True Crime thread

Amazing story...

A 40-year murder mystery solved.

However the suspected killer was himself murdered a short-time after he killed and sexually assaulted a hospital worker.

that is a crazy confluence of murders

Ok, if I've read this right, the person who murdered the girl was also murdered and years later they discover who murdered her murderer only to find out the murderer who murdered the murderer was also murdered

that is a crazy confluence of murders

Ok, if I've read this right, the person who murdered the girl was also murdered and years later they discover who murdered her murderer only to find out the murderer who murdered the murderer was also murdered


I think you nailed it.
New show on Netflix called Worst Roommate Ever. So far so good. First episode is about a serial killer grandma named Dorothea Puente. It's a wild story. I recommend watching the episode or looking up her story. Wild stuff!
A true crime, but not like any other crime posted about in this thread...

And even worse this was a mass-murder with victims in different states and the case stretching from before WWI deep into the Great Depression.

Marie and Pierre Currie discovered Radium in 1898.

The long & short of this is that radium is well... radioactive or gives off radioactive rays.

And it was found that radium could be used to create fluorescent paint and before WWI a company was started to paint the the hands & numbers of watches.

As you can imagine fluorescent watches were popular for both with consumers and the military. Soon other watch-dial painting companies popped up.

You can also imagine the handling of radium was neither careful or the danger of it understood by most. However a few did have an inkling radium was very dangerous.

The employees of these watch-painting companies were typically women.

The women would be given a small container of radium-infused paint (prior to becoming a "paint" the radium would arrive at the business in powder form and then had to be mixed).

To apply the radium paint, the women would be issued a fine-haired brush.

In order to maintain a "point" on the paintbrush, the women were encouraged to place the point of the brush between their lip. Then they dipped the brush into the paint and the paint the watch dial.

Lip, dip, paint.

And every time the women placed the tip of the brush into their mouths they ingested a little bit of the radium.

And it bears repeating that there was a small group of people who knew radium was extremely dangerous.

And slowly women began to get sick. First in New Jersey. Then in Illinois.

Radium has a similar structure to calcium. And calcium is of course can be absorbed into our bones.

Radium also has the ability to be absorbed into our bones.

And yeah having bones loaded with radium would be a very bad thing indeed.

There are painful deaths and then there are really painful deaths. Dying by radiation poisoning through radium is one of the worst ways to die.

The women didn't die quickly. Sometimes it was over the course of a couple years. But sometimes it took even longer.

For some women it started with a loose tooth or two or every tooth in their mouths becoming loose. The radium was drilling holes into their jaws. And when a tooth was lost, the socket where the tooth resided wouldn't heal. It would be non-ending infection of pain and pus.

For other women it caused bone cancer with huge tumors forming in various parts of their bodies.

As you can guess the companies themselves tried to claim that it had nothing to do with their occupations as radium dial painters.

The women fought back legally. The companies also fought back through a multitude of methods–Some legal, some completely underhanded.

The New Jersey dial painters finally won their case in the late 1920's.

The Illinois dial painters didn't win theirs until 1939.

I would like to say the women and families of these women won boatloads of cash in court, but that was not the case. What they did collect (especially those in Illinois) was mere pittance for all the suffering they had to endure.

There's more to this story and if you're interested I would suggest the book, "Radium Girls".

An interesting side-note, in the New Jersey case a woman's body was exhumed as part of the investigation into the radium company's misdeeds...

It was said, that after they removed the casket from the ground and opened the lid, that her body had a "soft glow" to it... And this was several years after being buried.

The radium isotope used in this plant has a half-life of over 1,600 years.

So even today if one were to exhume any of those women they would find skeletal remains that still had a slight fluorescent glow.

In 1898
Years ago I went down the mother of all rabbit holes, The Zodiac Killer case. It's frustrating that a guy who was seen, left survivors and wrote numerous letters about his crimes has never been caught. There are the four "known" attacks, but many believe he was responsible for many more over many years. Just recently a very Zodiac like murder was uncovered that happened near San Diego in 1962. He killed a Taxi driver, made calls to the police and threatened to shoot up a bus. There are other very similar killings in Southern California before the San Francisco bay area attacks.

Anyone interested in the case, if you have never seen this, possibly the best crime documentary ever made, in my opinion. It's was done back in 2007 by the same people who did the Zodiac movie. You'll get to hear from many of the police officers involved and also the two surviving victims. All I can say about victim Michael Mageau is, holy crap!, You'll understand if you watch the documentary.

Watched a very interesting documentary on HBO Max called Undercurrent: The Disappearance of Kim Wall. It was very interesting and I would definitely recommend it if you enjoy those kid of documentaries. There is a part in there, that I don't want to spoil, that just blew my mind!!! I'll discuss it later if anybody else wants to engage in the topic.
Years ago I went down the mother of all rabbit holes, The Zodiac Killer case. It's frustrating that a guy who was seen, left survivors and wrote numerous letters about his crimes has never been caught. There are the four "known" attacks, but many believe he was responsible for many more over many years. Just recently a very Zodiac like murder was uncovered that happened near San Diego in 1962. He killed a Taxi driver, made calls to the police and threatened to shoot up a bus. There are other very similar killings in Southern California before the San Francisco bay area attacks.

Anyone interested in the case, if you have never seen this, possibly the best crime documentary ever made, in my opinion. It's was done back in 2007 by the same people who did the Zodiac movie. You'll get to hear from many of the police officers involved and also the two surviving victims. All I can say about victim Michael Mageau is, holy crap!, You'll understand if you watch the documentary.

Just watched the "Zodiac" movie from 2007...

Great movie!
Just recently the VT State Police identified DNA found in the barn where the car of a missing woman was found 18 years ago. The woman was never found and the case has remained open. This is right in my back yard.

