Trey Lance still working


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Everybody laughs it off, but what if Lance was traded for just in case Dak decides to be a dick about his contract?

If Dak says "I want $60 million a year on a 5 yr extension with 80% of the contract guaranteed and not 1 single penny less.

Thats $240 million of $300 million totally guaranteed for a QB that dam near loses to every team above .500 he plays.

If you are Jerry, you signing that contract?


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Everybody laughs it off, but what if Lance was traded for just in case Dak decides to be a dick about his contract?

If Dak says "I want $60 million a year on a 5 yr extension with 80% of the contract guaranteed and not 1 single penny less.

Thats $240 million of $300 million totally guaranteed for a QB that dam near loses to every team above .500 he plays.

If you are Jerry, you signing that contract?
It still amazes me how Dak is the only one losing these games. If that is the case then QB's should be paid 75% to 80% of the salary cap.


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Everybody laughs it off, but what if Lance was traded for just in case Dak decides to be a dick about his contract?

If Dak says "I want $60 million a year on a 5 yr extension with 80% of the contract guaranteed and not 1 single penny less.

Thats $240 million of $300 million totally guaranteed for a QB that dam near loses to every team above .500 he plays.

If you are Jerry, you signing that contract?
If I am physically Jerry then yes.. cause he is an idiot.

If I'm 'me' in Jerry's position then hell no.. of course not.

But it is happening.. I have no doubt it is happening. Only way Dak ever leaves this team is through injury or retirement.


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If I am physically Jerry then yes.. cause he is an idiot.

If I'm 'me' in Jerry's position then hell no.. of course not.

But it is happening.. I have no doubt it is happening. Only way Dak ever leaves this team is through injury or retirement.
If you have a top 8 QB and part ways are guaranteed to get a better QB in the draft.

I believe Dak is good enough to win a SB if you have a balanced team. If you want Dak to win the game by himself, I agree he is not that guy.


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It still amazes me how Dak is the only one losing these games. If that is the case then QB's should be paid 75% to 80% of the salary cap.
I never said Dak was the only guy losing these games, but he is counting $59 million on the cap this year and that is just a fact.

So you paying Dak $60 mill a year on an extension?

That is the question up for debate.


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I never said Dak was the only guy losing these games, but he is counting $59 million on the cap this year and that is just a fact.

So you paying Dak $60 mill a year on an extension?

That is the question up for debate.
Jerry has backed himself into a corner. Not Dak's fault.

Either extend Dak or you can't resign CD, Micah and have any kind of competitive roster. Jerry basically already committed to either resigning Dak when he made the last contract or he has to decide to rebuild.

Maybe he is committed to rebuilding, that would be the only common sense move why he traded for Lance. If Dak is resigned, trading for Lance was idiotic.


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Jerry has backed himself into a corner. Not Dak's fault.

Either extend Dak or you can't resign CD, Micah and have any kind of competitive roster. Jerry basically already committed to either resigning Dak when he made the last contract or he has to decide to rebuild.

Maybe he is committed to rebuilding, that would be the only common sense move why he traded for Lance. If Dak is resigned, trading for Lance was idiotic.
Yeah, if Dak is resigned to a huge extension then they traded a 4th round pick for Lance to be a backup.

If that is the plan, I agree, that is idiotic.


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If you have a top 8 QB and part ways are guaranteed to get a better QB in the draft.

I believe Dak is good enough to win a SB if you have a balanced team. If you want Dak to win the game by himself, I agree he is not that guy.
I have said previously that Dak could possibly win a SB if absolutely EVERYTHING goes right around him.

However, after watching him regress even further in this year play off disgrace.. I don't hold that belief any more. I truly think you could put Dak on a roster with 20+ All Pros and he would still not be able to achieve success.

I really think people need to rewatch the game (if you can stomach it). The D did give up a TD.. yep. And then Dak couldn't make a throw. The D then got a stop. And Dak gave up a near TD on the interception. The D then gives up an unlucky TD after some poor penalties. Dak then gives up a pick 6. Game Over.

We literally.. literally.. would have been better off.. if we had just wild cat to Pollard. At least then it would have been 13-0 not 27-0. I just don't know how to explain it.. Dak wasn't being asked to win the game 'by himself'.. he was just being asked (on the highest salary of the entire team) to not lose the game by himself. And he couldn't even achieve that.

Dak couldn't get the ball to CeeDee, Cooks, Gallup, Ferg, Pollard or Tolbert. Look at who Love had to try and feed the ball too.. guys in the first season, guys with under 10 games starting.. and he made it work. And not all of those throws were open.. Love kept drives alive with some really nice play, great play action, good presnap movement and reads.. just good QB play. In his first playoff game.

I mean how many times can Dak stink before we accept that he can't do it.. not with a balanced team.. not with a talented team.. Dak just literally does not have the skill set to win a championship. Does not have it. He will NEVER win against top opposition on a consistent basis.. he is scared, he is a mental midget, he has a woeful arm, his accuracy is poor, his footwork is poor and he is prone to panicked throws into coverage. There are no redeeming qualities in this QB.. any other team would have kicked him to the curb a long long long time ago. He is a fraud.


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One of the knocks on him is that he needs cues from the sideline when walking up to the LOS to begin the play. Did I just hear someone say "Now!" right before he threw the ball?
So you've never done personal training before? Or even organized training?

And maybe that was for terrence to break?

I think it's a weak way to criticize, is all.


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Lets say for arguments sake one of the reasons sake, one of the reason MM was retained is to continue to develop Lance. After a whole season they have no clue what they have? It's a shame he never even got mop up duty.
I remember that time they put Romo in for mop up duty. He marched them right down the field for a score and they promptly put Dak back in. :laugh:

Nobody wants a repeat of THAT.


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Watching Prescott up close has motivated him.

Pay no attention to Brandon's comments. He's like 12 years old and supports anything the team does.


We needed McCarthy back to develop Lance.