Troy Aikman on Dak


Vegetarians are so stupid.
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I'm a Dak supporter and an optimist, so I'm holding out hope that he can get back to where he was as a rookie.

That being said, my wife didn't understand why I was shouting at the TV on that touchdown pass to Hurns on Sunday. From 2000 miles away on TV I could see Hurns was open well before Dak pulled the trigger, and it's been that way in a number of cases. Troy is chalking it up to anticipation and I'm inclined to agree, though it could be the mentality of trying to avoid mistakes and waiting until receivers are College open vs NFL open, which rarely happens and still requires accurate ball placement.


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This organization has had two offseasons to find a qb that is accurate, it's their fault they bought into this stupid belief that they can create a 100÷ perfect scenario for Dak to succeed despite his limitations.


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Exactly, he has to improve on this or the team will eventually upgrade the position.

OK, we're in sync on our thinking here. He gets this year and maybe next to sho he gets to stick around, but nothing else. And if this is what it looks like all season, he's competing with another top quarterback acquisition to even start in 2019.

If you have a weakness in the NFL opposing DCs will kill you with it until you prove them wrong. Guys like Kaepernick and Tebow proved that.

And both careers ended prematurely as a result. That does not instill confidence.

But plenty of QBs do go through these kind of adjustments, Drew Brees had a stretch like this in his second season as a starter and ended up having a HOF career.

Ok, you lost me with this one. Never have I looked at Dak and thought he resembled Drew Brees in any way.

But sure, I'll give Dak a chance with a new offense and coaching staff in 2019. A chance to compete and nothing more.


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I'm a Dak supporter and an optimist, so I'm holding out hope that he can get back to where he was as a rookie.

That being said, my wife didn't understand why I was shouting at the TV on that touchdown pass to Hurns on Sunday. From 2000 miles away on TV I could see Hurns was open well before Dak pulled the trigger, and it's been that way in a number of cases. Troy is chalking it up to anticipation and I'm inclined to agree, though it could be the mentality of trying to avoid mistakes and waiting until receivers are College open vs NFL open, which rarely happens and still requires accurate ball placement.

I yell every week for Dak to throw the ball. I blow a gasket when he scrambles out of pocket on 3rd and long, buys time to survey the field and simply runs for a 3 yard gain.


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Exactly, he has to improve on this or the team will eventually upgrade the position.

If you have a weakness in the NFL opposing DCs will kill you with it until you prove them wrong. Guys like Kaepernick and Tebow proved that. But plenty of QBs do go through these kind of adjustments, Drew Brees had a stretch like this in his second season as a starter and ended up having a HOF career.

The problem is that you can't wait until after 2019 to make a decision on him. This season was supposed to be the prove it year and, to date, it's not going well.

If we get to the end of the season and we are still getting the same yo-yo type performances game in and game out, how can this franchise not pour over QB prospects for the upcoming draft and likely take one in the first or second round?

I think it would be foolish to think that 2019 will be different for Dak if this season keeps trending as it has. Unless.......................................

There is a total blow up of the coaching staff and the new offensive coaches come in and really believe they can fix Dak.


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Troy Aikman believes you cannot teach accuracy.

Always been a thing for me as well. Think back to a couple of drafts, people were interested in Connor Cook. I wanted no part of him because he just wasn't accurate in college.

Guys who are inaccurate in college don't often magically become precision passers in the NFL.


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Funny, I thought about that during my drive to work. Two deep safeties or cover 2 and Prescott doesnt look to expose the middle of the field. His decision making is very suspect and I only see him regressing.
:thumbup: You have good eyes and sound logic.


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Funny, I thought about that during my drive to work. Two deep safeties or cover 2 and Prescott doesnt look to expose the middle of the field. His decision making is very suspect and I only see him regressing.

If he is regressing, then the coaching staff has something to do with that .


Chris in Arizona
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Good thing we hired Kellen Moore as QB coach.
Which is part of the actual problem, decisions made by "Football Guy" Jerry Jones and his lackeys.

Most teams who saw their young QB regress from 2016 to 2017, would run out and sign a QB coach with zero coaching experience to help right the ship.

The Fonz

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Can accuracy be improved upon? Can anticipation be taught? Dak has looked bad, but I think he needs better coaching. Romo or Troy would be great, but they're both busy. We should've brought Norv back when he was available.
Either you have it or you don't its called ( IT factor) he will never improve in that department.