Tiki Throws Coughlin Under the Bus

YoMick;1622321 said:
It is true. He did this when on the team as well. Now Tiki is just a "load..."

Let's see, while on the team in Philly TO held out one year into his contract, publically trashed his QB, coaches and team management, along with a select group of other players, and refused to talk with teammates even when he came to camp.

Prior to that in San Francisco he more than once screamed in his QB's face during games, argued with coaches during games, and publically trashed his QB.

Excuse me if I missed Tiki doing anything remotely close ......
Stautner;1622335 said:
Let's see, while on the team in Philly TO held out one year into his contract, publically trashed his QB, coaches and team management, along with a select group of other players, and refused to talk with teammates even when he came to camp.

Prior to that in San Francisco he more than once screamed in his QB's face during games, argued with coaches during games, and publically trashed his QB.

Excuse me if I missed Tiki doing anything remotely close ......

Lets see:

Strahan doing the same thing...hmmm...

Tiki trashes QB also... hmmm...
Tiki trashes coach also... hmmm...

not exactly tit for tat but seems "remotely" close to me... in some cases Tiki was/is worse
YoMick;1622352 said:
Lets see:

Strahan doing the same thing...hmmm...

Tiki trashes QB also... hmmm...
Tiki trashes coach also... hmmm...

not exactly tit for tat but seems "remotely" close to me... in some cases Tiki was/is worse

First, what the hell does Strahan have to do with this? We were comparing Tiki and TO, so I don't know what caused you to pull that out of your backside.

Second, Tiki is doing those things ....... NOW. But we were talking about, as opposed to TO, Tiki not coming close to TO's antics AS A PLAYER .......... Tiki wasn't always happy, but no where AS A PLAYER (or even now for that matter) did he ever come close to TO's level.

IF you are lost go back and read our last few posts .......
Stautner;1622357 said:
First, what the hell does Strahan have to do with this? We were comparing Tiki and TO, so I don't know what caused you to pull that out of your backside.

Second, Tiki is doing those things ....... NOW. But we were talking about, as opposed to TO, Tiki not coming close to TO's antics AS A PLAYER .......... Tiki wasn't always happy, but no where AS A PLAYER (or even now for that matter) did he ever come close to TO's level.

IF you are lost go back and read our last few posts .......

Strahan was a package deal. Tried to fit him up my backside but the gap in his teeth turned out to be the difference in fitting back there :laugh2:

Anyways.... where the heck have you been the last 3 years?

Tiki ripped his coaches, gameplans EVERYTHING for the last 2-3 years.... so dont say he is only doing it now... makes you look unintelligent.
YoMick;1622387 said:
Strahan was a package deal. Tried to fit him up my backside but the gap in his teeth turned out to be the difference in fitting back there :laugh2:

Anyways.... where the heck have you been the last 3 years?

Tiki ripped his coaches, gameplans EVERYTHING for the last 2-3 years.... so dont say he is only doing it now... makes you look unintelligent.

unintelligent huh?

As a player Tiki once in a while made a brief comments over the years that he probably shouldn't have - no doubt, but are you really so blind as to think that is the same as screaming at your QB during games, calling press conferences designed to trash your teammates and coaches and team management, calling your QB a loser, refusing to talk to teammates, holding out one year after signing a big contract and using the down time to talk as much trash as possible and take as much attention away from the team as possible ........

Come on big boy - give me specifics about Tiki that remotely compare to this.

As for your "package deal", if someone asked you to compare Florida Oranges with California oranges, I suppose your response would be to talk about African bananas ...........? After all, they are all fruit, right?
Stautner;1622357 said:
Second, Tiki is doing those things ....... NOW. But we were talking about, as opposed to TO, Tiki not coming close to TO's antics AS A PLAYER .......... Tiki wasn't always happy, but no where AS A PLAYER (or even now for that matter) did he ever come close to TO's level.

IF you are lost go back and read our last few posts .......
Actually he was doing it while he was a player, too. The difference was Tiki did things with a smile and in a mild-mannered tone. He was also loved by the media, so I don't recall him ever receiving any backlash for his comments. They would be reported, but I don't remember many media members taking him to task for them.
WoodysGirl;1622404 said:
Actually he was doing it while he was a player, too. The difference was Tiki did things with a smile and in a mild-mannered tone. He was also loved by the media, so I don't recall him ever receiving any backlash for his comments. They would be reported, but I don't remember many media members taking him to task for them.

If you will read my post above, I readily conced that Tiki ocassionally made some ill advised comments as a player, but again, is that the same level as screaming at your QB during games, calling press conferences designed to trash your teammates and coaches and team management, calling your QB a loser, refusing to talk to teammates, holding out one year after signing a big contract and using the down time to talk as much trash as possible and take as much attention away from the team as possible ........

