Berman slam dunked the league yesterday on running a witch hunt instead of a legit legal process. Those of you who claim this was just about "process", ask yourselves this: why did the league refuse to turn over evidence to Kessler, why didn't they make Pash available for questioning? why did they leak the 2 psi lie, why didn't they correct that lie? why did they claim Brady destroyed evidence (phone) when it wasn't considered evidence by Wells? why did Wells bury the actual ball readings at the end of 240 page report?
It's because they had no case. And the reason they had no case is because no crime occurred. Who gives a rats *** about some ball-boys' texts that were sent 8 months before that game, or a bathroom stop, if no illegal deflation ever occurred? This was all based on the notion that a bunch of ex-jocks like Vincent, who were gunning for the Patriots, who knew nothing about science or natural deflation, who had never done a test like this before, who didn't know the gauges measured different from each other, in a hyper-rushed 20 minutes that they hadn't prepared for, were going to do this right? I mean, what could go wrong there? Can you spell fiasco?
The NFL was mistaken about what happened, wouldn't man up and admit the mistake, and should have closed this case as soon as they saw how shaky it was.