Time for the Romo haters to admit they were wrong

It's not a Romo hater only issue. Some people misjudge skills and talent of athletes playing at all levels of football.

Eventually I came to the conclusion significant miscalculation comes from ignoring how poor execution of other players affects individual player performance. Personal focus fixes upon end results but does not diagnose what exactly led to an errant throw, a missed tackle, fumble, etc.

Some people see what they think they see and not the complete picture. Romo isn't the only victim of misdirected criticism by any length of imagination. Far from it.
It's not a Romo hater only issue. Some people misjudge skills and talent of athletes playing at all levels of football.

Eventually I came to the conclusion significant miscalculation comes from ignoring how poor execution of other players affects individual player performance. Personal focus fixes upon end results but does not diagnose what exactly led to an errant throw, a missed tackle, fumble, etc.

Some people see what they think they see and not the complete picture. Romo isn't the only victim of misdirected criticism by any length of imagination. Far from it.

He's not the only victim just the victim misevaluated the most by far.
They don't. They will just wait for any loss/anything short of a Super Bowl win and find a way to pin it on Romo.

Exactly...let them continue to hate..he is the best QB in the league since 2011 even w/o the ring....I don't care let them hate and complain about his interception...let them hate and complain about the fact he does not have a ring...let them hate cause it doesn't matter how good he plays or how many times he brings his team back.....they still gonna find a reason to hate..
He's not the only victim just the victim misevaluated the most by far.
That's practically non debatable in my opinion. Romo has been under fire his whole career from fans and media alike. Anyone would be hard pressed presenting another NFL player during his era who has been treated as atypical to the quarterback position as Romo.

That said, I think it's important to point out the overtly unnecessary criticism that Romo deals with is dished out to other players also. Simply because other players may have a lesser volume of crap thrown at them doesn't make the flinging any less inappropriate. In the final analysis, **** is still ****.
lol, call out threads after the first game of the season - and a tough win, no less. Good grief.
Nice spin "how we feel at the time". That's fine but instead of knee jerk reactions like that, evaluate him as QB first taking into all that makes up a elite QB which he is before spewing the hate. Then when you realize that your wrong, admit it.

so your own opinion on something has never changed in all your life based on events and how they unfolded to change how you *now* feel vs. how you felt *at the time*?

that must suck, honestly.
Please explain to me why you feel the need to label someone who questioned Romo in the past.

He has matured. That drive for the win was not something he could do 4 years ago.

I don't understand the need to draw a line and alienate fans of the team you are a fan of.

28 in the last 8 years-what are you saying about 4 years ago?Romo has always done.this!!
I was wrong! Tony might be the best QB in the league! I only wish he hadn't wasted the prime of his career with Jason Garrett as his OC.

props to you for admitting it. I doubt we will ever see UFCRULES do it but we can live in hope
Romo is top 5 qb. But in fairness, he dug the team out of a hole he helped create Sunday night. I don't have an issue with anyone who criticized Tony in the past. After all the blown leads and improbable defeats. You'd have to be a little fanboy not to criticize the franchise and the most important piece, the QB.
Romo is top 5 qb. But in fairness, he dug the team out of a hole he helped create Sunday night. I don't have an issue with anyone who criticized Tony in the past. After all the blown leads and improbable defeats. You'd have to be a little fanboy not to criticize the franchise and the most important piece, the QB.
how did he help to create the hole? The Witten pass was behind him but Witten has this bad habbit of batting balls in the air.
I haven't heard much from Romo haters in about a year.....
how did he help to create the hole? The Witten pass was behind him but Witten has this bad habbit of batting balls in the air.

Bad throw to witten. I've seen Witten do that numerous times as well but the ball has got to be out in front. The Street int I need to go back and look at but in real time I thought tony should've got the ball to street sooner instead of leading street right into the safety creating a big hit opportunity. Lack of execution in the red zone. Most of his mistakes were flukey and easily correctable imo. When the chips were down he made the plays to win the game at the end and nobody was more ecstatic than I was. I just try to be completely objective no matter win or loss.
That's practically non debatable in my opinion. Romo has been under fire his whole career from fans and media alike. Anyone would be hard pressed presenting another NFL player during his era who has been treated as atypical to the quarterback position as Romo.

That said, I think it's important to point out the overtly unnecessary criticism that Romo deals with is dished out to other players also. Simply because other players may have a lesser volume of crap thrown at them doesn't make the flinging any less inappropriate. In the final analysis, **** is still ****.

No argument here.
so your own opinion on something has never changed in all your life based on events and how they unfolded to change how you *now* feel vs. how you felt *at the time*?

that must suck, honestly.

That's a dumb question of course it has. But not on Romo. And I'll be the first to admit if I'm wrong. I've said since day one Claiborne was going to be a bust. I might have to eat those words if he continues to show improvement.
That's a dumb question of course it has. But not on Romo. And I'll be the first to admit if I'm wrong. I've said since day one Claiborne was going to be a bust. I might have to eat those words if he continues to show improvement.

well when you start off a dumb premise...
Bad throw to witten. I've seen Witten do that numerous times as well but the ball has got to be out in front. The Street int I need to go back and look at but in real time I thought tony should've got the ball to street sooner instead of leading street right into the safety creating a big hit opportunity. Lack of execution in the red zone. Most of his mistakes were flukey and easily correctable imo. When the chips were down he made the plays to win the game at the end and nobody was more ecstatic than I was. I just try to be completely objective no matter win or loss.
bad throw is when the receiver cannot get his hands on the ball. Trying to blame Romo for the street play is total horsecrap

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