The kid is fire.Lance is a back up PERIOD. Dak is light years better but not near good enough still. We need a QB here. KM aint changing anything here. We need leadership from our next HC and a culture jolt.
we are gonna see Moore of Lance.I didn’t mind the trade (and still don’t in concept). That said, I’ve seen enough from Lance. I wouldn’t hitch my wagon in thinking he’s gonna be our “next” franchise QB.
leebair posts some of the dumbest posts ever,i am convinced its all troll posts.
If you disagree, disagree. There's no need to be so a 3rd string QB, who can't hit the side of a barn or read a high school defense is going to be a star!!!
where do you come up with this crap!!!
OMG the stupidity....the levels of stupidity on this board never cease to amaze me
Not agreeing or disagreeing with the OP, but do the Eagles run the ball?Huh? What part of not wanting to run the ball did you NOT GET when Moore was OC????? I'd take Saleh or even Deion Sanders over Moore. At least you'd have some type of locker room culture...if nothing else.
Good.Shanahan didn’t really want Lance as much as John Lynch the GM did. The former wanted a QB more in the mold of his former QB Matt Ryan (and now Purdy).
Who else but leeblair?
he has done NOTHING.that Oline is probably going to take them to the SB,the eagles run the same dumb stuff we did when Moore was here.If we had that Oline we would have won 12 games even with Trey Lance as the QB.Barkley needs to gift each one on that Oline some great cars or something.Look at what Moore has done for the Eagles QB/offense.
Up to that point he literally had the best rookie qb reg. season ever, but you knew? lol ok...Dak has been a starter since 2016.
He has shown he doesn't belong. Many of us knew this in 2016, but he still got the job and has made hundreds of millions of dollars to choke in every big game.
He has also shown that NFL talent evaluation is pretty inept.
So, like Tom Brady, who wasn't drafted until the sixth round, just because he hasn't gotten a chance doesn't mean anything.
"many of us knew this in 2016!"!! that's rich... and its a LIE. out right lie.Dak has been a starter since 2016.
He has shown he doesn't belong. Many of us knew this in 2016, but he still got the job and has made hundreds of millions of dollars to choke in every big game.
He has also shown that NFL talent evaluation is pretty inept.
So, like Tom Brady, who wasn't drafted until the sixth round, just because he hasn't gotten a chance doesn't mean anything.
Moore was an exceptional quarterback, and was raised by a coach. His offensive mindset is one of understanding how to get the most out of the quarterback position, and he knows how to design plays that help receivers find weak spots in the secondary.
Trey Lance has all of the tools to be a NFL quarterback, and he shows that he can and that he wants to be successful.
Paired with Moore the Trey Lance trade might become one of Jerry's better decisions. Moore could utilize all of Trey's skills and make him into the next great quarterback of the Cowboys.
It could be a great fit.
Look at what Moore has done for the Eagles QB/offense.
I said Cooper Rush is better than Dak.
He makes the Cowboys better.
I didn't say he was the answer, but that he is better than Dak.
And I was right.
Well...our QB1 has those same attributes but can't walk without a hobble, and has more air time on his throws than Jerry has had since the end of the seasonso a 3rd string QB, who can't hit the side of a barn or read a high school defense is going to be a star!!!
where do you come up with this crap!!!
OMG the stupidity....the levels of stupidity on this board never cease to amaze me
what!?Well...our QB1 has those same attributes but can't walk without a hobble, and has more air time on his throws than Jerry has had since the end of the season
Yes, yes, and yes.Let me start by saying Dak is not elite....
But Rush has been in the NFL one year less than Dak.
Dak has been in the top 10 every season, became an All-Pro and MVP candidate. Rush within this same time frame has bounced on and off of practice squads and been a backup his whole career.
1. You do know every NFL scout, coach and GM has film on every player in the NFL. When you're on practice squads any team can come pluck you off of them or inquire about your services. With that said, if Rush was better than top 10, All Pro, MVP candidate quarterbacks, why haven't any NFL coaches or GMs came and snatched him up yet?
2. Do you believe you know more about evaluating NFL quarterback talent than NFL scouts, GMs, and coaches who are paid millions to do this everyday.
3. If you believe you are smarter than the highly paid NFL personnel I've listed above in question number 2, then why haven't any NFL owners brought you on to any of the 32 NFL teams to fill any of the positions listed above or atleast brought you in as an consultant?
But would the team win a playoff game?Moore was an exceptional quarterback, and was raised by a coach. His offensive mindset is one of understanding how to get the most out of the quarterback position, and he knows how to design plays that help receivers find weak spots in the secondary.
Trey Lance has all of the tools to be a NFL quarterback, and he shows that he can and that he wants to be successful.
Paired with Moore the Trey Lance trade might become one of Jerry's better decisions. Moore could utilize all of Trey's skills and make him into the next great quarterback of the Cowboys.
It could be a great fit.