Troy Aikman on Dak


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I've seen some make the comparison of Aikman's early years as a Cowboy to Dak's in development and growth but they're not even similar stories.

Aikman was, at that time according to all of the QB guru types around at that time, the most complete QB regarding mechanics they had seen come into the NFL. He would later be used by many coaches in teaching mechanics of the position. I've seen many young QB's reference seeing film of him when they were being developed.

Prescott was a 4th rounder because he didn't have that. The DC's at AL, AU and LSU exposed his flaws when trying to limit his effect with his feet. That is why his stock fell in 2015 because those 3 defenses are about as close to the NFL ones as you can get.

The comparison of the two QB's is useless. One started for the worst team in the NFL and worst OL and the other had a much better team and not near the pressure to perform that the #1 pick in the draft had coupled with the lack of confidence from his HC.


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When you can't even throw the Wide Receiver screen to the midsection of the receiver, you are pretty bad. 3 inches off the ground is just a tad low.


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Won't matter to his supporters. They are the same people that didn't believe him when he said Romo was a better QB than he was. Doesn't fit their narrative so he will be dismissed as a know-nothing 3 time Super Bowl Champ.

They were trying to use Aikman, when he criticized play calling, a couple weeks back as a defense of Dak...


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If he is regressing, then the coaching staff has something to do with that .
That could be it or he is what he is. RG3 was 1st round QB and regressed to point he is a journeyman. There are QBs throughout the league that were high or low draft picks, some succeed some fail, those that fail are talented enough to carve niche as "good" back up QB, some are out of the league.

If Dak is shell shocked and hearing footsteps that are not there not many QBs get over that look at all the QBs that got marched through Seattle in 30 years, look at Jim Everett a Pro Bowl QB that last half of his career was making passes off his back foot due to being shell shocked, David Carr. Fear of the pass rush is hard to control and when it dictates how you play you are done as QB.


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That could be it or he is what he is. RG3 was 1st round QB and regressed to point he is a journeyman. There are QBs throughout the league that were high or low draft picks, some succeed some fail, those that fail are talented enough to carve niche as "good" back up QB, some are out of the league.

If Dak is shell shocked and hearing footsteps that are not there not many QBs get over that look at all the QBs that got marched through Seattle in 30 years, look at Jim Everett a Pro Bowl QB that last half of his career was making passes off his back foot due to being shell shocked, David Carr. Fear of the pass rush is hard to control and when it dictates how you play you are done as QB.

Problem with that is he’s shell-shocked when getting decent blocking. And it’s actually the OL under tremendous pressure because of his garbage play, not the other way around. Defenses have no respect for his arm.


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Which is part of the actual problem, decisions made by "Football Guy" Jerry Jones and his lackeys.

Most teams who saw their young QB regress from 2016 to 2017, would run out and sign a QB coach with zero coaching experience to help right the ship.

I think Moore was Linehan. I think they (Garrett and Linehan) sold Jerruh on the fact that Dak and Moore were like best buds on the sidelines.

And another reason why this franchise desperately needs a real GM. I don't think a GM worth his salt given the situation where their young QB needed serious work would have allowed them to hire a QB coach with no experience at all in developing a QB.