Trey Lance still working


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I didn’t want the current Dak contract, you should only pay Mahomes type QBs, guys who can change the game themselves that type of money. Good QBs won’t do it, and having so much money invested in a good QB means the rest of the team will struggle as there isn’t enough $ around to stock the positions to cover the QB flaws.

Jerry will probably extend Dak and doom the team for the next 7 or so years, but I truly hope they trade Dak (I know a long shot) or just pay him this next season with no extension and take the one year hit, while moving Lance up to #2 and seeing more of him.

My assumption is the Cowboys already know what they have in Lance, he has been out there at practice and (hopefully) has some real skill which may impact the Dak decision.

My big concern is all the fluff comments Big Mike made about Dak which leads me to think a crazy contract for Dak is coming and the team really will be in trouble for years.


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So you've never done personal training before? Or even organized training?

And maybe that was for terrence to break?

I think it's a weak way to criticize, is all.
:rolleyes: So you want to live in a society where we can't even give criticism? Okay, KarenTheCowboy. :)


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That was a dime by Lance. This guy can ball. Give him a chance nfl and stop blackballing him
He can ball so much he could not start in HS. So much talent after being evaluated at college camps, they changed his position from QB to Athlete. So much talent he could not make it work with arguably the best roster in the NFL(Niners) and a friendly QB system.

You're right he is being blackballed. The Niners traded 3 number 1 picks, so they could black ball him. That makes sense.


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I have said previously that Dak could possibly win a SB if absolutely EVERYTHING goes right around him.
You do realize that is how SB's are won.

Show me a SB winning QB that had not running game and a defense that could not stop the run.


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Watching Prescott up close has motivated him.

Pay no attention to Brandon's comments. He's like 12 years old and supports anything the team does.

If Prescot get's his extension, watch this wanna learn everything attitude disappear in a flash! It's not like this kid is sitting behind Aaron Rogers and learning how to be a real winner, no he's sitting behind a QB who goes MIA against the better competition and in the 1st rd of playoff games. Look for Trey to ask for a trade or be released if Prescot get's extended.


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If Prescot get's his extension, watch this wanna learn everything attitude disappear in a flash! It's not like this kid is sitting behind Aaron Rogers and learning how to be a real winner, no he's sitting behind a QB who goes MIA against the better competition and in the 1st rd of playoff games. Look for Trey to ask for a trade or be released if Prescot get's extended.
No one will want Trey Lance at $5M guaranteed and another year of no experience. Only way would be to swap salaries and we take on another bust.


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get him out of here, dak is scared enough. sheesh, keep Rush, and don't let him play. After those 5 wins it took him a while to get over that. dang, I blame Jerry......Jerry keeps choking dak out.


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Kaepernick asked if you really consider Lance being really blackballed??
He never gets a fair chance to play. Maybe he isn’t being blackballed but maybe this is politics related? I won’t get into this too not the place


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:rolleyes: So you want to live in a society where we can't even give criticism? Okay, KarenTheCowboy. :)
Is that what i said? You cant give any critism?. No it isnt at all what i said.

But you changed it...lied about what i said so you could be offended and have a fight. a karen, karenvanhalen...


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let's make fun of tray to make that loser chokescott look better if that is even possible.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You do realize that is how SB's are won.

Show me a SB winning QB that had not running game and a defense that could not stop the run.
Thats actualy not true. Not everything goes perfectly. Just has to go a little bit better than your opposition.


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So you've never done personal training before? Or even organized training?

And maybe that was for terrence to break?

I think it's a weak way to criticize, is all.
:rolleyes: So you want to live in a society where we can't even give criticism? Okay, KarenTheCowboy. :)
Is that what i said? You cant give any critism?. No it isnt at all what i said.

But you changed it...lied about what i said so you could be offended and have a fight. a karen, karenvanhalen...
:lmao:I didn't lie at all.

I asked you a question since you got butthurt over my criticism over Trey needing cues from the sideline on when to throw the ball. You could've ignored my post but it's YOU who wanted to fight.

It's the coddle culture that you seem to support that's turning our once strong nation into betas who always gets their feelings hurt over minor stuff, like criticism. Come on, BetaTheCowboy! :)


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If you have a top 8 QB and part ways are guaranteed to get a better QB in the draft.

I believe Dak is good enough to win a SB if you have a balanced team. If you want Dak to win the game by himself, I agree he is not that guy.
You can’t have a balanced team if you pay a qb like Dak 60+mill.


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I have said previously that Dak could possibly win a SB if absolutely EVERYTHING goes right around him.

However, after watching him regress even further in this year play off disgrace.. I don't hold that belief any more. I truly think you could put Dak on a roster with 20+ All Pros and he would still not be able to achieve success.

I really think people need to rewatch the game (if you can stomach it). The D did give up a TD.. yep. And then Dak couldn't make a throw. The D then got a stop. And Dak gave up a near TD on the interception. The D then gives up an unlucky TD after some poor penalties. Dak then gives up a pick 6. Game Over.

We literally.. literally.. would have been better off.. if we had just wild cat to Pollard. At least then it would have been 13-0 not 27-0. I just don't know how to explain it.. Dak wasn't being asked to win the game 'by himself'.. he was just being asked (on the highest salary of the entire team) to not lose the game by himself. And he couldn't even achieve that.

Dak couldn't get the ball to CeeDee, Cooks, Gallup, Ferg, Pollard or Tolbert. Look at who Love had to try and feed the ball too.. guys in the first season, guys with under 10 games starting.. and he made it work. And not all of those throws were open.. Love kept drives alive with some really nice play, great play action, good presnap movement and reads.. just good QB play. In his first playoff game.

I mean how many times can Dak stink before we accept that he can't do it.. not with a balanced team.. not with a talented team.. Dak just literally does not have the skill set to win a championship. Does not have it. He will NEVER win against top opposition on a consistent basis.. he is scared, he is a mental midget, he has a woeful arm, his accuracy is poor, his footwork is poor and he is prone to panicked throws into coverage. There are no redeeming qualities in this QB.. any other team would have kicked him to the curb a long long long time ago. He is a fraud.
:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: