
Hoofbite;3107697 said:
He cheated on her? Really?

Sometimes I wonder what celebrities/athletes are thinking.

Seriously, what's good enough? She's supermodel-esque and he has to piddle around elsewhere? What a joke.
Well, look at it this way. I love lobster. Lobster is my favorite food. But that don't mean I don't like steak every once in a while too :D

I refuse to judge these athletes too harshly because I will never ever know the level of temptation they face on a regular basis. I'm just a regular guy and girls don't give me a second glance so there is really no temptation. But I don't think any of us can truly, honestly say we know how we would behave if we had ultra-hot women throwing themselves at us by the truckload 24/7 everywhere we went.
"evidence" + National Enquirer........ is anyone really stupid enough to believe anything in that rag?

In this day when anyone can make a photograph and put anyone in it?

Love how everyone just naturally believes the worst of Tiger.

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