Time to bring back Vinny and cut Romo!

Rush 2112 said:
Apparently Romo is learning the same lesson, hence all the bring in another QB talk.

Is anyone shutting that talk up?

Didn't think so.

Romo's 3rd full off season. Where's the progress.

Mick and Bill Jones went off on Romo last night.

Small, inaccurate, weak arm, not mobile, bad decisions.At least he has moxie.

And he's outplaying Henson in camp - go figure
Waffle said:
You just can't help yourself, can you? :cool:

But it's true. That simply wasn't sound strategy. Look it doesn't matter what name your qb has. A 27 year old playoff qb is better than a 41 year old journeyman or a couple of a long range projects. Joe Thiesman said the same thing and he doesn't care beans about the Cowboys or Carter. You simply don't throw away a somewhat useful tool for a completely useless but prettier one.
It doesn't matter what the name of the tool is or the industry. You know the old 'bird in the hand' or 'two in the bush' saying.
Doomsday101 said:
The druggie without a team yeah real dependable isn't he! Even is he is picked up he will be looking at a 4 game suspension. Jets give him a chance and what does he do? He lets them down as well by flunking yet another test late in the season and you’re crying over this punk? Gees It appears 95 percent of your post is on this subject isn’t it about time you moved on

STUFF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waffle said:
95%??? Dooms...I think you might be a little low on your estimation, but close! :D

That's way overblown, I post about lots of topics,TO,Vinny, the Draft. People around here are just sensitive because I've got the Nads to speak my mind and not worry about whether I am popular or not and am usually 95% right in my posts. Earth to the Zone, Henson is garbage and he is the WEAKEST LINK!. Ha Ha Ha.
kartr said:
I've got the Nads to speak my mind

Is that what your deal with Quincy Carter is? "Nads"?

Looks like obsession/ignorance mixed with pathetic man-love to me.
junk said:
Quincy Carter? All that is left now is the worst of the worst.

Last time I looked Carter helped two teams in the last 2 years to make the playoffs. What did the Browns,Dolphins,49'ers gain by not signing him? What did the Cowboys gain by releasing him; a return trip to Celler Dweller land.
i think that is what the first post was about...by the time i waded thru
all the romo/henson bashing and quincy is still a god posts im not sure anymore.

anyway since i just read that romo is listed at 2nd on depth chart for saturdays
game im betting he doesnt get cut. at least not until after that.

so..yeah you may be crazy but we all must be .
Doomsday101 said:
It just gets old hearing this total BS and these lame numbers I watched the guy play he is not that damn good and if he were teams would not be sitting on their hands they would go get him. Only kartr is of the mindset that this guy is some great QB

Vinny was 11th in passing yardage with a better line, better receivers and running back and won 6 games, while Carter was 12th in passing yardage with a lesser supporting cast and going against a gauntlet of defenses chocked with pro bowlers(Richard Seymour,Ty Law,Ogunleye,Jason Taylor,Madison,Surtain,Takeo Spikes,Antoine Winfield and Nate Clements, John Abraham,Charles Grant and Darren Howard,Champ Bailey,etc.) Carter averaged 18.1 points against that crew while Vinnie averaged 18.4 points against an easier schedule and a better supporting cast. Carter was the only offense we had in 2003, the only threat we had, yet got the job done. Even the Carolina defensive coordinator who had Kris Jenkins and Julius Pepper admitted he screwed up by doubling down on our outside receivers instead of attacking Carter. He as much as admits that he should have attacked our strongest player.
Waffle said:
Look who's name isn't even listed. I mean...Kurt Kittner is still on a roster for pete's sake! :laugh2:

