Time for the Romo haters to admit they were wrong

Yes, because I am a real name caller.

I see both sides of the coin,. The hope and also the areas that cause concern. I am not often swayed by people who support a position without facts. If you see me questioning you, and you believe i am calling you an imbecile, then that is on you.

I state my case, and wait for you to post something that is not filled with hope and little substance.

Path less traveled seems to always get this type of reaction.

I read what you wrote but past experience doesn't support it.
that's OK 2d3 your an intelligent poster and I enjoy your contributions
Below are posts and quotes I made in Jan of 2013 in a thread asking if we should trade Romo to KC for the #1 overall pick. He was up for a contract extension at the time and many wanted to move on from him. This thread proves without question that those who claim I hate Romo and don't support him have agenda's! This thread was started just a few days after the Cowboys season finale elimination game loss to Washington so the wounds were fresh. This was the most down I had ever seen the fan base on Romo. Some who had supported him for years were throwing in the towel on him as they lived in the moment of his meltdown performance. If I hated Romo and didn't support him as the QB you would see it in this thread but I've never been one to live in the moment. I don't give opinions based on emotion or how I'm feeling at a particular moment. The great thing about archives is they don't lie. Sift through my comments and feel free to click on the link and see what others were saying at the time.

"If you have a QB who's healthy and can play at a top 10 level you don't worry about the cap you find a way to sign them. It's critical to have a top caliber QB especially in todays game or you can't win. This is why teams get desperate and make bold moves to get a QB. You never want to leave yourself without a solid QB. As long as Romo can play at a top 10 level you have to hang on to him and mark my words the Cowboys will."

"More has been accomplished under Romo than any QB the Cowboys have had since Aikman. The bottom line is he's only 32 and is still playing at a very high level. Had the Cowboys beat Washington in the season finale we wouldn't be having this discussion. Fans want Romo gone because they're frustrated. I've always kept it real about Romo he's a very good QB who has serious issues in big games. Regardless of his issues in elimination games it would be much worse for the Cowboys without him or someone comparable to him. He's the most important player on the team and the Cowboys can't be competitive without him."

"You won't have Romo because you traded him for the pick so what do you do? No matter what the Cowboys did with the pick they would struggle to win 5 games next season without a solid QB. This isn't the year to be trading for the #1 overall pick. I would rather trade Ware for a #1 somewhere than not have a QB I can win with for the next who knows how many years."

"Those of you suggesting the Cowboys trade Romo to KC how would you feel if the trade were to happen and KC ends up having a better season than the Cowboys next year? Would you still feel it was the right move and a move that will ultimately make the Cowboys a better team? I can't think of any team that's ever traded their starting QB who was a current top 10 QB at the time and had nothing behind them but a scrub.

The absolute dumbest move a team could ever make especially in this era of having to throw the ball to win is to trade their starting QB who still gives them hope and leave themselves with a QB that gives them ZERO hope. If you think it may only take a season or two to replace Romo with an elite QB you better think again. The Cowboys could be searching for more than 6 years this time around. If a QB is done then you move on with no hesitation or fear of regret but Romo isn't near done. You can't win in the NFL consistently if you don't have a top 10 QB especially a team like the Cowboys that can't run the ball or play solid defense.

The Cowboys aren't the Broncos they're not built to win 8 games with a Tebow. They don't have near the running game or the defense to compete without a prolific QB who can make plays. The Cowboys will end up in the basement of the NFC East without Romo. Check all the games the team won this past season because of him. The Cowboys would have won no more than 3-4 games with Orton."

"Dez is going to need a productive QB to continue progressing. He and Romo are finally starting to click this is not the time to retool at QB unless you can get an Andrew Luck or RG3. Pair Dez with Orton and he'll be lucky to have 800 yards and 6 TD's next season."

"Trade Romo and go with Orton next season and the Cowboys probably end up like the Chiefs this season."

"I've been accused of being a Romo hater now someone thinks I'm over rating him. lol The Cowboys will never win a championship with Romo I've been saying that since I signed on here 3 years ago but without him or someone just as good the Cowboys are playing out the season in week 17 instead of playing for a playoff spot."

"Without Romo you lose hope because he at least gives the Cowboys that."

"From the comments in this thread what most are doing is giving up on Romo and the team. Some not only want to move on from him but a few want to move on from Ware and Witten and simply blow the team up and start from scratch. There's been turnover at almost every position but Romo been by far the best QB the team has had since Troy Aikman. The Cowboys haven't had a QB since Romo took over in 06 who's come close to challenging him for the starting job. The team hasn't made an attempt to find anyone who can compete with him."

