To the optimists and the homers


We're bad, they're worse.

Nobody can be surprised as it has been this team's pattern for the past several years and has been clearly brought up time and time again.

Some fans just refused to believe what their lyin' eyes told them.

Fandom clouds judgement.

This makes them the LAUGHING STOCK!!
Not arguing, but if the OP says we are a "laughingstock", what does that make the Giants, Rams, Commanders, Eagles, Vikings and Raiders?

The laughinstock is not appropriate. We are mediocre at best. I hate being mediocre.
At least the Texans will have a good draft pick. We will have a mediocre draft pick to further continue our mediocre path.
What is there to hang your hat on? Nothing has changed. Same team it's been for the past X amount of years.

This is not sarcasm, it's an actual question.

How can anyone really believe that this team is capable of ever doing anything. We constantly embarrass ourselves and are constantly the laughingstock of the league.

The worst part is there is no easy fix for any of the litany of issues.

I feel like things might get better if everyone would stop constantly buying the false hope and just accept who this team is. It might make trying to make the drastic changes to fix it a little easier than always believing we might have a shot only to ALWAYS be let down.


Your last statement sums it up nicely. No doubt JJ holds out hope that we will somehow squeak into the playoffs and thus salvage the season but the reality is that the team flat out stinks and is mildly competitive only because of league 'parity.' The team has gotten used to losing in strange and terrible ways and thus does not react to these meltdowns the way that some other squads would. All the more reason to blow it up...
to be fair we are not the laughingstock, we are medicore and at times bad but the laughingstock of the league consist of houston, jacksonville, oakland, browns, and the vikings in no particular order
"But, but 7-6 and still in control of their own destiny!"

Yeah...just like the past two seasons when they didn't make the playoffs.

You know what's most disheartening? Whether Jerry wants to admit it or not, this is the year. This is it. If this team--this core of players--is going to make a playoff run, this had to be the year. Next year, the salary cap will mandate the jettison of many players, some big names, and there will be no money to replace them. The year after that, Romo is knocking on the door of his late 30s. How many quarterbacks have continued to play at a high level over the age 35? A few...but not many.

This is the year. It's now or never.
Nobody can be surprised as it has been this team's pattern for the past several years and has been clearly brought up time and time again.

Agree and disagree. Agree that calling a team a "laughingstock, except for a third of the teams in the league" is pot banging.

Disagree on the pattern, if it wasn't for a crazy rash of DL injuries this team would have 9 or 10 wins right now. The Front Office should take a hit on the Safety depth I don't blame fans for not expecting a terrible concentration of injuries at one position.
I agree with most of this but I really think there is an easy fix. Just hire a good head coach.

That's part of it, but then you need an owner that lets him coach, and doesn't constantly undermine him.
I've been saying all year that team has a VERY hard cap on its upside due to the defensive personnel . I guess its maybe the coaching too, but hard to say with a team full of walk-ons).
to be fair we are not the laughingstock, we are medicore and at times bad but the laughingstock of the league consist of houston, jacksonville, oakland, browns, and the vikings in no particular order

Texans won 2 playoff games, Jags been in the Championship game more recently, Oakland's been in a Super Bowl, the Vikings have won more playoff games recently.

Open your eyes, there is nothing separating the Cowboys from laughingstock. The defense is clearly a laughingstock. People on TV were laughing at them last night.
How do you "blow up" something that is already a laughingstock? If you have nothing, what do you take away?

There's always the draft if nothing else. Clear the decks, release the incapable or unwilling, bring in new coaches, roll up your sleeves and get to work.
Texans won 2 playoff games, Jags been in the Championship game more recently, Oakland's been in a Super Bowl, the Vikings have won more playoff games recently.

Open your eyes, there is nothing separating the Cowboys from laughingstock. The defense is clearly a laughingstock. People on TV were laughing at them last night.

Post of the day, but needs new material soon.
Texans won 2 playoff games, Jags been in the Championship game more recently, Oakland's been in a Super Bowl, the Vikings have won more playoff games recently.

Open your eyes, there is nothing separating the Cowboys from laughingstock. The defense is clearly a laughingstock. People on TV were laughing at them last night.

seriously? live in the present with those teams like with ours:

laughing stock:

houston 2-11 (11 game losing streak)
jacksonville 4-9 (beat the texans)
oakland 4-9
browns 4-9
vikings 3-9-1

and they are all last in their respective divisons.

compared to:

cowboys 7-6

i'm not defending the boys, but to say we are the laughingstock is a stretch
I hang my hat on the fact that if we win the next 3 we are in the playoffs. Thats what fans do.

This defense it terrible..... awful.... disgusting. They seem so bad I dont really know where to point.