Anderson, Derek QB, Baltimore RavensApplewhite, Major QB, New England PatriotsArth, Tom QB, Indianapolis ColtsBanks, Tony QB, Houston TexansBatch, Charlie QB, Pittsburgh SteelersBeasley, Jonathan QB, Jacksonville JaguarsBerlin, Brock QB, Miami DolphinsBlanchard, Jimmy QB, Jacksonville JaguarsBledsoe, Drew QB, Dallas CowboysBoller, Kyle QB, Baltimore RavensBollinger, Brooks QB, New York JetsBouman, Todd QB, New Orleans SaintsBowenkamp, John QB, Minnesota VikingsBoyd, Shane QB, Tennessee TitansBrady, Tom QB, New England PatriotsBramlet, Casey QB, Cincinnati BengalsBrees, Drew QB, San Diego ChargersBrooks, Aaron QB, New Orleans SaintsBrown, Travis QB, Indianapolis ColtsBrunell, Mark QB, Washington CommandersBulger, Marc QB, St. Louis RamsBush, Chris QB, Tennessee TitansCampbell, Jason QB, Washington CommandersCampbell, Lang QB, Cleveland BrownsCarr, David QB, Houston TexansCassel, Matt QB, New England PatriotsChandler, Nathan QB, Buffalo BillsChang, Timmy QB, Arizona CardinalsCole, Travis QB, Pittsburgh SteelersCollins, Kerry QB, Oakland RaidersCollins, Todd QB, Kansas City ChiefsCulpepper, Daunte QB, Minnesota VikingsDavey, Rohan QB, New England PatriotsDelhomme, Jake QB, Carolina PanthersDetmer, Koy QB, Philadelphia EaglesDetmer, Ty QB, Atlanta FalconsDilfer, Trent QB, Cleveland BrownsDinwiddie, Ryan QB, Chicago BearsDorsey, Ken QB, San Francisco 49ersDunn, Marc QB, Kansas City ChiefsDurant, Darian QB, Baltimore RavensEakin, Kevin QB, New York JetsEngemann, Bret QB, Oakland RaidersEviston, Eddie QB, Kansas City ChiefsFavre, Brett QB, Green Bay PackersFeeley, A.J. QB, Miami DolphinsFiedler, Jay QB, New York JetsFitzpatrick, Ryan QB, St. Louis RamsFlutie, Doug QB, New England PatriotsFrerotte, Gus QB, Miami DolphinsFriehauf, Chad QB, Denver BroncosFrye, Charlie QB, Cleveland BrownsFuentes, Jose QB, Green Bay PackersGannon, Rich QB, Oakland RaidersGarcia, Jeff QB, Detroit LionsGarrard, David QB, Jacksonville JaguarsGray, Quinn QB, Jacksonville JaguarsGreen, Trent QB, Kansas City ChiefsGreene, David QB, Seattle SeahawksGriese, Brian QB, Tampa Bay BuccaneersGrossman, Rex QB, Chicago BearsGuidugli, Gino QB, Tennessee TitansHaldi, Josh QB, Cincinnati BengalsHall, Andy QB, Philadelphia EaglesHamdan, Gibran QB, Seattle SeahawksHarrington, Joey QB, Detroit LionsHarris, Josh QB, Cleveland BrownsHasselbeck, Matt QB, Seattle SeahawksHasselbeck, Tim QB, New York GiantsHawley, Jack QB, San Francisco 49ersHenson, Drew QB, Dallas CowboysHill, Shaun QB, Minnesota VikingsHoffman, Gavin QB, Cincinnati BengalsHolcomb, Kelly QB, Buffalo BillsHuard, Damon QB, Kansas City ChiefsHutchinson, Chad QB, Chicago BearsHybl, Nate QB, Jacksonville JaguarsJohnson, Brad QB, Minnesota VikingsJohnson, Doug QB, Cleveland BrownsKanell, Danny QB, Denver BroncosKenner, Deontey QB, Baltimore RavensKilian, James QB, Kansas City ChiefsKingsbury, Kliff QB, New Orleans SaintsKitna, Jon QB, Cincinnati BengalsKittner, Kurt QB, Chicago BearsKrenzel, Craig QB, Cincinnati BengalsKrohn, Jeff QB, Pittsburgh SteelersKuklick, Brian QB, New England PatriotsKustok, Zak QB, Chicago BearsLeFors, Stefan QB, Carolina PanthersLeard, Ben QB, New England PatriotsLeftwich, Byron QB, Jacksonville JaguarsLemon, Cleo QB, San Diego ChargersLorenzen, Jared QB, New York GiantsLosman, J.P. QB, Buffalo BillsMaddox, Tommy QB, Pittsburgh SteelersManning, Eli QB, New York GiantsManning, Peyton QB, Indianapolis ColtsMartin, Jamie QB, St. Louis RamsMatthews, Shane QB, Buffalo BillsMauck, Matt QB, Denver BroncosMcCown, Josh QB, Arizona CardinalsMcCown, Luke QB, Tampa Bay BuccaneersMcMahon, Mike QB, Philadelphia EaglesMcMullen, Scott QB, Philadelphia EaglesMcNabb, Donovan QB, Philadelphia EaglesMcNair, Steve QB, Tennessee TitansMcPherson, Adrian QB, New Orleans SaintsMeyer, Dave QB, Green Bay PackersMortensen, Todd QB, Detroit LionsNall, Craig QB, Green Bay PackersNavarre, John QB, Arizona CardinalsO'Sullivan, J.T. QB, Green Bay PackersOchs, Craig QB, San Diego ChargersOrlovsky, Dan QB, Detroit LionsOrton, Kyle QB, Chicago BearsPalmer, Carson QB, Cincinnati BengalsPalmer, Jesse QB, New York GiantsPennington, Chad QB, New York JetsPhillips, Wesley QB, Atlanta FalconsPickett, Cody QB, San Francisco 49ersPlummer, Jake QB, Denver BroncosRagone, Dave QB, Houston TexansRamsey, Patrick QB, Washington CommandersRandall, Bryan QB, Atlanta FalconsRandall, Marcus QB, Tennessee TitansRattay, Tim QB, San Francisco 49ersRivers, David QB, Oakland RaidersRivers, Philip QB, San Diego ChargersRodgers, Aaron QB, Green Bay PackersRoethlisberger, Ben QB, Pittsburgh SteelersRomo, Tony QB, Dallas CowboysRosenfels, Sage QB, Miami DolphinsRutherford, Rod QB, Carolina PanthersSchaub, Matt QB, Atlanta FalconsSimms, Chris QB, Tampa Bay BuccaneersSmith, Alex D. QB, San Francisco 49ersSmoker, Jeff QB, St. Louis RamsSorgi, Jim QB, Indianapolis ColtsSpinner, Bryson QB, Washington CommandersSt. Pierre, Brian QB, Pittsburgh SteelersStambaugh, Phil QB, Philadelphia EaglesSymons, B.J. QB, Houston TexansThompson, Kevin QB, Buffalo BillsTuiasosopo, Marques QB, Oakland RaidersTurman, John QB, Pittsburgh SteelersVan Pelt, Bradlee QB, Denver BroncosVick, Michael QB, Atlanta FalconsVolek, Billy QB, Tennessee TitansWallace, Seneca QB, Seattle SeahawksWalter, Andrew QB, Oakland RaidersWarner, Kurt QB, Arizona CardinalsWatts, Tyler QB, Tennessee TitansWeinke, Chris QB, Carolina PanthersWelsh, John QB, New York GiantsWhite, Jason QB, Tennessee TitansWhittemore, Bill QB, New York JetsWoodbury, Tory QB, Buffalo BillsWright, Anthony QB, Baltimore RavensWrobel, Brian QB, Seattle Seahawks