"I don't see the possibility of Romo not being back after 2014 unless the Cowboys have a QB in place they feel they can win with. Jerry has already been down that dark road before of moving on from a franchise QB without having a capable replacement ready to take over and it led to the lowest point for the Cowboys since he bought the team in 89. I can assure you he will not make that same mistake again. There's no trade for Romo that would make sense for the Cowboys unless it involved another QB to replace him with. The Cowboys have a number of issues that would make it virtually impossible for the team to compete without Romo. They have an average defense that continues to fold at the end of every season."

"You simply can't move on from Romo until you have a very capable QB that gives you a chance to compete every Sunday. Not one player you add to the team will make that big a difference if you don't have a franchise QB who can move your offense. KC is a 2-14 team according to Charley Casserly because they don't have a QB who can play. He claimed they'll be a playoff team with a QB that can play that's how critical having a solid QB is. The Cowboys could very well be where KC is next season without Romo. The plan for some is just to go with Orton for a year as a stopgap as if the Cowboys will have their pick of franchise QB's after next season. :rolleyes:"

"The Cowboys will not be competitive without Romo or a QB comparable to him."

"It would be the best thing for the Cowboys because they can't be competitive without a QB who possesses Romo's skill set. They need a playmaker at the position who's mobile and can make plays outside the pocket. By resigning Romo it keeps the team competitive and gives them some time to find his replacement. Without Romo the Cowboys are a 4-5 win team. You put an average QB behind the Cowboys OL and give them no running game and no opportunistic defense that creates turnovers and this team will go from mediocre to bad."

"No plan is guaranteed but my plan keeps Romo in Dallas at least 3 years allowing us to be competitive and giving us time to find and develop his replacement."

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I'm not one for call out threads, but on the topic of Tony Romo....I thought it had already been established for years that anybody who didn't recognize he's a very, very good QB simply don't know what they're talking about. This is a pretty common litmus test for whether or not somebody's worth discussing football with, isn't it? After last season, certainly, it had to be a dead issue, right?

Do we really need people to resort to sigs with slogans in them or whatever to remind us of what the rest of us have known since 2007?
3 or 4 people have gotten the wrath of Cowboys fans in recent years, but I've never dissed Romo

He's done as well as could be expected in this environment. I could have seen him win the SB for the Seahawks a couple of years ago.
Theres only a few romo haters left, and i think they are mainly trolling.

Its not fun anymore pointing out their idiocy, its like arguing with flat earth society members or these government conspiracy weirdos
I'm not one for call out threads, but on the topic of Tony Romo....I thought it had already been established for years that anybody who didn't recognize he's a very, very good QB simply don't know what they're talking about. This is a pretty common litmus test for whether or not somebody's worth discussing football with, isn't it? After last season, certainly, it had to be a dead issue, right?

Do we really need people to resort to sigs with slogans in them or whatever to remind us of what the rest of us have known since 2007?

It's gotten to the point where it's even hard for people that hate Dallas to claim "Romo sucks"

So no need to really call people out........only people left would be 'Id would prefer to sink with the ship then admit I'm wrong kind of person' anyway
Romo played a fantastic game last night and hopefully he continues the same level of play throughout the season. Last year, he seemed to have stepped it up to a different level because he's not playing as wild as he used to. Getting Linehan here seems to have done something for his game.

Getting a competent OL surely didn't hurt, either. Oftentimes, I was amazed that he did as good as he did when his OL was horrendous in pass protection. We're seeing the true Romo now since that problem was resolved.

Unbelievably appropriate image for this thread.
For all the Romo haters out there, and we all know who you are, it's time to man up and admit you were wrong. Do you have it in you?

i long for the day we can stop calling each other out for simply saying how we feel at the time.

times change, sure. some opinions may change, others will just say "he will choke soon enough!" and as soon as he has a bad game they'll be back to throw this on you and keep the stupidity alive.

just the circle of forums...
i long for the day we can stop calling each other out for simply saying how we feel at the time.

times change, sure. some opinions may change, others will just say "he will choke soon enough!" and as soon as he has a bad game they'll be back to throw this on you and keep the stupidity alive.

just the circle of forums...

Nice spin "how we feel at the time". That's fine but instead of knee jerk reactions like that, evaluate him as QB first taking into all that makes up a elite QB which he is before spewing the hate. Then when you realize that your wrong, admit it.

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