Besides, the topic was about being a cancer, and if, as you say, Tiki was able to make a few comments without stirring up a media frenzy and without alienating his teammates, then clearly he wasn't the same kind of "cancer" as TO.
Stautner;1622419 said:
Besides, the topic was about being a cancer, and if, as you say, Tiki was able to make a few comments without stirring up a media frenzy and without alienating his teammates, then clearly he wasn't the same kind of "cancer" as TO.

Wow... you are blind.

Just because Tiki banged his coach/coaches with lube doesnt make it any better.

I will give you the last one. You seem to need it.
We get it. You dont like TO. Got it!
YoMick;1622440 said:
Wow... you are blind.

Just because Tiki banged his coach/coaches with lube doesnt make it any better.

I will give you the last one. You seem to need it.
We get it. You dont like TO. Got it!

First, you are completely void of any examples to back up what you are claiming, so your claim has no merit at all.

And in fact, you can't provide ANY examples of what Tiki did as a player that approaches anything TO has done ........... such as saying his QB was a loser and his QB ad other teammates lacked the heart to win it all.........

The only example you have is Strahan, and we are all still scratching our heads about how you could possibly think that has anything at all to do with TO and Tiki.

Second, we were talking about being a "cancer" to the team, so how severe his actions were, and how much of an overt problem the player caused and how he was perceived and how he kept it from becoming a lockerroom problem IS THE POINT.

You seem to be backtracking from your original claim that Tiki was a bigger lockerroom cancer than TO to now just claiming that Tiki wasn't an angel.

Well, if you wan't to backpeddle that far I will agree with you, but if you still want to claim that AS A PLAYER Tiki was a bigger team cancer than TO, then quit blowing smoke and making vague comments and provide examples.
Stautner;1622455 said:
First, you are completely void of any examples to back up what you are claiming, so your claim has no merit at all.

And in fact, you can't provide ANY examples of what Tiki did as a player that approaches anything TO has done .........

The only example you have is Strahan, and we are all still scratching our heads about how you could possibly think that has anything at all to do with TO and Tiki.

Second, we were talking about being a "cancer" to the team, so how severe his actions were, and how much of an overt problem the player caused and how he was perceived and how he kept it from becoming a lockerroom problem IS THE POINT.

You seem to be backtracking from your original claim that Tiki was a bigger lockerroom cancer than TO to now just claiming that Tiki wasn't an angel.

Well, if you wan't to backpeddle that far I will agree with you, but if you still want to claim that AS A PLAYER Tiki was a bigger team cancer than TO, then quit blowing smoke and provide examples.

Tiki was a cancer. The media chose not do carry the story.

What did Eli say recently???
I have to question my RB and his heart and desire. The QB has to wonder if his RB is with him??? come on seriously.

You are a typical media rubbernecker... you follow. YOU KNOW the media chose not to run and build the Tiki stories when he was on team. Admit it.
Coughlin insisted that he was oblivious to all the talk about his job status and leadership.

"I didn't pay any attention to any of that," he said yesterday in a conference call with reporters. "That is what we have to put up with today. I was not aware of most of it."

He was aware that running back Tiki Barber questioned his coaching after a 26-10 loss at Jacksonville on Nov. 20. In that game, Barber rushed 10 times for 27 yards and said Coughlin abandoned the run too early.

It was the second time in a year that Barber had questioned his coach. After the Giants' 23-0 playoff loss last year to Carolina, Barber told the media that the Giants were outcoached in the game.

Barber and Coughlin apparently have reached a truce, but the running back never took back what he said about his head coach.

"I never have regrets about anything that I say because I don't fly off the cuff and say things without thinking about them," Barber said yesterday. "It's just who I am."

Coughlin said he would rather have players speak to him in private than voice concerns to the media, but Barber doesn't mind answering questions as long as he believes he has the correct insight and information.

"I believe the things that come out of my mouth, and if I didn't, I wouldn't say them," said Barber, who insists he will retire after this season. "I don't believe in people taking shots without having information. When opinions are driven off of pure speculation, it frustrates me because I am so accessible and easy to get in touch with that all you have to do is ask."

While refusing to discuss what was said in their meeting, Coughlin said Friday that Barber's complaint that coaches abandoned the running game too early in a loss to Jacksonville should have been made to him directly instead of through the media.

Other than saying the Wednesday night meeting went well, Barber refused to discuss it. He also defended his decision to talk after being limited to 27 yards on 10 carries.

"You guys ask me questions and I tell you the truth," said Barber, whose 998 yards was fourth in the league heading into this week's action. "I tell you what's on my mind. I think if I said anything other than the truth, that would compromise who I am and that would be doing you guys a disservice."