There was/is speculation that this is connected to Israel Keyes, a since convicted serial killer responsible for the deaths of a Burlington VT couple in 2011. Keyes is from Alaska with no apparent connection to Vermont, to the best of my knowledge.

Several years back, Keyes said, he had taken a five-gallon Home Depot bucket and filled it with zip ties, ammunition, guns and silencers, duct tape, plus Drano to accelerate human decomposition — things like that — and buried it there.

"There" being in Vermont on an earlier trip here.

This is pretty close to home. I didn't know Brianna but I know quite a few who did. I have been to the bar she worked at many times and most likely did encounter her there at some point.

I hope some closure to this can be brought for her family and friends.
Just recently the VT State Police identified DNA found in the barn where the car of a missing woman was found 18 years ago. The woman was never found and the case has remained open. This is right in my back yard.

There was/is speculation that this is connected to Israel Keyes, a since convicted serial killer responsible for the deaths of a Burlington VT couple in 2011. Keyes is from Alaska with no apparent connection to Vermont, to the best of my knowledge.

"There" being in Vermont on an earlier trip here.

This is pretty close to home. I didn't know Brianna but I know quite a few who did. I have been to the bar she worked at many times and most likely did encounter her there at some point.

I hope some closure to this can be brought for her family and friends.
Keyes has these kill kits buried all over the country. I think he is one of the serial killers that has a lot of victims that have not been connected to him yet.
Very very true.
It seemed like The Golden State Killer was the first high profile case that used the data from and the data bases from other genealogy companies to compare to the suspect’s DNA and find family matches that was used to solve cases. I wish they could solve the identity of the Zodiac Killer next. I am fascinated by the advancements in DNA science and how it can be used to tell us so much about who we are and where we come from. Now it can identify health risk and it has become a huge tool for finding these serial killers. We have only scratched the surface of DNA technology. Just look how far we have come in the last 30 years. It was only a few years ago that scientists were saying that Neanderthals had died out and that it was impossible for them to breed with modern humans. Now we know that most of us with European ancestors have a small percentage Neanderthal DNA.
It seemed like The Golden State Killer was the first high profile case that used the data from and the data bases from other genealogy companies to compare to the suspect’s DNA and find family matches that was used to solve cases. I wish they could solve the identity of the Zodiac Killer next. I am fascinated by the advancements in DNA science and how it can be used to tell us so much about who we are and where we come from. Now it can identify health risk and it has become a huge tool for finding these serial killers. We have only scratched the surface of DNA technology. Just look how far we have come in the last 30 years. It was only a few years ago that scientists were saying that Neanderthals had died out and that it was impossible for them to breed with modern humans. Now we know that most of us with European ancestors have a small percentage Neanderthal DNA.


The whole thing is stunningly fascinating and can't wait to see what's next.
Just recently the VT State Police identified DNA found in the barn where the car of a missing woman was found 18 years ago. The woman was never found and the case has remained open. This is right in my back yard.

There was/is speculation that this is connected to Israel Keyes, a since convicted serial killer responsible for the deaths of a Burlington VT couple in 2011. Keyes is from Alaska with no apparent connection to Vermont, to the best of my knowledge.

"There" being in Vermont on an earlier trip here.

This is pretty close to home. I didn't know Brianna but I know quite a few who did. I have been to the bar she worked at many times and most likely did encounter her there at some point.

I hope some closure to this can be brought for her family and friends.

Keyes is one of the scariest killers to me because of the random nature of his attacks so far from his home committed against people he had no association with, glad that lunatic is gone from the planet
I wish they could solve the identity of the Zodiac Killer next.

+1,000 but I'm afraid he didn't leave enough DNA to track back to him. IIRC, he never raped anyone so about the only DNA I can think of they could get is possible from licked stamps or envelopes or perhaps on the cab drivers shirt or possibly cab but its been so long, you'd think there's nothing testable but hopefully they'll surprise us someday

I hoped that some family would find an army truck in their grandads attic full of all the trophies & the weird outfit he wore when he attacked the couple at Lake Berryessa
+1,000 but I'm afraid he didn't leave enough DNA to track back to him. IIRC, he never raped anyone so about the only DNA I can think of they could get is possible from licked stamps or envelopes or perhaps on the cab drivers shirt or possibly cab but its been so long, you'd think there's nothing testable but hopefully they'll surprise us someday

I hoped that some family would find an army truck in their grandads attic full of all the trophies & the weird outfit he wore when he attacked the couple at Lake Berryessa
Up until the last few years, cops didn’t wear latex gloves or take measures to stop contamination. I would imagine that all of the items related to the case has been handled by dozens of people with no gloves. I thought the same thing about the Golden State Killer, but I was wrong. I hope I am wrong about the Zodiac case. The Golden State Killer fascinated me. He was a one man crime epidemic with burglaries, rapes, and murders for several years. His crimes were spread out to the point that the press gave him several nicknames. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Zodiac had killed several people that he was never linked to.
Up until the last few years, cops didn’t wear latex gloves or take measures to stop contamination. I would imagine that all of the items related to the case has been handled by dozens of people with no gloves. I thought the same thing about the Golden State Killer, but I was wrong. I hope I am wrong about the Zodiac case. The Golden State Killer fascinated me. He was a one man crime epidemic with burglaries, rapes, and murders for several years. His crimes were spread out to the point that the press gave him several nicknames. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Zodiac had killed several people that he was never linked to.

same, I was obsessed with the GSK case and was stunned I never heard about it until a few years ago, I thought for sure he was dead or we’d never find out who it was. I can still remember my girlfriend casually texting me then caught the GSK and thinking what!?!? Are you ******** me??? I hope we get the same satisfaction with the Zodiac too but I’m not holding my breath

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