What do the pessimistic fans do?

It depends on your age, if you are old enough to remember the last three super bowls and before (Landry years), you accept the fact that Jerry isn't a football man and without Jimmy Johnson he gets zero of those three superbowls, then you accept the fact that he has completely ruined this team for the foreseeable future on his own. You look back at the history of this team and its winning tradition, not always the SB but always in the running, (lets not get cute and say we are always still in the running, you know what I mean people) and realize it is a new era and a lot of posters on here have no idea what it was like to have a team that everyone hated because they were good and they wanted their team to be them. Now they are hated because of what they used to stand for and be, only it is the laughing stock kind of hatred because everyone is always happy to see a STAR fall. So please don't call us pessimistic fans, we are fans that were here for the good times, we were here for 1-15, we were here for Landry getting fired in such a way that everyone including their mother hated Jerry, (and he was right in firing Landry just wrong in how he did it). We have been fans longer than some of you have been alive, were not pessimistic, we are beaten down, bruised and battered because even those of us that don't care about the x's and o's of football know that Jerry is the ONLY that has been consistent in this organization, we have been sucked in and believed in this man's words for too many years to allow ourselves the comfort of feeling like he knows what he is doing. It is not pessimism it is apathy, we love our team but have come to the conclusion that nothing will change so long as he is here so we do not get emotionally involved like before.

I used to be so bad I would have to send my wife and kids shopping after a Dallas loss, no I wouldn't get violent but I was completely inconsolable, the whole week would be horrible for me. That was when we EXPECTED to win, now I expect to lose and don't get worked up about it anymore, it is not a team thing, it is not a Romo thing, it is a JERRY JONES THING! Call him a great owner if you want, for me that moniker is gone, a great owner knows when to fire someone not doing their job, and he won't fire himself, hell even the Lions eventually fired Matt (I lover receivers in the first round) Millen. Sorry about the rant but I can tell you for me at least I don't feel pessimistic about the team, it is the people running the team, and since they have been here and are not going anywhere I see nothing will change. Pessimism implies I don't have any hope, not true, Jerry will fade away one day (Al Davis) and I HOPE lil Stevie hires a real GM and we get back to the SB before I'm to old to smash it in someone's face. HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! For what is the point in winning the SB if you can't talk S*^& to everyone after they are done.
I heard Tim Hasselback say last night that the problem with the Commanders is that Snyder undermines the coach. He said when he was with the Skins, the defensive coach benched Bruce Smith because he wasn't a consistent player anymore. Bruce Smith replies, "No, you're not. I'm going for the sack record."
Smith marches into Snyder's office and tells Snyder the situation. Guess what? Smith is playing the next game.
Hasselback says as long as your players know your coach doesn't have the final say, there's going to be a level of disrespect for the coach, and that has a subtle and direct impact on a team.

We are structured in a similar way. The only reason Parcells came aboard is because he convinced Jerry to step back and allow him to run the show. But Jerry got that itch again, brought T.O. in (over Parcells' objection, even though Parcells wink, wink agreed with the move) and started to exert himself again into football matters. And pretty soon, Parcells had enough and left.

Jerry will not hire a coach who won't allow him to be who he is, i.e., an owner who wants to be seen as a football man, a G.M.

So you're going to get the Wade Phillips and the Jason Garretts of the world, coaches who are desperate for their shot and will play "Yes man" to Jerry.

We're not going to get anyone serious in here, only puppets. And that means no good head coaches. :(

there are 4 teams in the NFL in recent memory who have "meddling" owners


none of these teams has won anything in recent memory

results show 100% certainity of mediocrity
not 90% or 99%, but 100%

that is not a company you want to be in
What is there to hang your hat on? Nothing has changed. Same team it's been for the past X amount of years.

This is not sarcasm, it's an actual question.


Easy... Knowing Jason Garrett is our coach and he will have an answer for all of our problems.
Agree and disagree. Agree that calling a team a "laughingstock, except for a third of the teams in the league" is pot banging.

I think the laughingstock term is coming from how they're losing games, not their win/loss record.

This defense is setting records for futility, on the national stage. A few weeks back, they set a record for most first downs ever allowed on Sunday Night Football, and last night they give the Bears' punter the night off. I think that is worthy of a laughingstock designation.

Disagree on the pattern, if it wasn't for a crazy rash of DL injuries this team would have 9 or 10 wins right now. The Front Office should take a hit on the Safety depth I don't blame fans for not expecting a terrible concentration of injuries at one position.

The numbers don't lie.

Since 2011, the Cowboys are 16-1 against sub .500 teams and 4-19 against teams .500 or better.

