Whats with all of the bogus ideas starting to surface? Do these guys not have any sense? Are you KIDDING?????!!!!! No way in hades does Vinny deserve a chance to be our back-up. He has no business in the league anymore. He is too old, not accurate enough, and has no where close to the ideal velocity on his throws. Not to mention, when he runs, it looks like me walking fast. Romo is the #2 guy. Drew Henson should be put on the practice squad, and a veteran should be brought in. I didnt like Henson last year, I dont like him now, but if being on the PS would help him learn how to play football and shape him into what we want him to be, I say go for it. But there is no way that I want to see Henson on the field this year. Bledsoe, Romo, mystery man. That it is what the most logical solution would be.
BTW-I'm not Henson bashing, I just dont think he has what we need for him to be on the roster, I feel he is a waste of a roster spot.