Video: Time Is Up!

ok, fair enough but, i want to see the Zeke with his hair on fire. I don't study film like some of you guys so, it was just an opinion. I would think if the prize was just in reach we would get a little extra.
The fumbles last year was biggest issue and that has to be corrected but if the oline stays healthy zeke should have a great year. He looks in best shape since rookie year
I was a Zeke fan years ago but it has been tough watching him the past few years. Even if the time isn’t up right now, it is getting dangerously close. The clock is ticking.

The good news is Pollard is very good and quite capable of taking over. RBs are also easy to get. Adrian Peterson would have had the same yards last year as Zeke if he were the starter here last year. I don’t see much difference between the two at this point. Even an average RB in the NFL can get 900 yards in 16 games.

Would anyone care if Elliott did something stupid and got suspended? Let that sink in. I would just laugh and smile and say sayonara to him and his ridiculous contract. Elliott knows he is one screwup away from getting cut and voiding the contract.
There are bell cows and there are cows that end up on the grill. Elliott will get another season to find out whether his next stop will be the Cowboys locker room or the butcher.
...Zeke gets the benefit of the doubt. A RB goes as the OL goes. It was bad last year, musical chairs at its worse.
this is in that article he posted, why would you want to take the "better footbal player" of the field more?

"The truth is, there is room for both. Pollard is not a better football player than Elliott, who by the way seems to be putting in the offseason work with a goal of increased elusiveness. Zeke is, and has always been, a power back."

different article same topic.
And that's why I said it was complimentary to Zeke...he says its not though lol.
Most of Zeke’s fumbles are because he initiates too much contact. He prides himself on making tacklers pay the price but that contact has worked against him. I admire how he gives up his body for the team but he needs to take it easy.
Imagine starting every drive on your own 20 yard line because special-teams suck. What a difference it will be only traveling 40 yards instead of 80. Zeke is not done as much as I’m not a big fan
The fumbles last year was biggest issue and that has to be corrected but if the oline stays healthy zeke should have a great year. He looks in best shape since rookie year
Six fumbles six touchdowns I believe
Memories of Hambrick having a better yards per carry than Emmitt.

All hail the backup, unless it's the QB, right???

Zeke is the only one to blame with his weak play.

emmitt was also close to done at the end there. Happens to the best of them.
On how many less carries? Just curious.'s simple math the less carries you have and you have a couple big runs, it inflates your average. I don't know that he knows that when he posted it.
I was going to let him have his moment, but then you

Zeke 244
Pollard 101
I'm pretty sure if we cut him after this year it doesn't kill our cap that bad...

200.gif's simple math the less carries you have and you have a couple big runs, it inflates your average. I don't know that he knows that when he posted it.
I was going to let him have his moment, but then you

Zeke 244
Pollard 101
These numbers are from last year?
So it was basically a 70/30 split?

I like that split. Maybe a 65/35 might be better, I don't know, but then the usuals will start complaining that Zeke keeps tapping out.

Can't please some people...

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