There's no way around that inconvenient truth.
It depends on your age, if you are old enough to remember the last three super bowls and before (Landry years), you accept the fact that Jerry isn't a football man and without Jimmy Johnson he gets zero of those three superbowls, then you accept the fact that he has completely ruined this team for the foreseeable future on his own. You look back at the history of this team and its winning tradition, not always the SB but always in the running, (lets not get cute and say we are always still in the running, you know what I mean people) and realize it is a new era and a lot of posters on here have no idea what it was like to have a team that everyone hated because they were good and they wanted their team to be them. Now they are hated because of what they used to stand for and be, only it is the laughing stock kind of hatred because everyone is always happy to see a STAR fall. So please don't call us pessimistic fans, we are fans that were here for the good times, we were here for 1-15, we were here for Landry getting fired in such a way that everyone including their mother hated Jerry, (and he was right in firing Landry just wrong in how he did it). We have been fans longer than some of you have been alive, were not pessimistic, we are beaten down, bruised and battered because even those of us that don't care about the x's and o's of football know that Jerry is the ONLY that has been consistent in this organization, we have been sucked in and believed in this man's words for too many years to allow ourselves the comfort of feeling like he knows what he is doing. It is not pessimism it is apathy, we love our team but have come to the conclusion that nothing will change so long as he is here so we do not get emotionally involved like before.

I used to be so bad I would have to send my wife and kids shopping after a Dallas loss, no I wouldn't get violent but I was completely inconsolable, the whole week would be horrible for me. That was when we EXPECTED to win, now I expect to lose and don't get worked up about it anymore, it is not a team thing, it is not a Romo thing, it is a JERRY JONES THING! Call him a great owner if you want, for me that moniker is gone, a great owner knows when to fire someone not doing their job, and he won't fire himself, hell even the Lions eventually fired Matt (I lover receivers in the first round) Millen. Sorry about the rant but I can tell you for me at least I don't feel pessimistic about the team, it is the people running the team, and since they have been here and are not going anywhere I see nothing will change. Pessimism implies I don't have any hope, not true, Jerry will fade away one day (Al Davis) and I HOPE lil Stevie hires a real GM and we get back to the SB before I'm to old to smash it in someone's face. HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! For what is the point in winning the SB if you can't talk S*^& to everyone after they are done.

I see what youre saying. Im assuming you quite a bit older than I because Im 35 and my earliest memories were Thanksgiving with my parents and grandparents watching the Cowboys play. My grandfather had a Cowboys pennant banner signed by DD lewis hanging in my crib the day they brought my little fatass home from the hospital. Now that my parents and grandparents have all passed and my little brother has defected to the Texans bandwagon its not really the same but Dallas Cowboys have been involved with some of the happiest days of my past. So I detest losing as much as anyone. I use to do the typical "Im done with this team" after every loss but come Sunday was always sitting in front of the TV chewing my nails off.
Now its just that Im aware that there isnt a damn thing I can do about it. I just hope the problems gets fixed and I found it to be easier to hope for the best, notice the things that have been improved because in the end I have no sayso in what happens with the franchise. I see the same (or close to the same) problems that all the pessimistic guys see but I just choose to go about coping with it in a different way.
What is there to hang your hat on? Nothing has changed. Same team it's been for the past X amount of years.

This is not sarcasm, it's an actual question.

How can anyone really believe that this team is capable of ever doing anything. We constantly embarrass ourselves and are constantly the laughingstock of the league.

The worst part is there is no easy fix for any of the litany of issues.

I feel like things might get better if everyone would stop constantly buying the false hope and just accept who this team is. It might make trying to make the drastic changes to fix it a little easier than always believing we might have a shot only to ALWAYS be let down.


Defense is a total joke. Time to start over.
What is there to hang your hat on? Nothing has changed. Same team it's been for the past X amount of years.

This is not sarcasm, it's an actual question.

How can anyone really believe that this team is capable of ever doing anything. We constantly embarrass ourselves and are constantly the laughingstock of the league.

The worst part is there is no easy fix for any of the litany of issues.

I feel like things might get better if everyone would stop constantly buying the false hope and just accept who this team is. It might make trying to make the drastic changes to fix it a little easier than always believing we might have a shot only to ALWAYS be let down.


This is truly uncalled for. Sorry.

I understand there is a segment of this board that tends to get miffed if you bring up specific truths about this team.

But we all follow Dallas, and I imagine there are only a hand full of people on this board who are not furious, hurt, and licking their wounds from that total beat down on National TV last night.

Those guys fry my bacon sometimes, but in the big scheme of things, we all feel the same.

This team is what it is, and we all suffer for it.

Maybe it is too soon to call people out.

Just a thought.

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