True Crime thread

These murderers, rapists, etc. from history's past have got to be sweating bullets with the rapid evolution of forensic science technology. Any day now, there should be that knock on their front door. :thumbup:
On a lighter side, I haven't done one of those commercial DNA tests because I'm afraid my DNA will be traced to someone in my family who might be a serial killer. :)
On a lighter side, I haven't done one of those commercial DNA tests because I'm afraid my DNA will be traced to someone in my family who might be a serial killer. :)
I am scared too. One of my father’s cousins took it and found out that his sister was his mother. His parents was his grandparents. He resembles my father’s family so much that nobody ever questioned his parentage. He has no ideal who his father was. I guess his grandparents adopted him to save their daughter’s reputation. They were all dead when he found out , so he will never know the truth.
One of the victims of the "Happy Face Killer" Keith Jespersen was identified after nearly 30-years...

Oregon woman murdered by ‘Happy Face Killer’ identified after 29 years -

As a side note there's a good episode on ID Channel's "Evil Lives Here" that features Jespersen's daughter talking at length about her father.

There was a wild side story to the Happy Face Killer saga. I'm not sure if you guys have seen/read/heard about this, but an older woman claimed that she had helped her boyfriend at the time kill one of the Happy Face Killer's victims in Portland, Oregon. He was quite a bit younger than her, and apparently abusive, and she was trying to frame him. They both ended up getting convicted and sent to prison for it until the authorities caught the Happy Face Killer. He had made claim to the victim, they finally put two and two together, and an officer just happened to some evidence on the side of an embankment to tie him to the crime. It's quite the crazy tale!
There was a wild side story to the Happy Face Killer saga. I'm not sure if you guys have seen/read/heard about this, but an older woman claimed that she had helped her boyfriend at the time kill one of the Happy Face Killer's victims in Portland, Oregon. He was quite a bit younger than her, and apparently abusive, and she was trying to frame him. They both ended up getting convicted and sent to prison for it until the authorities caught the Happy Face Killer. He had made claim to the victim, they finally put two and two together, and an officer just happened to some evidence on the side of an embankment to tie him to the crime. It's quite the crazy tale!

Hmm... That is a crazy tale!
I don't know if I have posted or anyone else has posted on here about these two
However I watch a large amount of youtube and sometimes when I am busy doing something else and just want something
in the background to listen to I will goto one of these youtube channels. This one is mostly this guy just telling stories about things that have happened. This one has a lot of short 30 ish episodes of physic investigations where the physics help the police. Also has some other type of paranormal stuff.
I don't know if I have posted or anyone else has posted on here about these two
However I watch a large amount of youtube and sometimes when I am busy doing something else and just want something
in the background to listen to I will goto one of these youtube channels. This one is mostly this guy just telling stories about things that have happened. This one has a lot of short 30 ish episodes of physic investigations where the physics help the police. Also has some other type of paranormal stuff.

Thanks for the heads-up!
A true crime, but not like any other crime posted about in this thread...

And even worse this was a mass-murder with victims in different states and the case stretching from before WWI deep into the Great Depression.

Marie and Pierre Currie discovered Radium in 1898.

The long & short of this is that radium is well... radioactive or gives off radioactive rays.

And it was found that radium could be used to create fluorescent paint and before WWI a company was started to paint the the hands & numbers of watches.

As you can imagine fluorescent watches were popular for both with consumers and the military. Soon other watch-dial painting companies popped up.

You can also imagine the handling of radium was neither careful or the danger of it understood by most. However a few did have an inkling radium was very dangerous.

The employees of these watch-painting companies were typically women.

The women would be given a small container of radium-infused paint (prior to becoming a "paint" the radium would arrive at the business in powder form and then had to be mixed).

To apply the radium paint, the women would be issued a fine-haired brush.

In order to maintain a "point" on the paintbrush, the women were encouraged to place the point of the brush between their lip. Then they dipped the brush into the paint and the paint the watch dial.

Lip, dip, paint.

And every time the women placed the tip of the brush into their mouths they ingested a little bit of the radium.

And it bears repeating that there was a small group of people who knew radium was extremely dangerous.

And slowly women began to get sick. First in New Jersey. Then in Illinois.

Radium has a similar structure to calcium. And calcium is of course can be absorbed into our bones.

Radium also has the ability to be absorbed into our bones.

And yeah having bones loaded with radium would be a very bad thing indeed.

There are painful deaths and then there are really painful deaths. Dying by radiation poisoning through radium is one of the worst ways to die.

The women didn't die quickly. Sometimes it was over the course of a couple years. But sometimes it took even longer.