That's pretty much a indictment of the people running the NFL more than anything. Considering that Chicago offense was 32nd in the league and 3 other coaches who got fired because of putrid offenses, just maybe not signing Carter was the greater evil. The other thing is the Cowboys can't laugh about Carter, because the Jets definitely got the better end of the deal.
Waffle said:
I politely asked you "why" you have this opinion (in a previous post), but you failed to answer the question.

Because I've seen them play and I don't know of anyone other than people here on this board believe in them. Most of the mediots that thought Henson was godsend last year are now very quiet on the Henson subject. They simply don't have the background to be successful and I really don't get why I have to explain it. It should be obvious to anyone who's ever seen a football game.
kartr said:
Vinny was 11th in passing yardage with a better line, better receivers and running back and won 6 games, while Carter was 12th in passing yardage with a lesser supporting cast and going against a gauntlet of defenses chocked with pro bowlers(Richard Seymour,Ty Law,Ogunleye,Jason Taylor,Madison,Surtain,Takeo Spikes,Antoine Winfield and Nate Clements, John Abraham,Charles Grant and Darren Howard,Champ Bailey,etc.) Carter averaged 18.1 points against that crew while Vinnie averaged 18.4 points against an easier schedule and a better supporting cast. Carter was the only offense we had in 2003, the only threat we had, yet got the job done. Even the Carolina defensive coordinator who had Kris Jenkins and Julius Pepper admitted he screwed up by doubling down on our outside receivers instead of attacking Carter. He as much as admits that he should have attacked our strongest player.

Why are your bringing up Vinny? I have not been touting him as a great QB. You still seem to miss an important point, Carter has shown he can't be depended on Dallas released him for a failed drug test and it has been reported the Jets did so for the same reason and if some one does pick up Carter he will have to sit out for 4 weeks. QB is the one position you can't have player that can't be depended on. As for Carter leading teams to playoffs BS Jets had him throwing very little and in the games he played the Jets were not putting up much on the score board but they did have the defense to win low scoring games, in Dallas we went to the playoffs again because our defense was ranked the top in 2003 in stopping other teams from scoring Carter had a 71.4 rating which was lower than Vinny who your complaining about and Dallas was still scoring only an average of 17 points a game one of the lowest in the league. I have never once blamed Carter for any loses but I'm not going to give a lot of credit to a QB who did very little
Nors said:
And he's outplaying Henson in camp - go figure

Great retort Nors. Maybe it's because he's a better football player than the baseball player.
kartr said:
Even the Carolina defensive coordinator who had Kris Jenkins and Julius Pepper admitted he screwed up by doubling down on our outside receivers instead of attacking Carter. He as much as admits that he should have attacked our strongest player.

Oh my.

Now Carter was our "strongest" player on that 2003 offense.

We certainly were in trouble then.
Chocolate Lab said:
Easy Doomsday, you're upsetting Quincy...

I did not see people crying over Puller or Hogeboom who got the same amount of time that Carter got. They were sent packing because they were not that good to begin with and neither is Carter. Backup yes up until the point he showed himself as a mental weakling who evidently has a hard time staying clean. I don't know many teams who are about to chance their QB position on a player who they have to be concerned if he will pass the next drug test
One thing to end all this BS.

The Jets were so impressed by the great Quincy Carter that they signed Jay Fiedler.

Kartr, that is game, set, match.

Bye, bye.:jerk:
Alexander said:
Oh my.

Now Carter was our "strongest" player on that 2003 offense.

We certainly were in trouble then.

Visions of Vinny T and Quincy......I be Damn'd :bang2:
Doomsday101 said:
I did not see people crying over Puller or Hogeboom who got the same amount of time that Carter got.

You need to stop.

Neither Pelluer or Hogeboom ever single-handedly strapped the team to thier back and carried them to the playoffs like Quincy Carter did.


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