Do you know them because you've heard of them or because you've actually seen plenty of their craft to know how good they were at what they did?
I know a ton of wrestling names but that doesn't mean I actually watched any of them. Loads and loads of Japanese stars I've heard of but I haven't really watched much of their work to be able to accurately display any knowledge of what they were and weren't good at.
For example with AJ and this whole Ric Flair thing. Go back and watch Ric Flair do that stick in his prime. Watch some NWA stuff of Flair playing that role and see how it's supposed to be done. It blows away, by miles, what AJ can do with that character and attitude and run.
AJ is a fantastic athlete who does a lot of very cool things but he isn't half the wrestler, when it comes to professional wrestling, that a guy like Ric Flair is. He isn't in the same breath, IMO, as guys like HBK, HHH, Austin, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Magnum TA, Dusty Rhodes, The Funks, and a whole lot of other greats who really had the whole package.
The whole package includes the psychology along with everything else that goes into being great in matches. As well as being able to really work the mic.
AJ lacks in a couple of very key areas which have already been mentioned.