Trey Lance and Cooper Rush are competing for a roster spot?


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Josh Dobbs got traded for and ended up starting a few days later
Joshua Dobbs has been in the league since 2018; and although his career isn't as extensive \ qualitative one would like - it significantly exceeds what Lance brings to the table thus far.
Plus - it's been well documented about Dobbs' superb intelligence level overall since his collegiate days - perhaps one of the few circumstances when a player can pull off what he did - joining the Vikings last than a week before playing a road game v. Falcons - and directing the team to a last-second victory.


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Joshua Dobbs has been in the league since 2018; and although his career isn't as extensive \ qualitative one would like - it significantly exceeds what Lance brings to the table thus far.
Plus - it's been well documented about Dobbs' superb intelligence level overall since his collegiate days - perhaps one of the few circumstances when a player can pull off what he did - joining the Vikings last than a week before playing a road game v. Falcons - and directing the team to a last-second victory.
All of this is true. My point was why would Lance be ready? He wasn’t in San Fran and wasn’t in Dallas. So no I don’t expect him to just wake up and be better than Rush. That may change by end of preseason but I’d expect Rush to have the edge.


Captain Catfish
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I highly doubt there is a competition for QB2 on this team. QB2 is Lance. Lance would have to be dog awful in PS to change that. If Lance shows anything positive in Camp and PS, then Rush is gone, even if Rush shows more during the same time. Jerry didn't give a 4th to cut bait the next year. Lance will be on this team unless he is pitiful during camp and PS.
The ratio of percentage of snaps during PS will be a slight early indicator.


Captain Catfish
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They started Rush and had to go back to ground zero and change his throwing motion. I guess it’s just an assumption on my part.
Lance was young, green, and trying to find his place still.

If he has was one major advantage going in his favor at this point it's his age, plain and simple.

Easy to manipulate contracts to team friendly when you have youth on your side.

Lance will be on the stage during PS games, Jerry doesn't want to waste a 4th either, so expect Lance to get designed plays for him to showcase in easy to manipulate PS matchups.


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Lance was young, green, and trying to find his place still.

If he has was one major advantage going in his favor at this point it's his age, plain and simple.

Easy to manipulate contracts to team friendly when you have youth on your side.

Lance will be on the stage during PS games, Jerry doesn't want to waste a 4th either, so expect Lance to get designed plays for him to showcase in easy to manipulate PS matchups.
I don’t disagree with any of this. I’m just saying as of now I would not expect Lance to be better than Rush right now. For the exact reasons you listed.


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Lance was young, green, and trying to find his place still.

If he has was one major advantage going in his favor at this point it's his age, plain and simple.

Easy to manipulate contracts to team friendly when you have youth on your side.

Lance will be on the stage during PS games, Jerry doesn't want to waste a 4th either, so expect Lance to get designed plays for him to showcase in easy to manipulate PS matchups.
“easy to manipulate“? Lance and Prescott are both represented by CAA Football. They’ll obviously be privy to status of negotiations of both quarterbacks. Lance won’t be signing before Prescott has signed somewhere maximizing his potential in negotiations.


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I have been saying this.......Jerry was clear, that Lance would compete with Rush for a backup position behind Dak.
  • No way Rush stays on the team if he loses the backup job to Lance
  • If Lance can't beat Rush after a year, is he still worth a roster spot?
  • We know Rush can win games
  • The competition is whether Lance can be a future NFL starter vs a career backup.
In other words, Lance has little or no value to us if he doesn't show enough as a potential starter.

If he shows us something when Dak is out we can't afford to keep him next season


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All of this is true. My point was why would Lance be ready? He wasn’t in San Fran and wasn’t in Dallas. So no I don’t expect him to just wake up and be better than Rush. That may change by end of preseason but I’d expect Rush to have the edge.
If Lance is to beat out Rush he will have to showcase his athleticism and arm strength. These have been two issues for Rush but he's compensated for it by doing a good job with the cerebral part of it by reading and recognizing schemes and coverages .

The fight for 2nd string will probably be the most interesting thing to see this preseason


You Have an Axe to Grind
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There's no question but what the competition between Lance and whomever the front office decides to have him compete with, will be of interest.

Whether it's Cooper Rush or even Dak Prescott, himself, that competition should be one that has every member of this website anxious to notice.
The competition will be between Lance and Cooper Rush. The Cowboys have won games with Rush so they’re not going to move on from him until he loses the job.


Cowboys Diehard
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The competition will be between Lance and Cooper Rush. The Cowboys have won games with Rush so they’re not going to move on from him until he loses the job.
I don't doubt that the coming competition will be conducted with Cooper Rush, although, if Trey Lance is successful, I'm sure many Cowboys fans are likely to entertain thoughts about his potential as a future starter with this team in 2025. Dak, himself, the Cowboys FO and their staff will surely determine this team's future as always, in the long run, however. It's simply business as usual.
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I have been saying this.......Jerry was clear, that Lance would compete with Rush for a backup position behind Dak.
  • No way Rush stays on the team if he loses the backup job to Lance
  • If Lance can't beat Rush after a year, is he still worth a roster spot?
  • We know Rush can win games
  • The competition is whether Lance can be a future NFL starter vs a career backup.
In other words, Lance has little or no value to us if he doesn't show enough as a potential starter.

Competition is good. Let the best man win.


Captain Catfish
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I don't doubt that the coming competition will be conducted with Cooper Rush, although, if Trey Lance is successful, many Cowboys fans are likely to entertain thoughts about his potential as a future starter with this team in 2025.
Lance will be showcased, just watch the designed and game planned schemes they will be running when Lance is in, and it will be substantial snaps.


Captain Catfish
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I don't doubt that the coming competition will be conducted with Cooper Rush, although, if Trey Lance is successful, many Cowboys fans are likely to entertain thoughts about his potential as a future starter with this team in 2025.
Why wouldn't we all want Lance to shine, he is a Cowboy and Lance gaining value should be viewed as a positive.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I don't doubt that the coming competition will be conducted with Cooper Rush, although, if Trey Lance is successful, I'm sure many Cowboys fans are likely to entertain thoughts about his potential as a future starter with this team in 2025. Dak, himself, the Cowboys FO and their staff will surely determine this team's future as always, in the long run, however. It's simply business as usual.
There’s already fans entertaining the thought of him as the future starter. lol One fan predicted that he would take over for Dak by midseason and lead us deep into the playoffs. :rolleyes:


Captain Catfish
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There’s already fans entertaining the thought of him as the future starter. lol One fan predicted that he would take over for Dak by midseason and lead us deep into the playoffs. :rolleyes:
I had to go back and review all the Nostradamus predictions, and there was no mention of who would be the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys 2024


Cowboys Diehard
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There’s already fans entertaining the thought of him as the future starter. lol One fan predicted that he would take over for Dak by midseason and lead us deep into the playoffs. :rolleyes:
Obviously, if so, that prediction was premature and wishful thinking from the start. Jerry and Stephen aren't likely to oust Dak prematurely, imho.