1) You don't have to be on a team to be a distraction to it. Tiki is inexorably linked to the Giants, and anything he says about them is instantly brought back to them for comment.

2) This is still an ongoing situation. While I would agree that Tiki hasn't pulled a TO yet, it's not over, and it doesn't seem to be going away.

Oh and 3) The way Tiki goes about his business is in a kind of smarmy, behind your back kind of way. Like Coughlin said, Tiki should have gone to him. He didn't. TO went to the person.

There are different ways to get things done. Give me the guy who says things to your face every time, rather then someone who wages a war through the media.
peplaw06;1622476 said:
1) You don't have to be on a team to be a distraction to it. Tiki is inexorably linked to the Giants, and anything he says about them is instantly brought back to them for comment.

2) This is still an ongoing situation. While I would agree that Tiki hasn't pulled a TO yet, it's not over, and it doesn't seem to be going away.

Oh and 3) The way Tiki goes about his business is in a kind of smarmy, behind your back kind of way. Like Coughlin said, Tiki should have gone to him. He didn't. TO went to the person.

There are different ways to get things done. Give me the guy who says things to your face every time, rather then someone who wages a war through the media.

AND... what happens when other players see Tiki throw the coach under the bus? other players automatically lose respect for that coach.

Tiki is more responsible for Coughlin's downfall.

This all really started (going bad for Coughlin) on his 2nd or 3rd day with his team. Way back when he signed up for job.

Players were questioning his come 5 minute early rule. Anything he did was unfair or too hard, etc...

Coughlin never had a chance... and because of this... neither did Manning.
YoMick;1622466 said:
Tiki was a cancer. The media chose not do carry the story.

What did Eli say recently???
I have to question my RB and his heart and desire. The QB has to wonder if his RB is with him??? come on seriously.

You are a typical media rubbernecker... you follow. YOU KNOW the media chose not to run and build the Tiki stories when he was on team. Admit it.

You are quoting what Eli said RECENTLY ....... ?

Apparently you ONCE AGAIN have forgotten that the topic is about what Tiki did AS A PLAYER, not what a guy says now, after the fact, 8 months AFTER he quit being a player.

Try and keep up ........

By the way - a big part of a player being a "cancer" IS THE MEDIA RUNNING WITH IT so it is in everyone's face ........... and if Tiki's actions didn't result in that then he WAS less of a cancer.

superpunk;1622470 said:
Coughlin insisted that he was oblivious to all the talk about his job status and leadership.

"I didn't pay any attention to any of that," he said yesterday in a conference call with reporters. "That is what we have to put up with today. I was not aware of most of it."

He was aware that running back Tiki Barber questioned his coaching after a 26-10 loss at Jacksonville on Nov. 20. In that game, Barber rushed 10 times for 27 yards and said Coughlin abandoned the run too early.

It was the second time in a year that Barber had questioned his coach. After the Giants' 23-0 playoff loss last year to Carolina, Barber told the media that the Giants were outcoached in the game.

Barber and Coughlin apparently have reached a truce, but the running back never took back what he said about his head coach.

"I never have regrets about anything that I say because I don't fly off the cuff and say things without thinking about them," Barber said yesterday. "It's just who I am."

Coughlin said he would rather have players speak to him in private than voice concerns to the media, but Barber doesn't mind answering questions as long as he believes he has the correct insight and information.

"I believe the things that come out of my mouth, and if I didn't, I wouldn't say them," said Barber, who insists he will retire after this season. "I don't believe in people taking shots without having information. When opinions are driven off of pure speculation, it frustrates me because I am so accessible and easy to get in touch with that all you have to do is ask."
While refusing to discuss what was said in their meeting, Coughlin said Friday that Barber's complaint that coaches abandoned the running game too early in a loss to Jacksonville should have been made to him directly instead of through the media.

Other than saying the Wednesday night meeting went well, Barber refused to discuss it. He also defended his decision to talk after being limited to 27 yards on 10 carries.

"You guys ask me questions and I tell you the truth," said Barber, whose 998 yards was fourth in the league heading into this week's action. "I tell you what's on my mind. I think if I said anything other than the truth, that would compromise who I am and that would be doing you guys a disservice."

Let's see, Tiki said the Giants abandoned the run too soon in a game.

TO said his organazation was classless, his coach was a liar, his QB was a loser and some of his teammates lacked the heart to win the big game .......

Not to mention the multiple times he has dressed down his QB and coaches publically on the sidelines .......

YEP .... Tiki was a Much worse cancer!

Now, I will concede the comment about being outcoached was pretty bad and unnecessary, but this one incident put into perspective against the multiple times that TO said that both Jeff Garcia and Donovan McNabb were losers and lacked heart, and the fact that he MULTIPLE times has actually CALLED press conferences to trash his team and teammates, and the fact that he refused to even talk to teammates one preseason .........

