Titanic tourist submersible goes missing with search under way


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WOW. I can't even imagine what it'd be like that far down. It makes me wonder if they have yet to discover a part of the ocean even deeper than the MT. There could be whole, ancient cities down there we haven't discovered. Crazy stuff.
I don't know about ancient cities at depths, but a lot of undiscovered and unexplored areas. There's just so much we don't know about our oceans and those kind of depths are pretty intimidating.


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I don't know about ancient cities at depths, but a lot of undiscovered and unexplored areas. There's just so much we don't know about our oceans and those kind of depths are pretty intimidating.
I don't know; I think it's possible. Little dinosaur huts built by Stegosaurus's (not the T-Rex because their arms are too small). The Brontosaurus are the reason the huts are so tall. Think about it. :lmao:


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It's like going to Chernobyl, Pompeii, Hiroshima, the site of the Hindenburg or ground zero. Traveling to the site of a horrific disaster even if it's at the bottom of the ocean. And in every one of those situations Hollywood could probably make a not so good romantic drama out of it!
Please Stop! The common sense will kill all of us. Ty…


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To me, poking around where many people died tragically is wrong.

You don't like that, kiss my grits.
And yet people go to the World Trade Center daily. Maybe we should end that practice?! Picking and choosing is an interesting concept.


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If I win the lottery you can count me out of the million dollar tourist game. $50 million to die horribly in space or at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean? No thanks. I’ll do it the old fashion way and have my wife throw my ashes from the boat.


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I’m for progress as much as the next guy, but just because man CAN do something doesn’t mean it SHOULD do something

Having said that, cheers to all the fearless pioneers that risked everything to achieve something special and I sincerely hope this has a good ending


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I'm coming up with new theories on this. To me, it seems like a pre-planned PR stunt. The only reason there's been such a response, from a rescue standpoint, is that these guys are billionaires. Both have businesses that bring in large amounts of money. What better way to pull a stunt for your new company than to do it with a last minute emerge from the Ocean after almost all of your breathable air ran out — with the whole world watching.

All men come up alive, because they navigated to a known parking spot and had their story together. Right now, I think, they "find" them but the crew will likely pop up on their own. Just a guess. Otherwise, I hate to say it . . . these dudes are toast.

Mostly, something is not adding up to me. I can't put my finger on it. But I sense a motive, and, just like his submersible was rigged, I feel like there is something rigged about this story. The Titanic, a Billionaire, CEO, two guys from Pakistan, and a French scientist. They are trying to make history, and promote their company. They are calculating a time to come up knowing there could be an ongoing search when they surface. I just don't think they realized how much traction this would get. Just my guess.

Then there's talk from all Hamish's friend that if he lived 200 years ago, he'd be in the history books. He's also in the World Record book, which shows he's a ham for attention, promotion, etc.

A story about how all involved had all but given up, when a ping on the communications came through, which they all first thought was a cell phone, because, you know, they were all so exhausted, and there was just no chance they'd survive.
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For instance, here's a coincidence. Stockton Rush, the CEO of OceanGate, who is captain of this ship, worked at McDonald Douglas as a flight test engineer, served on the board of directors on high frequency sonar company in Seattle that sells the radar systems to the kinds of vessels that will likely be looking for him. What a convenient aspect to the story. By the way, this isn't only Mr. Rush's submarine business, he was also on the board at the company that sells high frequency sonar detection systems to the Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, etc. Rush was "the youngest jet transport rated pilot in the world" at age 19, and "served as a DC-8 first officer during college summers, flying out of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Overseas National Airways under a subcontract from Saudi Arabian Airlines."

LINK: https://heavy.com/news/missing-titanic-sub-submarine-passengers-list/


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Banging sounds heard during Titan search Tuesday, according to internal government memo
Crews searching for the Titan submersible heard banging sounds every 30 minutes Tuesday and four hours later, after additional sonar devices were deployed, banging was still heard, according to an internal government memo update on the search.

Good find. I was not aware of this just yet. Thanks.


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Banging sounds heard during Titan search Tuesday, according to internal government memo
Crews searching for the Titan submersible heard banging sounds every 30 minutes Tuesday and four hours later, after additional sonar devices were deployed, banging was still heard, according to an internal government memo update on the search.

I can't help but think this was planned on some levels after looking at the backgrounds of some of the people involved, their histories, and previous behavior around this issue and other "adventures."

Use of the term "content expert," etc.