For some women it started with a loose tooth or two or every tooth in their mouths becoming loose. The radium was drilling holes into their jaws. And when a tooth was lost, the socket where the tooth resided wouldn't heal. It would be non-ending infection of pain and pus.

For other women it caused bone cancer with huge tumors forming in various parts of their bodies.

As you can guess the companies themselves tried to claim that it had nothing to do with their occupations as radium dial painters.

The women fought back legally. The companies also fought back through a multitude of methods–Some legal, some completely underhanded.

The New Jersey dial painters finally won their case in the late 1920's.

The Illinois dial painters didn't win theirs until 1939.

I would like to say the women and families of these women won boatloads of cash in court, but that was not the case. What they did collect (especially those in Illinois) was mere pittance for all the suffering they had to endure.

There's more to this story and if you're interested I would suggest the book, "Radium Girls".

An interesting side-note, in the New Jersey case a woman's body was exhumed as part of the investigation into the radium company's misdeeds...

It was said, that after they removed the casket from the ground and opened the lid, that her body had a "soft glow" to it... And this was several years after being buried.

The radium isotope used in this plant has a half-life of over 1,600 years.

So even today if one were to exhume any of those women they would find skeletal remains that still had a slight fluorescent glow.

In 1898

The company that did this was in Northern Jersey.
They're still cleaning it up.
The company that did this was in Northern Jersey.
They're still cleaning it up.

Yeah, one of first companies to start "painting dials" was there.

Horrible story... I can't imagine the pain & suffering the women had to endure.

Would like to say the owners of those businesses deserved a worse fate and quite often they did end up with similar issues.
Yeah, one of first companies to start "painting dials" was there.

Horrible story... I can't imagine the pain & suffering the women had to endure.

Would like to say the owners of those businesses deserved a worse fate and quite often they did end up with similar issues.

A friend of mine - a lot older. Who lived a few blocks away.
Told me when they were doing some construction - in the 50's - on the site.
People came and took dirt for their yards.
A friend of mine - a lot older. Who lived a few blocks away.
Told me when they were doing some construction - in the 50's - on the site.
People came and took dirt for their yards.

Oh geez!

And even by the 50's it was pretty much common knowledge that radium was deadly and these factories treated it like it was "play-sand" meaning it wasn't carefully handled.
Oh geez!

And even by the 50's it was pretty much common knowledge that radium was deadly and these factories treated it like it was "play-sand" meaning it wasn't carefully handled.

Watch this video....crazy story concerning radium

Two highly recommended videos of interrogations and one of a crazy story with actually video "rescuing" of a lady.

This second is another channel that you might find interesting, the video below is amazing to see how this kid is acting and at one time
actually seems to scare the interviewer

Here is the one with the video of the woman being rescured

Watch this video....crazy story concerning radium

Radium cures.

And there were a lot of them!

God knows how many died from radiation poisoning.

Jaw issues seem to have been a common thread with those suffering from radium radiation poisoning.
Just finished a book, "Chasing The Boogeyman" by Richard Chizmar.

Terrific read.

It's actually a novel, but it's written as an actual "true crime".

It's one of those you don't want to put down and you soon lose the "Hey it's a novel" mindset about it.

Lots of great reviews on Amazon:,aps,157&sr=8-1

If anyone wants it I'll send it to them for free... I'll even pay the shipping.

I would just like two things:
#1 That you'll read it
#2 When you're done with it, you'll give it to someone else

Fair enough?

If anyone would like it simply drop me a PM with your address and I'll get it on its way.
There is a new docuseries on Neflix about John Wayne Gacy. I've heard about the case but never seen it in great detail like this show provided. Wow. I have no words.

Amazing how many documentaries and books have been done about the Gacy crimes.

Anyone that was old enough to live through that time period it was stunning when his crimes came to light... But to a certain extent I think society was a little jaded because there were so many serial killer crimes and stories that came out in the late 70's and early 80's.
I don't know if I have posted or anyone else has posted on here about these two
However I watch a large amount of youtube and sometimes when I am busy doing something else and just want something
in the background to listen to I will goto one of these youtube channels. This one is mostly this guy just telling stories about things that have happened. This one has a lot of short 30 ish episodes of physic investigations where the physics help the police. Also has some other type of paranormal stuff.
MrBAllen is great. He is a former Navy SEAL and one of the best story tellers on YouTube. The guy gets right to the point, but he includes all the important details. I just found his channel a couple of months ago and binge watch his videos for hours at a time. I didn’t know about the other channel, but I am definitely going to check it out.

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