Again, you need a little perspective.

This isn't about Tiki being an angel, it's about in his time as a player he was not the constant cancer or the severe cancer TO has been.

peplaw06;1622476 said:
1) You don't have to be on a team to be a distraction to it. Tiki is inexorably linked to the Giants, and anything he says about them is instantly brought back to them for comment.

2) This is still an ongoing situation. While I would agree that Tiki hasn't pulled a TO yet, it's not over, and it doesn't seem to be going away.

Oh and 3) The way Tiki goes about his business is in a kind of smarmy, behind your back kind of way. Like Coughlin said, Tiki should have gone to him. He didn't. TO went to the person.

There are different ways to get things done. Give me the guy who says things to your face every time, rather then someone who wages a war through the media.

Sure Tiki can be a distraction, I never disputed that. But would you really compare the comments and actions of a guy who is not on the team, is not in your lockerroom, is not beside you on the field, to the same actions (and worse - as you admitted TO's actions have been) by someone you are in the lockerroom and huddle with every day and who you are supposed to be able to count on when you go to battle on the field?
Stautner;1622512 said:
You are quoting what Eli said RECENTLY ....... ?

Apparently you ONCE AGAIN have forgotten that the topic is about what Tiki did AS A PLAYER, not what a guy says now, after the fact, 8 months AFTER he quit being a player.

Try and keep up ........

By the way - a big part of a player being a "cancer" IS THE MEDIA RUNNING WITH IT so it is in everyone's face ........... and if Tiki's actions didn't result in that then he WAS less of a cancer.

LMAO - you are funny.

Yes Eli said RECENTLY about TIKI "as a player" from LAST YEAR. Point!

I cant believe you wrote that. Wow. (read it to yourself again, just wow)

Now I have to leave this thread.
Good ole Tiki, tryin to destroy his team w/o him even being on it....
Coakleys Dad;1622547 said:
Good ole Tiki, tryin to destroy his team w/o him even being on it....

He is NOT a cancer.... more like an annoying rash :laugh2:
YoMick;1622530 said:
LMAO - you are funny.

Yes Eli said RECENTLY about TIKI "as a player" from LAST YEAR. Point!

I cant believe you wrote that. Wow. (read it to yourself again, just wow)

Now I have to leave this thread.

Manning talking 8 months later ............. after the fact ............after no one else on the team had ever complained ................ after no one on the team bothered to complain AT THE TIME ........... after Manning showed he had a grudge by first talking trash about Tiki this year, before Tiki even said a word ......... ?

On the other hand, A NUMBER OF TO's teammates commented about TO being a cancer and a distraction AT THE TIME it occurred.

Now if one player gets no ill will from his teammates and his teammates don't worry about a comment, and another player is so disruptive and so mean spirited and so obnoxious that his teammates actually start slinging back trast AT THE TIME, then who is the cancer ...........?

This one calls for a little common sense, so you may struggle with it .......
YoMick;1622542 said:
Originally Posted by stautner
Tiki was a different cancer
Tiki was less of a cancer

Want to get into benign or malignant next? :laugh2:Want to get into benign or malignant next? :laugh2:
Now you not only are full of crap - but you are a blatant liar.

Yes - I called you that, because what you posted as being an original post from me was not my post.

You created a false post and made it appear as if I said it.

The true mark ofsomeone who is too weak to stand on his own two feet.
Stautner;1622512 said:
Sure Tiki can be a distraction, I never disputed that. But would you really compare the comments and actions of a guy who is not on the team, is not in your lockerroom, is not beside you on the field, to the same actions (and worse - as you admitted TO's actions have been) by someone you are in the lockerroom and huddle with every day and who you are supposed to be able to count on when you go to battle on the field?

I think you can compare them, no question.

You also have to take into account that Tiki is LIKED by the media. The things he does aren't nearly as blown out of proportion as the things TO does.

Do you think Tiki would have drawn as much scrutiny had it been his hammy last training camp and he had been riding the stationary bike?

So if you admit that Tiki gets a "fairer shake" from the media, then you have to take that into account when comparing the two. Tiki doesn't draw the scrutiny. Maybe Tiki has done similar things that haven't been as publicized in the media. That doesn't mean that what he did wasn't harmful to the team.

And then you get NYG players who know that Tiki is liked by the media who are less apt to confront him through the media... as opposed to what Donovan McNabb did. Donovan is liked by the media. You see what happened to TO when he had a beef with Donovan. I'm sure some Giants players would love to go after Tiki, but don't for this reason.

You have to take all of these into account. But I think you can compare the situations for this reason... Tiki's situation is probably more severe than reported, because he is liked, and TO's was probably less severe than reported because he's not liked.

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