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Also, his pal, David Concannon is a trial lawyer with 30 years of experience advising clients in all aspects of corporate law, philanthropy, and business and commercial.. So, yeah, I think everyone got duped. Everyone is fine. Today, they were saying "less than 1 percent," etcetera. No doubt, they plan on resurfacing and making their rounds on Good Morning America, etc. Had I looked at their backgrounds sooner, I wouldn't have even gotten hooked on this story. These was an ad hoc ordeal, imo.


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I can't help but think this was planned on some levels after looking at the backgrounds of some of the people involved, their histories, and previous behavior around this issue and other "adventures."

Use of the term "content expert," etc.
We really should keep the conspiracies out of this discussion unless they are rescued.

Talking about it now seems callous.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
This is going to go the way of MH370, a big mystery that will never get solved or found. That sub had fail safe measures that would have made it surface during an emergency. This submersible had too many dives, stress relaxations, compressions and structural fatigue that finally caught up to it. They were more likely gone before they knew what happened.

In the unlikely event that it didn’t implode, it might have lost power and it is being bounced along the sea floor. If that is the case, then their air will be used faster due to the freezing temperatures and they are gone by now…..not to mention the air can’t be scrubbed by the compressors(like a rebreather).

IF, and that is a big IF, the sub is found……there is no way to rescue them, especially in this timeframe. I think the Navy are the only ones capable of such a rescue but there isn’t time to get assets into position once they do find it. They then have to figure out how to hook onto and raise it……this is pretty much impossible.

The absolute best case scenario here is for the sub did ascend and they just haven’t found it floating yet……time is a ticking if that is the case.

IMO, something happened (implosion) that caused them to lose contact with the ship. That is the more humane way to go rather than laying on the seafloor, in the cold pitch black while suffocating to a slow death.

I hope I’m wrong and they get these guys back but I have a feeling nothing will ever be found from the submersible.


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This is going to go the way of MH370, a big mystery that will never get solved or found. That sub had fail safe measures that would have made it surface during an emergency. This submersible had too many dives, stress relaxations, compressions and structural fatigue that finally caught up to it. They were more likely gone before they knew what happened.

In the unlikely event that it didn’t implode, it might have lost power and it is being bounced along the sea floor. If that is the case, then their air will be used faster due to the freezing temperatures and they are gone by now…..not to mention the air can’t be scrubbed by the compressors(like a rebreather).

IF, and that is a big IF, the sub is found……there is no way to rescue them, especially in this timeframe. I think the Navy are the only ones capable of such a rescue but there isn’t time to get assets into position once they do find it. They then have to figure out how to hook onto and raise it……this is pretty much impossible.

The absolute best case scenario here is for the sub did ascend and they just haven’t found it floating yet……time is a ticking if that is the case.

IMO, something happened (implosion) that caused them to lose contact with the ship. That is the more humane way to go rather than laying on the seafloor, in the cold pitch black while suffocating to a slow death.

I hope I’m wrong and they get these guys back but I have a feeling nothing will ever be found from the submersible.
Pretty sure we all got duped here, my friend. Just my gut. The Rolling Stone broke the story. To me, there's too much weird stuff. He is the CEO of this submarine company, but then also is on the board of the company that makes the high frequency sonar systems they're going to use to find his ship? That's what it looks like. Both of these guys have pretty big egos, and connections to pull this off. He also worked for McDonald Douglas as a flight engineer. His attorney buddy does philanthropy law; OceanGate is a non-profit, etc. This thing really had me going, but pretty sure crew comes up. The only way they wouldn't be able to save them is if it imploded. Any other scenario is workable. Then they get to toot their own horns afterwards, which is what this crew is all about.

How is the Rolling Stone first on this story, unless it's a PR stunt?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Pretty sure we all got duped here, my friend. Just my gut. The Rolling Stone broke the story. To me, there's too much weird stuff. He is the CEO of this submarine company, but then also is on the board of the company that makes the high frequency sonar systems they're going to use to find his ship? That's what it looks like. Both of these guys have pretty big egos, and connections to pull this off. He also worked for McDonald Douglas as a flight engineer. His attorney buddy does philanthropy law; OceanGate is a non-profit, etc. This thing really had me going, but pretty sure crew comes up. The only way they wouldn't be able to save them is if it imploded. Any other scenario is workable. Then they get to toot their own horns afterwards, which is what this crew is all about.

How is the Rolling Stone first on this story, unless it's a PR stunt?
I don’t buy it, that is a huge gamble to play that game at those depths in a tin can that looks like it was built from Home Depot parts. The only way this scenario would be plausible is if the sub never actually descended.

It imploded, sank to the bottom and is rolling down the continental shelf and will never be found. I’ll revisit this thread if I’m wrong and say I an an idiot and apologize :thumbup: